Tomato & Avocado Salad


I was surprised to see some decent looking avocados among the roadside stands in Tagaytay yesterday. I was under the impression that avocados didn’t bear fruit until later in the year. At any rate, I bought a few pieces and today for lunch I was looking for a simple and delicious salad to have with a bowl of vegetable soup. I chopped up a nice ripe tomato, sliced one ripe avocado drizzled it with some olive oil and red wine vinegar and sprinkled it with salt and some black pepper…

It was delicious. There is something about the buttery richness of avocado that pairs well with the slightly acidic tomato. The dressing just pulls it all together. I suppose there is a reason that the pairing in guacamole is a classic. Most Filipinos prefer their avocados with sugar and milk but I also like them in salads…


11 Responses

  1. That looks divine. It’s so hard to find good avocados here in the US. Maybe I’ll whip up one of these salads when my girlfriend and I are in Cancun next week. Thanks for the idea.

  2. No problem with the fat content of avocado as they are source of good cholesterol. To choose a good avocado, get the elongated green ones as they are less fiber. There are varieties w/c are ‘maligat’ (good for salad, just like on the photos) or the ‘mushy type’ w/c is good for shakes, juice, ice cream. I’m not sure how to choose the ‘maligat’ type as most of the vendors will tell you that they have the ‘maligat’ avocados.

  3. Beautiful green plate and bowl, Mr. MM! Are those Depression Glass? BTW, the salad looks lusciously delicious. Am definitely gonna make it this weekend. Gotta grab me a good red wine vinegar first. If I can’t get one, what can I substitute it with? ThanksS

  4. ENYA, any decent sherry, wine or other vinegar for salad dressing is good. You can even make a more mustardy dressing and it would work as well. I wondered if anyone would notice the plates…they are from the stash I got from my mom…yes, they are a bit old and are of pressed glass I think…possibly what some refer to as Depression glass perhaps. Bubut, my post on avocados have a lot of comments from readers on which avocados to pick… Gigi, it’s good fat I am told…very nutritious and not the type that immediately sticks to one’s thighs…

  5. the best panini i’ve had in a Sydney cafe had sliced avocados, ham and cheese on a decadently buttery croissant….yum…

  6. Hi! I like avocados too and never mind if they’re sinful.

    I did notice the plates. Last year, I inventoried my grandma’s plates and found plenty of these including ones big enough to hold lechon. I wonder if they’re worth anything, I mean aside from sentimental value. :)

  7. bugsybee, they are nice plates, very period like but now look modern in a bizarre way. I normally like white plates but lately I am beginning to appreciate pattern and texture. The plates aren’t a kings ransom but they are worth more than Mariwasa…don’t throw them out. And I would love to see a photo of the lechon sized plate…how intriguing…

  8. I take exception to ThePedantic’s post about hard-to-find good avocados in the US.

    California produces some of the best velvety and creamy rich avocados in the world. The world’s most popular avocado, the Hass variety, is a California native and is prized by professional chefs and foodies. There are a lot of other good California variety avocados that one can chooe from.

  9. Marketman, when I go back to Manila, I will take photos for you of the different kinds of lechon plates if I can brave the dust in the pantry again (last time, it gave me a bad asthma attack). I want to keep them but since I don’t throw big, big parties, I was wondering what else I could do with them (floating candles?).

  10. bugsybee, a huge fruit platter or a great dessert serving vessel during the holidays, maybe even for christmas decor and candy or sweets?