If you have been reading this blog for a while, you would know I am a big fan of just about anything sour. Burong mangga or pickled green mango is a childhood favorite. Along the same lines as crispy green mangoes with bagoong, kamias with rock salt, santol skin (not seeds) with salt, etc. I spotted some bottled burong mangga at the market this morning and I couldn’t resist. It’s relatively easy to make with just salt, sugar and mangoes but I rarely think to make and stock some on my own. After I put some in this glass bowl to take a photograph, I ate half the bowl and it wasn’t even 9am yet! I used to buy this treat surreptitiously outside my grade school in Quezon City way back when my parents use to warn of dire consequences and even death due to eating street vendor food. I also used to buy it at Tropical Hut groceries, where they had the Chinese preserved plums and other salty sweet delicacies, and I would eat it straight out of the plastic bag. Yum. I hope your salivary glands are on overdrive at the moment. I plan to have more burong mangga with my fried fish this lunch. Yum again. I bet these would be good with a really crispy and fatty lechon kawali as well.

19 Responses
My mom does a version of pickled green mango which I remember she puts beer. . . I’ll try to ask her the recipe. . . it tastes good and the balance of sweet and sour is pleasing. . .
Me too, manggang maasim is my all-time favorite. I would peel lots ogf green mangoes, put them in a jar, then fill it up sukang iloko, salt and sugar. Just like the way the street vendors do! yummy yummy. Wilson, I’ll be waiting for that beer recipe.
…brings back memories of my lolo Andoy. He used to make it with just water and salt. I can still taste the slightly fermented juice which I drink by the way, when no one is looking! Great with fried fish and halabos na hipon. Thanks MM, what a nice way to bring back happy memories.
Oh I love this! Where can we get burong mangga easily? I’m pretty sure one of those stalls in Market Maurket wold have no?
oh my! it’s barely 8 am and you’ve managed to make me drool! love this too MM! had quite a lot during my recent trip…in my lola’s house in Laguna…
now i should go scout for some nice green mangoes…
My mother used to make this with rock salt and garlic. I remember slicing the manggoes and preppin’ the whole thing with her. Here in the states you can’t find manggoes like they have in the PI.
Yum. I hate “manggang hilaw” but I love burong mangga. Our maid used to pickle the mangoes in a concoction of water, salt, sugar, and San Miguel beer. Masarap!
My mom adds siling labuyo and sometimes cilantro to her burong mangga–thai style. Goes perfectly with crispy catfish flakes.
Wilson and fried neurons, the addition of beer is intriguing, it would give it that flavor that until now I haven’t been able to place my finger on! Jean, vinegar and salt, whoa! that sounds potent! Mitch I like the water and salt version too but the touch of sweetness with a bit of sugar is more mellow for me in my old age… heehee. Christine, I bought this bottle at the Salcedo market. I wouldn’t just buy this anywhere given the potential hygiene issues if done with bad water or unclean jars… ces, hope you had a good visit home… Jean, try to look for the mexico grown Manila mangoes but unripe… trish, the siling labuyo addition is another one I would like!
here is the recipe. . . my mom really doesn’t do measuring so she just gave me the steps. . . soak mango slices in salt and water brine solution overnight, then drain, then do a vinegar (we use sukang iloko), sugar and San Mig mixture (no water) to be added to the drained mangoes, store in the chiller. . .
oh gosh, tropical hut…what memories! mom used to make her burong mangga whole…then when they were ready, she’d slice it up and they would fall apart in her pretty hands….sarap.
I make this a lot during summers, when good green mangoes are available. I just soak the mango slices in salt (no water) overnight, drain it well the next day. Prepare glass jars by sterilizing (a must!), and make sugar syrup (boil 1:1 cup of water and sugar. Put the mangoes inside the jars and pour the syrup til full. Cover immediately. This can store up to two weeks, but almost always it’s gone in a day! I sold this in the Alabang bazaar last year and did quite well.
I remember Ching (kusinera) making burong mangga… and she makes good burong mangga. I can finish a bottle in a seating and as a family we could finish 1 large as in the industrial type jar of mayonnaise in a meal… usually with fried fish.
She would make us peel the mangoes… hehehe… she says the poeple who eat more of these should help me make it… and we do.. peeling mangoes and sometimes we help pick the bubut green mangoes that fall from trees from the orchard.
During summer the whole clan gathers all bottles we have.. mayonnaise etc… of all sizes and you would not believe that we can fill all of the jars and finish it all before the rainy season ends. I know it lasts at least the rainy season because its great with comfort food for days when classes are suspended because of typhoons.
oh my…MM, it’s 8 am and am having my coffee while reading your blog, and it’s the first time i’m salivating while having coffee! i have a low threshold for asim, so the photo alone was enough to get me started, but reading about crispy green mangoes with bagoong, kamias with rock salt,etc… enough, enough! i got a serious reduction in my weekly allowance in grade school when my mom discovered in my bag several peeled santol glistening with rock salt, wrapped in newspaper sheets. mom said the newspaper had probably lined a cat’s litter box, or had been stacked in some musty carport before being sold to the santol vendor! so i stopped buying santol,(my mom always bought us all these things so we wouldn’t be tempted to buy off the streets) but the following month, was caught again when i came home with “acid-burned” lips and tongue from eating too many ripe sampaloc with salt!
yes, MM, we put beer, too. it rounds out the flavor nicely.
sa sobrang ganda ng picture mo eh, nangangasim ako ah! :) my auntie gory made some really good burong mangga but when she passed away…so did the recipe. i’m experimenting on them though. friends and relatives have been craving for it so i think it’s a good christmas gift. i hope this works. if ever it turns out yummy, i’ll share the recipe with you.
yah. i got hepatitis a when i got mine from the SUPERMARKET. so be careful about where you get them.
Ang sarap ng ASIM MM! I’m drooling all over the place now. You know, where I come from, burong “anything” was unheard of. The nearest thing is acharang “anything” din naman. Is there a difference?
Dodi, I come from the achara part of town. Actually, I understand buro or burong to me more salt laden or more brined than pickled which is what I think of with achara… and if you are from the Visayas, acharra is really very close to the Malay acar (pronounced ACHAR) that referes to a sweetish sour pickle…
Commercial burong mangga…we need the formula to take care of over production.