Happy Easter!!!


So the buzz is Judas wasn’t such a bad guy after all…have you folks been following all this global discussion about the Gospel according to Judas (and a pretty good National Geographic Channel documentary on it as well)? I don’t normally delve into religious waters but it is Easter, after all. So, first of all, Marketman and family wish you all a Happy Easter, if you celebrate it, and a Happy Sunday if you don’t. I didn’t even know there were originally as many as 30 gospels and some church scholars just axed all of them except 4… Hmmm, gotta wonder how accurate the “book” is… At any rate, let’s not get into a serious discussion today so I will segue into Easter eggs, chocolates and other goodies. My family and I have been out of town at the Batangas shore, without email access, for several days now, hence the lack of reactions to your comments since Monday so we will at this point be seriously overfed, lethargic and downright good targets for skin cancer.

I always think my now 10 year old daughter will have outgrown Easter eggs but it seems family traditions die hard. She has again requested that we make Easter eggs and I have brought several east2dozen eggs, food color and vinegar to make the dyes stick. We will also use wax, crayons, toothpicks, etc. to add texture, designs, etc. to the eggs. If you didn’t see my post from last Easter, you may want to have a quick look see here. At any rate, we also have an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden every year (using recyclable plastic eggs) and bags of goodies for the participants and guests. It’s a childhood thing but Easter at our house isn’t complete with those outrageous sugar eggs from Goldilock’s that have a few candies inside. I never ate these things, just associated them with the Easter holidays. Oh, and if you have your own hunt, remember to have a LOT of eggs! Nothing worse than going to an organized egg hunt and finding nothing as the older kids swoop through the garden at the speed of light.

Easter goodies wouldn’t be complete without some chocolate eggs or bunnies, either. Here, a nice bowl of foil covered chocolate eggs in various pastel colors from an indulgent aunt. east3 Chocolate companies have become so marketing savvy that even these foil eggs are branded…plain hershey’s chocolate, butterfinger eggs and Nestle Crunch eggs…hmmm, a bit much, I agree. At any rate, if you are searching madly at the last minute for an Easter gift for a young one, dash to the Peninsula Hotel in Makati as their bakeshop has surprisingly modestly priced chocolate bunnies on offer. A medium sized chocolate bunny was PHP300, wrapped and be-ribboned as well! Again, I hope you have all had a nice Holy Week break and a joyous Easter! Now if only my thyme plant would rise from the dead…


7 Responses

  1. It’s always nice to have a good mix of real eggs with candy, chocolate and plastic eggs. One can only ingest so many actual eggs … The danger comes (as it has many times in my family) when you forget where you’ve placed all the artificial eggs only to find them attacked by ants several days (months?) down the road in your garden somewhere. =O

  2. My Easter egg find for the year: The most beautiful chocolate eggs covered in pastel coatings at “Il Fornaio”, Via dei Baullari, 5-7 Rome, near the Spanish steps. Available in 3 sizes, and really quite addictive, your brother-in-law has nearly munched through 3 kilos handcarried home in my BV saddle bag. The rest went into the center of babkas surrounded by colored hard boiled eggs colored to match the chocolate ones. Then I packaged the whole production in a hat box for delivery to friends for Easter. All the world’s a market place, Happy Easter wherever you are!

  3. frohe ostern MM… we just came back from st tropez the cholatier shops there sell amazing chocs. no time to indulge was too busy but today we came back I roasted some lamb and took out stash of my organic chocolates to share with the crew.

    I still have another Easter to celebrate next week….
    Christos Anesti Christ has risen…
    and hello from France!

  4. Hi Sha, long time no hear! Hope all is well in France. Sister, will be calling you tonight to touch base… Wysgal…you have to FIND ALL the eggs…heehee.

  5. OK, i know you don’t want serious discussion so i’ll just leave this statement here and i won’t expect an answer:). the NT books determined by the Early Fathers to be divinely inspired — and there is valid criteria for this, one of them being that the Gospels confirmed each others’ basic facts even though they were written by different people from different places — were all written within 50-100 years of Jesus’ death, 2 of the Gospels by eyewitnesses, people who lived in Jesus’ time (one of them is Matthew, the tax guy whom Jesus called down from the tree). of course they had to axe some of the stuff, otherwise you’d still have Gospels being written today.

    but people also need to look at this with the eye of faith. If you believe that God can inspire people to write books, that these are actually His words, put onto paper by the hagiographers who were His instruments, then you wouldn’t have a problem with the next corollary which is that whatever’s in the Bible is what He intended to put in it, *no more and no less*. the Lord in His goodness does not and cannot deceive nor be deceived.

    OTOH if you have trouble believing that the Bible is divinely inspired, then you’ll have no problem believing any other “evidence” that comes forth pointing to its weaknesses or limitations.

    as an aside, the Protestant claim that the Catholic church’s Bible is not the original Bible glosses over the fact that *they* (the Protestants) took out some of the books that were in the original Canon because those books didn’t agree with Protestant theology, the Book of James and the Deuterocanonicals being 2 examples. (more info here: https://www.ewtn.com/library/ANSWERS/DEUTEROS.HTM)

    sorry, don’t mean to preach, but when you write an opening like that then leave it hanging, you really make it difficult for a reader to resist:D

  6. stef, well said. faith is the key word (lots of it or lack of it) both for those on one side or the other…I leave it up to each individual to decide… Just as a good book can become a great book with superb editors, the opposite can be true (bad editors, inacurrate or unappealing book) as well. Happy Easter to you and your family!