“Yummy” Marketman?!?


“Yummy” Marketman?!? Hahaha. I jest, of course. The pun is intended. Or not. Frankly, I didn’t even know what the name of a new food magazine was going to be when I was asked by a long-time reader if I would agree to be the subject of an article (I normally refuse). I agreed because I felt it would give the writer, Enya, a much desired break to shift into food related writing. And I must complement her on a job well done. But let’s back up a bit… a few months ago I posted a teaser about a day-long photo shoot at the beach. I took the writer, photographer, stylists, et al on a tour of the local market and prepared about 8 dishes for them to taste and photograph at our beach house. They must have taken over 250 spectacular photographs and I saw many of the raw images and was shocked by the quality of the photos…I had never seen anything I had cooked look so good. It was a lesson in the value of stylists and good photographers. We guessed at which pictures would make the photo editor’s cut and oddly, I only got 2 out of 10 correct. I was quite certain an overhead shot of Marketman on a chaise longue would make it, but it didn’t…so you guys got the only public version of that photo in my earlier teaser post…

This is only the second issue of Yummy Magazine and in the April Issue there is a five page spread on Marketman and recipes. It even has a nearly head to toe photo which might interest those of you who can’t stand the fact that I like to keep my identity relatively yummy2anonymous. Also, a large photo of me close to cutting some fingertips off… There are also 6 recipes provided for dishes that I prepared that day; many have been featured on the blog, but they look different in print… At PHP95 a magazine, I think it is a bargain, but I am biased, of course. And since it is a new magazine, there are hardly any advertisements yet so it is jampacked with bold, bright photos and interesting articles. I think it is targeted at a younger, hipper audience and I must be the oldest foggie in the issue. There is even an article on Ivan Mandy’s Binondo Walking Tours. The article itself is interesting because I think it very accurately reflects the way I think, cook, shop, etc. The quotes reflect how I speak and what I really think. However, I would like to point out a couple of minor editorial errors, just to put them on record…Marketmanila gets 180,000 hits a month (not a day), and I find better fish at the Seaside Market in Baclaran (the best, with Farmer’s my second favorite) not the Legaspi market (I must have been confused when quoted). Otherwise, it is a great write-up and a big thank you goes out to Enya and the crew of Summit Media. And also for the record, I did not get paid or compensated for this article in any way at all. So get to your nearest newsstand on April 1 or thereafter to pick up a copy if you are interested. And for those of you in North America who don’t have access to the magazine, stay tuned for an opportunity to win a copy that I will personally mail to you when I go on a trip to the U.S. in the months ahead. I purchased about 20 copies to give-away to readers but I have to come up with some trivia questions first to make you work for it…heeheehee. Geez, I never made it to the front page of the Wall Street Journal when I worked in consulting, but now here I am in a glossy food magazine…hahaha…


48 Responses

  1. Hi MM! I love Yummy! It can give Real Simple and Martha a run for the money! I bought the premiere issue and wasn’t disappointed! I saw the April issue but didn’t buy (kasi mas manipis — cheapskate, I know!). You are a compelling reason to so …. :)

    Keep dreamin’ and cookin’, MM! You are a rock star!
    I must say that prawns-for-breakfast-post is such a drool fest! Hay! It’s summer and we shouldn’t be gaining pounds! :)


  2. Heehee…I have been waiting for this! :) I like Yummy because of the reasons you’ve stated above…hip look, great photos and styling, interesting articles. I feel it “speaks” to me more than the other local food mags on the market now…Anyhoo, this is another reason to buy the April issue…one of my fave foodbloggers is in it! :)

    Gosh, it must really be so strange indeed…imagine if someone told you, back in your consulting days, that you would be in a glossy food magazine? To borrow a phrase from my father…Far out!

    (is that your grape tart I spy on the cover? Mmmmmm….)

  3. You write, we read. For most of us you don’t have a name and a face but it doesn’t matter. You being featured in a magazine is something new and something to look forward to. I’m gonna grab a copy the soonest it hits the magazine stands here. I also have a feeling that sooner or later you would be featured in other media such as television or youtube maybe. To remain anonymous on Tv however would be a challenge. Cool….


    very well deserved, next feather in your cap, would be the philippine blog awards.. =)

    I guessed correctly what your photoshoot was for =)

    I reiterate ” pa- autograph po.. “

  5. What about us who are neither in Manila nor in North America? How can we “win” a copy?

  6. marketman, galing! i will grab a copy too and ako rin pa-autograph po…and pa-picture pwede? ofcourse i will not post the pic if ever you agree ….hehehe….

    anyway, congratulations and i am also rooting for you to win the phil blog awards!!!!

  7. Galing! pa-authograph ha=) I have the first issue of Yummy mag. I like the pictures.

    Congratulations on your nomination for the PBA=)

  8. Hi! Dont have intention to buy the second issue of Yummy magazine since I find the premier issue…just so-so (pls. no tomatoes throwing, just one cent of my thoughts :P) but when I see Marketman is in this issue, no second thought, grab a copy and went straight to the cashier. Yup, just bought mine right now. It’s already available in my favorite bookstore (Filbars). Hat’s off to you…you’re not only popular in the cyberspace but also in print media.

  9. just emailed my brother to buy me this copy and send it here! …. oo nga MM, what about those not in the US? :)

  10. I also bought the premier issue of Yummy and definitely I will buy the 2nd issue because of you (lol). I agree with Marilou See’s comment re Yummy, pero siempre marami pang maiimprove doon.

  11. Congrats Marketman!!

    Sometimes, at the end of the day, it’s the things we have true passion for that get us notices. Love your blog. Keep it going!

  12. congrats MM! will ask the hubby to pick up a copy when he goes to Manila next month for sure. btw, is there a Toronto stop in your North American trip in the near future? if so, pls. email me as the hubby and i would definitely like to meet with you for sure….

  13. Hey Congratulations! A fitting format to reach those non-internet readers to know you as well. I am happy for you on this achievement. I would love to have a copy simply because I now feel I know you, sorta memorabilia. I will definitely join this trivia that you are planning and I hope I win. Keep writing! – Teresa from New Jersey

  14. I grabbed a copy at SM yesterday when I saw the cover blurb! I haven’t even finished reading the first issue but I ripped open this second one and went straight to page 50!!! :-)

  15. Hey MM, Yummy has already made a trans-atlantic flight; the Premiere issued was hand-carried for me days after it hit the newstand. If you need someone to bring copies to the US this April, I volunteer! Will be back in manila next week, and back to LA and NYC two weeks after, with my own April issue in hand. If you’ve read my email, you know im invested, lol, and I think if you asked the Summitmedia people for it, they will give you the 20 mags to give away to your lucky readers. Because of your post, 180,000 potential readers will be introduced to the new publication! It’s great marketing for them. As for reactions to the mag itself (rave, lukewarm or otherwise), people should submit commments to the editor at becky@yummymag.com.ph. Im sure she’d love to hear from foodies from all over the world!

  16. Wow! My first time to drop a comment on your page MM, but I’ve been lurking here since last year. Sorry for not being able to identify myself early on, hehehe. Looks like I’m going to buy an April issue of Yummy, your posts are definitely worth reading and for sure, you and your dishes featured on that mag will make all the lurkers here come out in the open to grab a copy! Congrats to all your achievements! Hats off to you!!

  17. congratulations market man! i’ll ask my sister to get me a copy when she’s back in manila next week.

  18. hmmm. . . have to let them buy the mag for me. . . i’ll read it when i’ll be back

  19. CONGRATULATIONS MARKETMAN…We are so proud of you. Hope you can bring us a copy…

  20. Count me in! I’m getting my copy later before I go home! Hmmm, maybe i can start a business mailing copies to MM fans here and abroad considering the huge demand!!! Hehe!!!

    Congrats, MM!

  21. MM, I knew it was you when I saw the picture of the Port Glazed Tart! I recall you making one on the blog and of course your teaser! GEt more copies!!!

  22. hi marketman! i just bought a copy of the magazine this afternoon. and of course the first thing that i read was the article about you. nice pics. congratulations! keep on blogging..

  23. you remind me of my fave food writer jeffrey steingarten who used to be a lawyer then shifted to food writing. you share the same passion for good, though not necessarily gourmet, food. his is my dream job, getting paid to travel and write about/critique food. he knows romy dorotan of cendrillon and my wish is for him to include the Philppines and Filipino food in his next book. maybe if you cook and present the dishes it will be appealing even to Westerners. :)

  24. when i saw at joeys page about yummy i guessed that photo session of yours will end here…. good luck see am a die hard fan even here at the ski slopes i check your page

  25. will definitely get myself a copy . . . if only to read about you. your posts are unfailingly engaging; you must be such an interesting person

  26. congrats, MM! i knew it that you would soon be featured in one of our food magazines. i didn’t buy the first issue of yummy since i didn’t like the content but now there’s a reason to buy its second issue and that’s just because of the article about you. i would love to add this mag to my food mag collections. awesome!

  27. I myself enjoyed the first issue of Yummy for the reasons you mention, and because it spoke to people like me who are still intimidated by the kitchen. I’m definitely buying this month’s issue as soon as I can…I just hope it hasn’t sold out by then, hoarded by your thousands of fans!

  28. How about publishing a compilation of your blog articles and recipes? Now that you have won the Bloggers Choice Award there is a whole ready market for that book. I will definitely get a copy for myself and to give away to my expat relatives.

  29. Got my second edition of Yummy! MM, parang bitin pa ako sa feature on you. I was looking for more….. maybe a photo tour of your vacation home in Punta Fuego hehehe :) Btw, did you say you requested for no shot of your face and no mention of your real name in the magazine??? It’s a good thing you didn’t have that special request from the bloggers who attended the Phil Blog Awards 2007. As you always say “hee hee” you got nice pictures there with Anton and Lori. Congrats again! Star ka na on-print and on-line :P

  30. Hi MM,

    I was initially hesitant to buy but eventually caved in. I got a copy last night. I’d say the issue is definitely bang for buck. There are so many recipes! The lobster recipe really thrilled me. We had just eaten this huge lobster at Dampa Macapagal last Sunday. However, I didn’t like their steamed w/ garlic style. I’d love to try your recipe. Can you give me tips how to choose fresh lobster? Where is the best or the cheapest place to buy lobster here in Manila? And what’s the reasonable price to pay? Sorry for the barrage of questions hehe


  31. Kikay, the best place to buy the type of lobster used in the Yummy article is the Seaside Mart in Baclaran. They have live versions ranging from PHP1,200 to 1,500 a kilo depending on the size and time of year (holidays prices shoot up). they also have the same species recently deceased (dead) at about PHP700-900 a kilo, usually in a tub of ice water with ice. I prefer to buy them alive, but the recently decesased ones have worked for me as well. I try to get them about a kilo in size each. They should LOOK spectacular, greenish blue skins with markings like a fantastic painting… no muddy and icky parts to these at all. Do not settle for a mud lobster, they are different. However, I have to say, after my trip to Palawan, I can’t get myself to buy lobster in Manila for many months to come. Fantastic live lobsters in Palawan were just PHP300 a kilo and I didn’t even bargain… In the days ahead, I will have a photo of the lobsters I ate on the Palawan trip… I have a post on spiny lobsters here, and if you type lobster into my search function and just keep scrolling for more posts at the bottom, you will see a wide selection of posts with spiny lobsters in them…

  32. Thanks again MM! I will gather my guts and venture out to Baclaran. I hear it is not for the faint-hearted buyer hehe We had paid 1,600 per kilo in Dampa Macapagal – a bargain considering we had come from Subic, salivating at the P435 per 100g (P4,350 per kilo) lobster being sold and cooked at the Seafood resto across Bayfront Hotel. =)

  33. MM, I got every issue of yummy from the very first issue ever and i look forward to your new issue every month. My twelve year old daughter is going to compete in a fresh fruit shake “making contest” and they require her to use avocadoes since they are in season. Apart from that, they are required to add another fresh fruit too. Can you please give me a recipe for this? I hope i will be able to get a feedback soon. The conterst is going to be on the third week of this month. Thanks for your immediate attention. More Power!

  34. Dear Ms. Becky,

    I am an avid fan of Yummy magazine. From its maiden issue last April 2007, i got hooked to it. I never miss any issue. If I dont see it in National Bookstore, i go to all female stores like watson and other department stores to grab a copy of yummy magazine. I learn a lot every month. I wake up to a busy day everyday, I am a government employee with four kids with different tastes and a lawyer for a husband, Contents of Yummy comes handy and real useful as I use this knowledge to cook for my kids viand and family’s breakfast and dinner every day , mind you it used to be boring, handful and stressful doing the planning, preparation and all the budgetting.But with my monthly copy of yummy, it gets exciting and challenging everyday. The more exciting the kids gets everyday with my new recipes. They just love the deviation of your sinfully and delectable white adobo, the pancit puti with chicharon laman and lot more. At one time, when i arrived from an official travel, knowing how i adored and fancy yummy magazine, my kids gifted me with a copy , it really touched my heart. I Just got my November issue last October, i read that your November’s give away for this month are ten (10) books , it would be great to have the ten books, it will surely help my plan to start a food business. I hope i could win it.
    The 10 Chefs featured in your magazine since 2007 are the following:
    1.Florabel Co (June 2007) 2. JunJun de Guzman (June & October 2007)3.Gene Gonzales (June 2007) 4.Mr. Market Man(April 2007) 5.Gilbert Pangilinan (August 2007)6.Ernie Babaran(August 2007) 7.Jill F. Sandique(September 2007)8.Myra Santiago (October 2007)9.Pixie Sevilla Santos (August 2007) 10.Aileen Anastacio Sandoval (June 2007).

    Prk. Saging, Canjulao
    Lapu Lapu City, Cebu

  35. zenia marie caguimbal
    90 C. Salvador St. Bulua
    Cagayan de Oro City
    tel. # (08822)735223

    i want to join the contest, 10 chefs that u published on yummy magazine were:

    Ricky Sison
    Vanessa Conanan
    Heny Sison
    Ron Bilaro
    Katherine Sison
    Gene Gonzalez
    Gilbert Pangilinan
    Gem Sanchez
    Mike Borja
    Carina Guevara
    tnx :)

  36. yummy..i love yummy magazine!!!.will you able to send me the safety precaution,tools and materials.specially the tips on how to cook the white adobo..For my final demo this coming week..Thanks for your immediate attention. More Power…godbless and more power!

  37. yum yumm yummy…i truly love this magazine…i started buying it since april 2007 until now and i have tried the recipes and they’re really helpful… i just need a favor, i wasn’t able to buy the very first issue (march 2007, would you know where i can find one? thanks and more power!!!

  38. pls.send me the exact e- mail add. where I can send a letter. I used the yummymag.com.ph but i think it’s not the right address.Thank you.