Budbud Kabog Disasters


I consider budbud kabog to be the finest “suman” type kakanin I have tasted in the Philippines. It’s a personal choice, I know. But its aroma, subtle flavor, smooth texture and delicious taste all make for kabog2that perfect kakanin, particularly paired with a nice ripe Cebuano or Guimaras mango. To me it is “lighter” than a rice suman and I can easily eat 2-3 in a single sitting. I have never made a budbud kabog before. But considering that it has so few ingredients (kabog or millet (not the birdseed variety!), coconut milk, sugar and maybe a pinch of salt) it didn’t seem like something that needed a two-year degree from the Culinary Institute to figure out. Hah. Simple things can be truly deceiving. This bloody kakanin has proven to be an even bigger pain in the rear than working out the ensaimada recipe last year. I write this post just so you realize things don’t always work out so easily…that a tremendous amount of work, effort, sweat, cusswords, irritation, exasperation sometimes goes into the posts on Marketmanila. But learn with me as I dissect disaster after disaster after disaster… At least you get the 5-10 minute version, not the 3-4 days of attempts to get a budbud kabog right! Despite all the tasting, I think I lost weight from the aggravation…

First of all, let me digress to the kabog or millet itself. Almost impossible to find, locally grown millet or kabog grows wild in the arid barren hills of Northern Cebu, as well as on other Visayan islands. It is collected by hand and it is disappearing from almost all markets in the region. In Cebu, I found it but only after extensive searching. And now isn’t the right season as it has been raining extensively and I understand you need dry summer heat to get the seeds. It also turns rancid rapidly so when the market is out of it, you too are out of luck. At PHP150 per kilo, it is wicked expensive compared to even the most expensive artisanal and unusually colored and fragranced glutinous rice varieties at say PHP80 a kilo. But a little goes a long way. I fuss about millet like it was gold but in fact it is grown commercially in many other parts of the globe. I hope this means that many of Marketmanila’s readers can make this recipe eventually if they have millet in their areas (and especially banana leaves as well).

At any rate, I had no reference point whatsoever except previous batches of malagkit suman that have been made in our house. I had no recipe, no older relatives to call, no one who volunteered a family heirloom. I was going on this quest for the perfect budbud kabog totally blind. And I fell off a few cliffs in the process. I am bruised in several places but haven’t given up. The issues or potential variables turned out to be many, but I know I was overthinking this…that’s what happens when you haven’t the foggiest clue what you are doing:

1. To soak or not to soak, that is the first key question – the millet or kabog was incredibly dense and hard and like monggo or even rice, it seemed logical that one would soak the seeds and a quick conversation with my sister in New York who cooks also concurred with this view. So for the first batch of budbud I soaked the seeds overnight and changed the water a couple of times.

The next day, I mixed some freshly squeezed coconut milk with the drained kabog and added some sugar and stirred it over a medium flame for just a few minutes as I had read that it shouldn’t cook for too long or it would get too soft. Next I wrapped this mixture up in banana leaves and kabog3I was smugly thinking I had nailed this recipe on the first try. After steaming for 20-30 minutes, I tried one of the suman and nearly broke some teeth. While it’s flavor was good, there were definitely uncooked centers of seeds and they were chalky and bitter (the latter a sign of old kabog I eventually surmised). Our cook was mortified that I was going to throw out the entire batch and she decided to steam it for another 30-40 minutes but all we got was seriously overcooked banana leaves and still inedible budbud. Still refusing to throw out the batch, the cook kept the stuff overnight hoping a miracle in the dark would occur. It was only the next day that she conceded we had an utter failure and threw it all out. Meanwhile, in preparation for batch number two, I had again soaked kabog overnight, the this brings up question number two…


2. Do you grind up the seeds to prevent the uncooked hard centers?


And the following morning sent the soaked kabog to the market to have it ground up (like rice for suman). It should have been a sign that the guy who operated the grinder had never seen kabog before. Never mind, what came back was a nice smooth grind and I repeated the process of mixing in the coconut milk and sugar and cooking it. This time, the kabog5volume of the stuff increased by a lot and after a few minutes I decided to wrap the mixture and steam it again. The pre-cooked mixture looked like it was another winner in the making. However, it was again a dismal failure with uncooked sandy paste-y results. It was at this point that I naturally had to think about how this should be cooked…

3. Do you steam it, boil it with a little water or completely submerge it in boiling water?


At this point I had gone out and spent a large sum on a book on grains that had the largest chapter on millet I could find in a Manila bookstore. It was disconcerting to see that the recipes seemed so simple and I must be an idiot if I can’t cook millet. At any rate, it stated that too much water turns millet to mush so I decided to try steaming, boiling with a little water, boiling with a lot of water and boiling in a mixture of water and coconut milk. All yielded inedible results…but I was certain that if my mixture was wrong to begin with, no amount of cooking method experimentation would really help.

4. How long do you cook it for before you wrap it in banana leaves?

By the third batch I decided to add more coconut milk and sugar and not pre-cook it before I wrapped it and that was also a disaster. By the fourth attempt, I had the millet ground up dry, making effectively millet flour. The consistency was really smooth and I decided to axe that idea since it would result in a lack of texture for the finished product. We even tried cooking some millet with water and it turned quickly to mush. Nearly exasperated, I searched the internet and found a recipe. Based on proprotions in that recipe, I decided to wing it and do something totally from scratch. First, washed kabog7the millet seed, then added it to a LOT more coconut milk that usual and less sugar and I slowly stirred it slowly for nearly 30 minutes (much longer than before) as it doubled or trebled in volume. Now, I had it, I thought. Wrapped up and steamed for an hour, I waited with bated breath until I opened one and tasted it…this time it was too bloody soft, too oily and not the consistency I wanted. But the flavor was good. I think I just overdid the coconut milk. But I have no more millet to try one more batch. Down 3 kilos, out several hundred pesos in materials and all I can say is…stay tuned till I get this right. So far, I think my conclusions are this…no need to soak if you have fresh millet, use copious amounts of coconut milk but don’t drown the seeds, add sugar so that the flavor is enhanced, not overpowered and stir for at least 25 minutes over low heat to increase the volume. Steam it for at least 30-45 minutes to get the ideal budbud kabog. I may not even share the final recipe then except as a Christmas present to all of Marketmanila’s regular readers. You can make my life a lot easier if you have access to a detailed recipe that I can try…I have my scouts out there in search of 5 kilos of millet for me to continue my quest for the perfect home made budbud kabog! Phew, I never thought a simple recipe with three ingredients could be so complicated!


53 Responses

  1. all i can say is…MM, you never fail to amaze me. while others have to contend with imagining the wonderful taste of budbud kabog(like i do), here you are in a challenging quest to perfect it. my hats off to you! :-)

  2. This is one of my most favorite things in the world. I’ve been planning to blog about it actually. Not about making it, but about eating it. My dad hails from Dumaguete which is one of the main budbud kabog producing cities in the Phils. So we had this all the time. Either in Dumaguete or sent over here by the dozens. I admire your determination to make them yourself and the patience. Better you than me hehe. I don’t think I could ever attempt it, it just seems too far-fetched for me. And what for, when I can get it from a family friend who sells is in the Salcedo market. I’m just lazy like that sometimes. :)
    Thanks for taking us on your budbud kabog making adventure.

  3. Where can we buy this? Or do I have to ask my Cebuano friends to make it for me? Can sugar be eliminated from the recipe and just get the sweetness from the mango?

  4. Marketman, your perfection of your recipe for budbud kabog matters to me more than the discovery of another super-nova.

  5. Wow! i am really impressed by your persistence MM! you never fail to bring out the one characteristic filipinos have and that is patience! i am checking your site everyday for good recipes i can use myself and this budbod kabog is something i might not try venturing to.. parang ang hirap! i haven’t eaten it kaya i want to find out what happened! keep us posted!! but the stuff inside your pan looks yummy knowing it has coconut milk in it.. hehehe!!

  6. Guess this is only the 2nd time I left a comment but I do read your blog once or twice a week. So I have to admit, I’m one of those lurkers. *-* Anyhow, reading your post about budbud kabog reminded me of one of my childhood favorite snacks. In Samar where I grew up, they are abundant during its season and our househelp would always make them in different forms. I love to eat them dipped in hot chocolate (tableya that my grandma made). Looking back I do regret not learning how to make them especially that I now live abroad and have seen some millet seeds being sold at a farmer’s market in London not too long ago. I’d try to call my mom and ask if she knows how to make them.

  7. Hi Marketman! Ask your relatives/friends in the U.S. to send you some millet. I find the grain in regular supermarkets on the East Coast–not just at Whole Foods. Dunno if it’ll be the same as the stuff you find in Cebu though.

  8. i am holding my breath and waiting, MarketMan. but did i read that right, the millet (kabog?) that my hubby bought back from dumaguete ten months ago may be rancid and no good at all? oh no! i’ve been saving it up all this time, waiting for a proper recipe. by the way, isn’t “budbud” a generic Bisaya term for suman? so does that mean millet is “kabog”? i wonder about the etymology, since i know kabog” also means fruit bat. i think they have millet all the time in the dumaguete market, although i think he was duped by the budbud kabog makers. i was shocked that the much-anticipated suman he brought home had more malagkit that kabog (i think most of the budbud makers bulk up the suman with malagkit), and it was totally unlike the budbud kabog of my delicious memories. what a letdown, because the whole week i kept telling my kids i couldn’t wait for the best suman in the world. hubby was so happy to present me with thema whole boxful, and when i unwrapped and tasted one, i didn’t have the heart to tell him that no, this wasn’t the real deal. it was he who said, “you mean this is it? ito lang yon?”

  9. but congratulations on your persisitence, MM, and rest assured we’re cheering you on, and waiting..and waiting…

  10. Millet, the millet can go rancid very quickly, say 2-3 months max. To test, taste a raw one and if it is very bitter, throw it out. If you must keep it for a long time, put it in the freezer, I read. budbud does refer to the suman part, the kabog to the millet. You are right in that kabog means bat or paniqui so I am not sure why or how it got that name. As for millet, be careful that you get the human edible one as there are versions just for birds. Hmmm, I didn’t think about mixing the millet with malagkit, but I want a pure millet suman… trish, the U.S. grocery millet will probably work as well, but I wanted to get the recipe right with the local ingredient before experimenting with other sources…but it will probably work… elna, you must get the kabog recipe from your mom, it should be preserved as so few seem to know how to make it anymore… Apicio, trust me, I would have given up if not for this blog and its readers, I too can just buy it from the lady at the Salcedo market who sells it for PHP20 each…but she has not been carrying it for months and it is she that sent me on a quest to find a supplier in Cebu for the millet! Sandra, there is a vendor at Salcedo but she hasn’t carried it for months. I’m sure she’ll have it again when millet is easier to find… Christine, I buy my kabog from the same lady, I acutally featured her stuff on a much earlier post…

  11. MM,you are an amazing,persistent,impressive and a dedicated man and we adore and love you for that!

    Apicio,you have this special way with words and I’m a fan!

  12. MM, in case this question hasn’t been answered, would the Salcedo market lady have a recipe you can try? Perhaps it would have eased your pain to get her to teach you how to make it first.
    Does seem sad to think that millet is fast disappearing from our natural habitat. I hope you find a local supply soon.

  13. Mila, I actually asked, but didn’t get a reply…so I gather the family recipe is not one to be shared. Which I totally understand. Even if I promised not to sell it commercially. But now that I am figuring out the recipe on my own, maybe I should sell it to make up for all the “development” costs – a large tank of gas, kilos of millet, lots of coconuts, sugar, sweat, etc. Since I figure the budbud kabog costs just PHP4-5 each to make, my staff could make a mint these holidays if they sold say 2-3,000 pieces by special order… hmmm, there go my social action ideas again… heehee…

  14. I went this way when I tried to learn how to make suman maruecos from my in-laws because I believed that the suman makers were a vanishing breed and I wanted to preserve it for posterity. At least for me someone was there to show me how. Boy, was it ever a tedious lesson – way, way more difficult to make than sans rival (your other nemesis). Such a tedious process that I think the selling price is way too low for all that effort. IN the case of maruecos, the galapong had to be stiff so that entailed a few hours of letting the water seep out. Latik was made from coconut milk and the coconut meal (sapal) was cooked into bucayo. This was cooled and then over low fire, it was gradually added to the galapong while stirring constantly. You cannot go too fast or else you will get hard bits of uncooked galapong that is virtually impossible to cook or remove from the mixture. After it has cooked to a sticky, kalamay like texture (think making ube halaya with ten times more the elbow grease needed) you wrap it in banana leaves that is well oiled with the coconut oil you get when you make the latik. Wrapping it is an all together different art form because it becomes soggy when it is not wrapped properly. Finally there is still the steaming process. All that work and a piece of the suman only goes for something like P 2.00 per piece!

  15. Hi MM,

    I sent you a message earlier thru your contact page but I got an error message. Here is part of that message.

    I found a recipe for budbod kabog that might help you in preparing an edible budbod—see below. In the original message I sent I had the name of a Cafeteria supervisor in a school in Dumaguete who can teach how to make this.However, I did not save this information and I cannot find this on the Web anymore, I don’t really know why.

    What I can remember from my research earlier is that the perfect proportion of liquid to millet is 1 part millet to three parts liquid and cracking the millet helps in thoroughly cooking the grains.

    Here is the recipe:

    Budbud Kabug Recipe

    Yield: About 100 pieces of medium size sumans.

    3 grated mature coconuts
    Warm water for extracting
    Water for washing millet and for steaming

    2 cups millet
    Banana leaves for wrapping

    3/4 cup sugar

    2 teaspoons salt

    Preparation stage:

    Grate two of the mature coconuts to get the meat and add 2 cups of warm water to the meat. Extract the mild manually and pass through a piece of cheesecloth. After the first extraction, add another 2 cups of warm water to the grated coconut meat and extract again.

    Repeat the process untill you have 6 cups or more of coconut milk. You can mix the first and second pressings together but set the third pressings aside in case you’ll need it in the latter part of the cooking.

    Wash the millet in two changes of water. Drain and set aside. If using fresh banana leaves, cut off the mid ribs and run each half of the leaf over fire to wilt the leaves and make them pliable for wrapping. Tear leaves into 6 inches in width until you have about 100 pieces. Do not use leaves which have tears in the center. Set these aside and cut them into tiny strips to use for tying up the budbud in pairs.

    Using coconut meat from where you extracted the milk, wipe each piece of banana leaf so that the leaf wrapper is clean and oiled from the residue of he coconut meat.

    Cooking stage:

    Add salt to 6 cups of the coconut milk and bring to boil, stirring occasionally. This process will thicken the milk. Once it starts to slow boil, add the washed millet. Stir constantly until the millet starts to cook, making sure that the mixture doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan to form a crust. It has come to boil when you see bubbles of steam coming out from the mixture like a slowly erupting volcano.

    Add sugar and salt and mix well. The color will become a darker yellow. Continue stirring constantly until cooked, about 30 more minutes. The suman is already cooked and can be eaten. Set aside for wrapping.

    Wrapping and final cooking stage:

    Put a heaping tablespoon of the cooked millet onto the center of a cut piece of wilted banana leaf. Gently form the millet into a 5-inch log with a diameter of 1 inch. You can do this by rolling the mixture in the banana leaf without having to touch the millet mixture. Once you have the rolled mixture into shape, tighten the roll and fold one end and then the other. Do this until you have finished all the millet.

    Put two pieces of suman together with the flaps facing each other. Tie both ends with the cut-up leaf string. Repeat with remaining pieces.

    Place all the paired suman in a steamer with enough water to steam the suman for an hour. The suman should be steamed from the very start when you put the water in the steamer. The suman is ready when the color of the leaf changes from light green to dark green. Minimum time is one hour of steaming. The traditional way of eating this suman is with mango and hot chocolate.

    (Total time: 2-3 hours) ☻

  16. I just really hope that MM finds that elusive way to make this budbud kabog. Also I’m looking forward to tasting this type of suman one of these days as I have definitely missed out trying this since we’re basically all pure Tagalogs in the house.

  17. I forgot to mention that you might want to visit the page where I found the recipe as there are some very good photos of the budbod as it is being cooked.

  18. No wonder good things come your way, MM, you have patience and persistence.

    I can’t wait to find the outcome of your quest…perfect budbud kabog…

    I have not tasted millet or seen one, so, I did a web search… https://chetday.com/millet.html

    …The seeds are also rich in phytochemicals, including Phytic acid, which is believed to lower cholesterol, and Phytate, which is associated with reduced cancer risk.

    This is good for me, for I want to lower my cholesterol… this site also have a cooking suggestions but unfortunately, MM, it is not for a budbud kabog… I am sure that you’ll win the battle.

  19. kudos to you marketman! i have never tried making suman but i have heard of the laborious process it involves. i will wait for your perfect budbud kabog as it may just inspire me to try venturing into it hehe

    thanks for your efforts and for sharing them with us. the next time we eat this kakanin we will remember and appreciate more the cook’s passion and hardwork that went into it.

  20. Another addendum: I can feel your aggravation as I had the same feeling when I tried to trace my steps to locate the information I was able to collect earlier and could not find the same web pages.

    A correction—there are no photos of the budbod in process on the webpage save for one of the cooked millet.

  21. CWID, you are a Godsend… I found that same recipe too and tried a version of it so I think it was just my proportions of coconut milk to millet that was wrong. I will try toasted and cracking the millet next time… And I will play with the amount of coconut milk as well… Many many thanks for those tips…and onward I go in the quest for the perfect budbud kabog!

  22. Geez, I was about to lay it on you MM for not providing the recipe or technique. I’ve seen the type of grain you speak of here in the states. I think I can try to make that (despite the fact that I’ve never pass that type of dish beyond my lips), or at least test it out.

    MM, keep posting these kinds of posts. PLEASE!!!!

  23. i have a suman suki in the makati sunday market (corinthian park near greenbelt). he makes them with mango, banana, ube and other stuff inside. he even has a sugar-free version.

  24. MarketMan: you said it yourself that “kabog” is a wild millet. Maybe wild would not have meant the manner of its growth but the way it makes people insane in the process of creating budbod.
    i remember a road trip from Bacolod to Bayawan to Dumaguete years ago where I was eating budbud like crazy (must be the wild millet). namit! I’m not a suman kakanin fan but budbud is really different.

  25. The 3rd picture look like frogs eggs!

    I haven’t ever seen edible millet in my life. But I have seen those that are good for birds.

    Good luck MM in your efforts of perfecting BK.

    Include me in your Xmas list please! =)

  26. Hi Marketman,
    I think I made a mistake in asking for your help. Now I will have another competitor!
    Anyway, I did reply to your letter where you mentioned that you were in Cebu and able to find Kabog but I did not get a reply to that letter of mine.
    In that letter I enclosed a recipe that was close to how I did the kabog so its not fair for you to say I did no share any information on how to make budbud kabog.
    Also I wrote you a letter to help me find kabog but you never told me how and where I can get it. Yes you said you can find it in Cebu market(and I knew this already) but no details. And here in your article you said it costs P150 but in my letter you said it was a whopping P170! So which is right? I also offered to compensate for your trouble and friendly gesture to help me out but I guess I was wrong to think that you could help and I think that you could even hurt my business as you have written an article on how to make it. Am sad….


  27. Maribel I think you have nothing to worry about because not everybody has the patience to make suman and as you point out yourself, sourcing the kabog is already a problem.
    I appreciate Marketman documenting the process and for most of us, it will just be new info and not something we will be actually trying to do.

  28. It will not hurt your business. Actually I think MM made a gratuitous promotion of your goods in the post, and people will be flocking to your stall to buy it if you have it.

    But not having it available, can one really complain about the business one could potentially lose?

  29. MM, I’ve just read Maribel’s comment and am wondering why she’d claim that posting a recipe of the BK would hurt her business. Isn’t there millions of recipes online for suman sa lihiya and other native delicacies yet people still buy them at the market? People won’t bother making BK if they are readily available in the market and with less than a handful of seller in Manila how could your little post on it hurt someone’s business? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t get it. Oh and especially when I hear some people say that they have a “secret family recipe” and would never share it to anyone. Well, I guess some people are so selfish, they think they are the only ones who could make the best of this or that recipe. C’mon . . .

  30. By the way MM, next time I visit the Phils, I’d order BK from you and your crew rather than buy them from this Maribel Van Hoven.

  31. If I may add my two cents worth on this issue, Ms Maribel, even if you source your products from say a grocery, prices are ALWAYS subject to fluctuation. So a 20 pesos difference is NORMAL, in fact the price may go up or down in just one single day.

    Also, if you can read on my previous post here, I have expressed the sentiment that after reading on this article, now I am one of those who will look for budbud kabog, in fact I am really looking forward to BUYING instead of MAKING MY OWN, so do not fret, because your business will in fact thrive because of the awareness generated by MM’s article.

    The more people know about this budbud kabog, even if they know the recipe, the more chances that people will actually want to buy cooked budbud kabog.

    I for one appreciate MM’s generosity in sharing all these information.

  32. i am a long-time reader of marketmanila and i have left a message only one other time. yes, i am a lurker. i agree with the other ladies in this thread. i can only IMAGINE to cook BK myself after everything Marketman described and was actually looking forward to buying it at the Salcedo Market this weekend to discover for myself why BK is so special. i have sought this delicacy before and it is always sold out even before i reach Ms. Maribel’s stall. i guess she missed the entire point of this food blog. haaaaaaaay, so much for generating your own negative publicity…

  33. why can’t we all just have the prosperity mentality? there’s enough for everyone, and that’s what this blog has always espoused silently. successes and failures are shared so that we may all learn from MM’s experiences. if i had a successful business that was even featured favorably by MarketMan, I would not be insecure about sharing basic recipes. aaarggghhh….some people just don’t get it.

  34. Ok. Let’s not AGGRAVATE Ms. Maribel here for being a tad emotional about how this budbud kabog discussion might impact her business. It’s only natural that she’d express concerns… I’m a suki of her sublime budbud and I must say, it’s second to none. I pay a pretty penny for those logs of joy but heck, who will bother to do the stuff? …. which then leads me to the next point — our beloved MM who bothered to make the stuff.

    MM is just being his usual maniacal fun foodie self. We’ve seen his pattern: he’ll perfect the darn recipe because he just has to (I was a recipient of the 2005 MM Ensaymada) and then he’ll dust off and move on to the next culinary conquest…. Let’s not be divisive now. Christmas is around the corner…. Nice time to feast on budbud…

  35. Hi MM – your persistence in making this kakanin is exceptional. Actually your culinary attempts to achieve perfection remind me of Christopher Kimball, the founder & editor of Cook’s Illustrated, one of the magazines I subscribe to. Hope you may consider making the perfect “puto” using traditional galapong ( not flour )sometime. I lost my mother’s recipe for it and don’t remember the procedure much so I was never able to make it after she passed away. I look forward to it. Thanks!

  36. Elna, I don’t think MM is gonna sell them. So I guess you have to make them your own, dear. :-/

    Why are we fighting over this piece of coconut-soaked seed rolled in a banana leaf again? Come on!

    Sounds good, though. :P

  37. This is one of those delicacies that is easier to buy than make. Kudos to you MM, for persisting and persevering. Detailing the process you’re going through reminds me of me when I’m dead-obsessed on getting a dessert right.

  38. I know this budbud kabog is very cheap in Dumaguete at P2. My boss always brings bundle of budbud kabog slightly cooked then we’ll heat them up using the microwave oven. Yummmy!

    In my hometown (Maasin, Southern Leyte), we call this “dawa” referring to the millet(?) or the uncooked budbud kabog. Ever heard of Tres Marias? This is the third Maria, the 1st one is made of malagkit (plain) and the 2nd one made of malagkit with tapol or black/red colored rice (biko).

    If uncooked, these millet looked like bird seeds. Or are they really bird seeds?

  39. Budbud kabog in Dumaguete and Bacong are the best!If you visit Dumaguete,go to the market (painitan area) no later than 5:30 A.M., kay mahurot dayon ang budbud kabog. Just an advise.

  40. hi MM….i’m a student and my topic for my thesis is about millet…if you can only help me about any information regarding the nutritional content of the millet or kabog………..and its variety……..coz in the other countries there are many varieties like foxtail millet, pearl millet, etc….and also i’ve heard about bibingkang kabog in dumagute……..have u ever made one of those?………..tnx………learned a lot from ur blog……….

  41. Ara, sorry, I do not have detailed information on the nutritional content of millet. Yes, I have heard of bibingka made with millet, even ate some in Cebu but I have never made it. It was delicious.

  42. After reading all the fuss about losing business chances (maribel), i guess i’m lucky to be from dumaguete itself and have a mom who can make a perfect budbod kabog; if only i’m not an 18-hour flight away! Haaayyyyyy, still sucks.

  43. oi! hope you guys are doing well!

    fantastic work MM! so, did you really perfect the recipe?

    i think it’s every pinoy’s duty to preserve whatever good tradition he/she can, especially our culinary heritage!

    keep up the great output and don’t mind the negativity! ingat!

  44. Hello Ladies And Gentlemen,

    I just reading this blog here and I think some of you here would like to know where can u get a supplier from this product, the bud-bud kabog. I am happy to inform you that my father supply this raw budbod kabog in Dumaguete. If you want to order uncooked budbud kabog, pls contact me by this number 09268354185 or email add:mjane1987@gmail.com. Regards, Mary Jane

  45. naa nag post dinhe nga somwhere sa leyte naa sila suman. dawa daw….lahi ra kaha ang dawa kay sa kabog ok?