Zubuchon Thanks the Press…

All of us at Zubuchon are just thrilled and grateful for all of the media coverage in the past couple of months. It’s not something we actively sought, but are thrilled nonetheless. In October, in FOOD Magazine’s 16th Anniversary Issue, they included Zubuchon in “The 50 Best List”…

In the November issue of Town & Country Philippines, Zubuchon was included in the list of “62 Restaurants We Love” which is a real thrill because we just opened 4 months ago, and well, we aren’t a fancy place or anything and the other restaurants on the list are, well, in a different league altogether…

In the November issue of Mabuhay Magazine, PAL’s inflight publication, Zubuchon is mentioned in a 3/4 page article, including a mention of the private dining terrace in our garden setting. It’s a particularly good issue of Mabuhay with lots of interesting articles and terrific photos. And I was impressed that the editors chose to go ahead with the article, despite my email to them fully disclosing that I had had previous run-ins with the magazine on another issue.

Also in November, zee lifestyle, a Cebu-based publication, included a four-page spread in “The Entertaining Issue” featuring a dinner on the outdoor deck.

Several newspaper articles have also been published, and I don’t have copies of all of them, but I would like to thank Aissa de la Cruz of the Cebu Daily News that wrote a wonderful two page spread on Zubuchon in mid-October. Last week, totally by chance, I also happened to be at the restaurant and finally met Margaux Salcedo of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, doing a lightning food tasting trip through Cebu City…

In another kilig moment for the week, a reader “Rick” left a comment in a recent post with a link to an article by Tom Parker-Bowles in the October issue on ASIA for Departures Magazine (the publication of American Express for their Platinum and Black cardholders) that mentions his trip to the Philippines, and while similar to the Esquire U.K. article, it is a new piece. Gaita Fores and Marketman are mentioned in passing. It’s not Zubuchon directly, but about lechon anyway…

And this just in, in today’s Philippine Daily Inquirer, under the Biz Buzz column, writer Abigail Ho brings attention to the issue of plagiarism and the DOT with respect to Marketman’s rant two weeks ago. And no, I have not received a formal response from the DOT despite being promised one last Friday. I will write a follow-up post on that soon.

So from everyone in the Zubuchon team, from dishwashers to Marketman, many, many thanks for all of the coverage in recent months. Salamat.


49 Responses

  1. Quite a coverage … congratulations!
    Finally had my first Zubuchon during a business trip to Cebu last month. Endorsed it to my companions and we each bought a kilo at the airport to bring back home. Our verdict: AB is correct, it’s the “best pig …ever!” ‘Twas still good when we brown-bagged the leftover to work the next day. Will it be available in Manila … ever?

  2. Congratulations MM! You deserve it! It’s your talent put to good use. Thanks for sharing to one and all!

  3. Kudos MM and your crew, well deserved! I will be visiting Cebu in December and Zubuchon
    will be the first on my list of places to visit.

  4. Congratulations Mr MM. Your own passion for food and excellence is reflected in your restaurants and the people recognizes and appreciates it. More power to all of your business endeavours. I really wish I can have a taste your Zubuchon lechon.

  5. All your press is more than well deserved MM. Your enthusiasm and love for all things culinary is infectious and has certainly enriched my life over the years.

  6. Hi MM – I hope you are keeping a file of any and all press mention of Zubuchon and Market Manila…

  7. Wow, so much press. Congrats MM and crew. I’m sure Zubuchon is gonna be in demand this Christmas season.

  8. Kodus, MM!! And, finally had the chance to eat a late lunch at Zubuchon Mango Ave. on Oct. 27. My son, Jean-Luc (6 yrs. old) and I had each a serving of prichon (tasty!!) and the wife had the traditional one (very good!!), shared an adobong kangkong and smoked bangus fillet-tomato-red egg salad (sarraap!!), and had the kamias juice (wow!!). Needless to say, had your super -bait staff, Erick, deliver 3 kilos of zubuchon to Radisson Blu for take-home to Manila in the evening of Oct. 29. Thanks to your super-efficient Mango Ave. crew, especially Erick. Any definite plan to open a Zubochon resto in Manila? Am sure, dudumugin ito!!!!

  9. So deserving MM! My family and I just spent the weekend in Cebu, just to eat at Zubuchon! It was the first thing we did after depositing our bags in the hotel. The first crunchy bite was heaven! Congratulations to you and your crew!

  10. It’s funny that the newspaper article calls you “THE” Marketman – that’s like saying the Batman or the Superman :)

    Do you wear your underwear outside your tights too? and accessorize with your utility belt? Hee hee!

  11. I was gonna email you about the mention in Departures but forgot to. I (silently) yelled out “woo-hoo” when I was leafing through my copy and saw the article. Congrats on all the good press!

  12. friedneurons, thanks, my copy still at Sister’s in NY, will have to pick it up at Thanksgiving… Isa, hahahaha. Staff at the office call me “Batman” and I toyed with getting the costume for the Christmas party but can’t get over the leather briefs and exposed to the world no less. ying, I hope you enjoyed your meal(s)! thanks everyone for the kind comments! The crew is thrilled. Several of them have come out on television shows, articles, papers, etc. and its a first for most of them. whackerZ, thanks for the link, as usual, I had no clue it was available on-line.

  13. CONGRATULATIONS, MM and Crew! really love your lechon… nothing compares to it. been bringing a kilo or two for two times already to Singapore :) and still it tastes so yummy the next day. thanks a lot :)

  14. Congratulations to you and the Zubuchon crew! You deserve the accolades! I wish you would open a Manila branch in the very near future.

    Re: Departures Magazine – the article by Tom Parker-Bowles is not in the Autumn issue – I guess the European version is different from the website’s and the US version? Nonetheless, it was double “kilig” to read about it on the net – you’re internationally famous, MM!

  15. Congratulations, MM! So proud of you and your crew! Refreshing to read something really nice (and delicious) amidst a lot of bad press lately. Can’t wait to go to Cebu to try Zubuchon!

  16. Well deserved MM, Congrats! am so excited to dig in the good stuff real soon..maybe next week :)

  17. Congrats to you MM, the crew and the entire Zubuchon family. Nothing beats free press not to mention the accolades that you’ve been gathering. Really happy for you guys seeing the fruits of your labor coz I know you’ve put in tremendous effort in that venture.

    Hopefully one day we can visit you and Mrs. MM in Cebu.


  18. I check Market Manila as often as possible and have learned so much. I particularly enjoy reading about your travels & market finds. Happy for your success in the restaurant business. You and your crew deserve it for all your hard work and time spent perfecting Zubuchon lechon. I’m guessing your cookbook project will be next? More success & happy holidays!

  19. Googled “margaux salcedo margarita fores” looking for my article on Gaita from 2005 and came across this post instead. The pleasure was mine, Marketman! Still hoping to taste your cooking someday :)