Manila Bulletin, Anchorage Daily News & 24/7


Okay, indulge Marketman while I do a little “horn tooting” today… In the TECHNEWS section of The Manila Bulletin, Annalyn Jusay of Blog-O-Rama published an interview with Marketman. It has a few tidbits that aren’t mentioned elsewhere so if you are curious, you can read about it on-line at the MB website if you don’t have a Manila Bulletin newspaper handy… I guess this is a good place to mention other print/press/media that I know of from the past month or two. Oddly, I also appeared in the Anchorage Daily News (yes, ALASKA!) with regards to an article they published on pots and pans. The author had emailed me earlier regarding a post I did on the subject and asked permission to re-use it, though it was re-worded. Finally, I read on Anton’s and Lori’s blogs that all our blogs (including Wysgal’s) appeared in an issue of 24/7, a “nocturnal” magazine. See the relevant article here, which I linked through Lori’s blog since I have no clue how to copy that page… Many thanks to these publications for featuring!


33 Responses

  1. Retired in early 30s, kaingit naman. I won’t be able to retire until I’m 60 :( Nice info though at least we know more about you MM.

  2. Marketman, you are my homepage! *Batting eyelashes*

    (Said with the same tone one uses when saying, ‘You’re my hero!’)

  3. Good to see your blog mentioned in mainstream or traditional media. How does it feel to be a source for a comparative article on pots and pans in Anchorage, Alaska? Cool!

  4. I am relieved to know that having had to flip thousands of burgers did not anaesthesize you nor leave any lasting or discernable trauma with regards to your preference and attitude toward food.

  5. Thanks everyone for those kind messages… lee, I was a bit stunned that the Alaska Daily News would even ask, but reading their article, they took a lot from my original post. The writer even thought I was a professional chef…heehee. Apicio, I didn’t eat french fries for about 5 years after college, clearing out the coagulated or cooled down fat from the fryers is one job I hope I never have to do again! Corrine, I wonder what the correlation between banking and cooking is like, if any!

  6. ive been your “silent reader” for so long and would have remained had I not felt the need to let you know that you are indeed a part of my life and i bet of so many others. feeling nostalgic about home, market manila is not just a “quick fix”. it has also made me proud of being pinoy- its cuisine and more importantly its people. KUDOS!

  7. this is really off topic but i’m really pretty sad today about the news of steve irwin’s untimely and frankly, highly unusual death. The over-the-top, always adrenaline-filled aussie croc hunter and tireless promoter for the environment will surely be missed. He was, what the poms would call, a top bloke. One of a kind.

  8. MM, Congrats on the recognition! Definitely well deserved and a tribute to what you’ve brought to foodies.

    BTW, I think the 1000th post deserves a party!

  9. well. . . with such professionality and all the effort you put for the passion for food and cooking one will really say MarketMan is a chef. . . precision in quality and lots of product knowledge, I think even without formal education in the culinary feild, you are qualified. . .

  10. Off topic, I read that sad news too Gonzo and here I am assuming that they are benign graceful creatures even feeling a twinge of guilt for desiring a pair of shoes and a whip made out of their hide and tail.

  11. kimmie, thanks for that message and I do hope that many more pinoys stationed in other parts of the world get a “whiff” of home with the posts on this site!

  12. MM, between banking and cooking, I’d take cooking anytime. hahaha! Though I learned a lot, it was liberating to get away from such a highly regulated environment as banking.

  13. id like to extend my thanks to the recipe “dinuguan” coz it was when i was searching for it on the web that i came upon MM’s blog and from that day (or night coz i was at work that night) on this blog has been part of my ADL’s. cheers to MM for your many success.

  14. Yeah,MM,you have bizarrely become part of my day.A day never passes without me checking what’s especially instore for us yr avid readers and as always ,it’s interesting,exciting,informative,and witty.

    More power to you,MM!

  15. MM, ditto what Linda said. You have become a regular stop in my daily surfing activities.

  16. You’re a trailblazer MM! You well deserved our kudos! Your site is one of the most widely read worldwide! More power to you!And please DO NOT think of retiring early in food blogging!

  17. EXTRA EXTRA. A STAR IS BORN! With your creative impulse and driven passion you earn this well deserved fitting reward!! You are now the king in this new millennium media and have your own legion of viewers/subscribers/fans. Keep on the post!!!!

  18. Ditto to what Kimmie said and long may your site continue. I was introduced by a friend to your blog about 6 mos ago and have been visiting it daily since. You said in your interview you don’t quite know where this will lead to… how ’bout writing a recipe book? Surely you have more than enough material for it. I’m a sucker for simple, easy-to-follow recipes with lots of pics (Donna Hay or Marie Claire). Your style is definitely comparable. I currently have just ONE Filipino recipe book written by Nora Daza, well-used for the last 17 years. I’ve been hankering for a new one for sometime now but have been unable to find something I like in the few times I tried looking. I promise I’ll buy your book when and if you decide to do it.

  19. Congratulations, BANking/COoking > BANCO-king MAN. lol. Just to put a little smile, though corny to some, oh well.

    Off topic:

    Hey, I had a picture taken with BUTCH, over the Labor Day weekend in RENO during the BBQ Rib Cook Off. If you watch Food Network, Butch beat Bobby Flay in a Throwdown. Excellen ribs. We were stuffed.

    Again, my congratulations! You most deserve the recognitions!

  20. If Philippine Idol would include banking, blogging and cooking, you would definitely be THE winner. Congratulations!!!

    N.B. : the link for the manila bulletin article doesn’t work

  21. smiles, thanks for that. It seems the Bulletin changes the reference number daily so the link goes dead…I will retype and publish the article in a post instead.



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