What’s Next, Marketman?

There comes a time when you have to step back and reflect, before you decide what to do next. This blog is just about 2 years old, 25 months to be exact (despite a few posts that date before then). And in blogoshpere terms, I gather that is like turning a 100 in human years or so. With attention spans in the nanoseconds and information stored in forms I would never understand, this whole blogging thing is a phenomenon I am in, but am not sure why… The statistics at this point are something I do understand from a numbers point of view – In the past 25 months I have published 904 posts or an average of 1.19 posts per day or a post every 20 hours! When printed out and punched and placed in binders for my own satisfaction that I do, indeed, have a hard copy, it filled over 7 binders and used up over 3,000 sheets of normal sized white paper. So far these 904 posts have elicited 14,600 comments from readers, or roughly 16 comments per post; though many of the first hundred posts were lucky to get 2 comments and I think the most commented on post hit about 300 comments. Over the past two years, the site has logged a stunning 2.3 MILLION page views, which I like to think of as if I had written a thousand page novel, and 2,300 discerning folks then read it cover to cover. Over the same period, 230,000+ unique visitors have stumbled across this website, though I suspect a good 85% were just lost in cyberspace and rarely, if ever came back. But that still leaves some 33,000 folks who read several posts, and who have either gotten bored and gone on to other blogs or activities and have never come back.

At the core of the current readership are an estimated 6 – 8,000 regular readers who come fairly frequently with a huge predictable surge mid-week from Tuesday to late Thursdays and a slower pace of visits on the weekends (heehee, you guys are surfing AT WORK?). Despite my previous attempts to fish you out of the dark, a good 90% of readers have NEVER left a comment on this blog, and another 7% have left 2 or less comments in the past two years. Thus only 3% or less chose to participate in the give and take on the comments section. You hail from over 80 different countries around the world and roughly 60+% of you live outside of the Philippines from places I have literally never heard of before from Northern Scandinavia to Southern South America to the Caribbean, the East and West Coasts of North America and hundreds of towns in-between, tons of Asian countries, the lands down under and their New Zealand neighbors, Europe and even Africa. While I am really dopey about keeping track, I know there are regular commenters who have been on this site from nearly its inception, with folks in Belgium, Greece and the Mediterranean, Australia, London, China, California, Davao, Manila, just to name a few locations. I am grateful that all of you have been such “regulars,” and a vocal part of what I like to think of as the growing Marketmanila foodie family. I figure if I spent an average of 3 hours a day shopping, cooking, photographing, writing and responding to comments on this blog for the past 25 months, that is a total of 2,280 man-hours expended or 57 standard 40-hour work weeks! And it didn’t feel like work at all!

I should also point out that I do not accept promotional freebies and that applies to all that have asked. I choose to remain advertising free to ensure that I remain as objective as possible. I have never tried to do anything to “enhance” my statistics as some others tend to do when advertisers are watching the numbers… it seems some folks set up separate blogs just so that they can bump up their links to their main blogs…geez, that’s just too involved for me… I just write the posts and whoever reads them, reads them. Period.

So what’s next? While I currently have material and photos for at least another 100 or so posts that I just haven’t had the time or energy to write yet, I thought it would be a useful time to run an all-out brainstorming survey of readers, and I hope to draw out as many of you as possible, under the guise that whatever you say, it will be good for Marketmanila.com. Here are some of the questions I have for you…feel free to respond to only the ones that matter to you.

1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?
2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?
3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?
4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?
5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?
6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?

What do you think? Please leave a comment if you have some thoughts on these issues. I am out of town for a few days but will be checking the site often to see what everyone has to say. I hope you are all back into the groove of things after the holidays! If you have been away for a while, check out the archives for posts from the last month… And if the site is sluggish or difficult, it may be because of the earthquake in Taiwan that cut some fiber optics cables which has in turn affected internet services all across the region. Many thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions! I realize this is a free-for-all request but I am really curious what your responses will be like!


102 Responses

  1. MM, I’ve never tried any of your recipes. I am more fascinated and thrilled to read about what you cooked, prepared, slaved on and played with in the kitchen. I like the way you write about how things got to the table, which is a very entertaining, yet convincing assertion of food’s vital role in community life. For me, what sets Market Manila apart are not the posts on recipes, but your thoughts on the culture of food. Your format is upbeat and very personal, which makes for engaging reading. Please feel free to continue posting as you like it. Post whenever the mood strikes you, and if you have the urge to post more than once a day, go ahead and type to your heart’s content. Keep it coming, keep it fun, but do not make a task out of it. I appreciate whatever you share, once daily, thrice weekly, occasionally, it’s all good. Lastly, don’t quit blogging. You are a kick-ass food blogger, and I need enough time to go through withdrawal if you quit blogging. :). You are doing great, and for 2007, do it in a pace and format you find most enjoyable. I will take it all!

  2. Keep it the way it is, MM! You can’t believe that yours is the first site I look forward to each day. I read it even before reading WSJ, Page Six or NY Times.

  3. Even i don’t leave message, i always try to find out what’s going on at MM blog! I want to make your blog as reference if ever i can improve my blog in french, though my french is “like a french cow” as my husband always said (just for laugh).
    One day i have read back from your old post talking so much about Philippine products.Like I have never known “budbud kabog” not until i have read on your post!

  4. HI MM,

    To answer questions #2 and #3 strange as this may sound, even if I don’t get your blog daily, there is a certain anticipation in knowing there are relatively new entries on your blog whenever I drop by. To answer your other questions:

    1. I enjoy reading your content, period. Recipes, sweets and desserts, foodie finds and trivia, and kitchen equipment particularly appeal to me (even if I dont cook, I pass on the info to the hubby). Btw, my hubby is an occasional lurker, has once actually wondered out loud about your kitchen design and layout :)….the kitchen was actually what sealed the deal when we decided to buy our house some months back…

    5. This blog has been a huge a commitment for you, and readers like me appreciate the effort you put into making the content interesting, visually appealing and objective. I have started a little black book of places I want to try for my next trip back to Manila. Of course it would be blogsphere’s loss if you quit…but to paraphrase “sam”, doing this blog has be fun for you as well…

    6. Actually, I don’t think you have to reinvent the wheel on publishing…How does an anthology appeal to you? Although, I would think your pictures would definitely fit into a lavish, glossy coffeetable book….

  5. no need to change anything, MM…the pictures are fantastic, the recipes are extremely doable, the features are interesting and well-written and even the reader rapport and interaction are excellent! as to the frequency, once a day is the minimum “fix” for many of us who check the blog first thing in the morning! as the common dedication in high school autograph books (“slumbooks”) says, “stay as sweet as you are!” ang baduy! but i guess that says it all!

  6. Please keep the posts coming – daily!! My night is never complete without a visit to MarketManila. For us outside the Motherland, it is a way to keep abreast of the food trends and it also gives us a “taste” of how certain dishes are still made in the provinces – like budbud kabog – I have never heard of it till I read your blog.

  7. I wouldn’t want to change a thing. I am fine with the frequency, the choice of topics and most of all your style of writing. I hope you blog forever.

    Maybe someday your search button will work but even if it doesn’t it’s ok with me.

  8. yeah, i do surf at work, hehehe

    it really doesn’t matter what you post. i just enjoy reading your blog. so don’t change anything.

    and i agree with chinachix, a coffeetable book would just be great.

  9. MM, I would be very disappointed if you decided to quit blogging, but I agree with other commenters that it’s more important that you enjoy the experience. The quality of your posts would go down if you no longer enjoyed blogging. The posts I enjoy the mosts are about Filipino produce and your cooking adventures. My husband is Filipino, but I’m sure I know more about the food of his homeland than he does! I don’t think you need to post daily. If posting as you find inspiration is what you’re doing now, then stick with that! By the way, I recently got a new Macintosh and your pictures were not loading correctly in Safari…so of course I downloaded Firefox so I could read your posts with the pictures intact! That’s how much I love your blog.

  10. Same here, I love this blog as it is. Not only is it a source of recipes you so generously share but it is also a vignette of Filipino culture and inspiring stories. I also learn a lot from your rants specially that one of the credit card brouhaha. I was really about to suggest that you publish the entries you have written. I would definitely buy a copy. We have a lot of fun reading your blog and we hope that you also derive a lot of pleasure in writing them down. Keep up the good work MM! Making a lot of people happy will surely earn you a lot of brownie points up there.

  11. Here’s my response:

    1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?
    ANSWER: My favorites are recipes, kitchen equipment, sweets & desserts, and rants! :)

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?
    ANSWER: I think that you should post whenever you feel like it, whether that’s 3 a week or 1 a day.

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?
    ANSWER: No.

    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?
    ANSWER: As with question #2… post whenever you feel like it.

    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?
    ANSWER: I’d buy a book.

  12. 1. Entertaining, recipes using ingredients that can be found in the Philippines, market finds; occasional rants (ha!)
    2. One a day, if that’s sustainable and workable for you
    3. Nope!
    4. as it hits you is best, keeps things more natural
    5. Nope!
    6. A book would be an interesting project … a collection of recipes would probably be most feasible, with some tips on choosing good produce, entertaining, etc

  13. Hi Mr. MM, I’m a frequent reader though I’m guilty of those who don’t post any comment I just really like reading your post just like all the other frequents here. Everything you post are really entertaining. You have shared more than your recipes, flower arrangements, hobbies, etc. to us you have also shared your whole family from tranditions to vacations and holidays spent with family and friends. I really love your blog as it is. Thanks for sharing with us all your great adventures whether in the kitchen or out :) keep on blogging you rule hehehe :)

  14. MM, the site is great! I enjoy the recipes and anecdotes. I say just continue doing what makes you happy and gives you satisfaction.

  15. Hi there! Greetings from Malaysia!

    Whatever happens as a result of this survey, I just hope that you don’t give up this blog. It’s the first blog I check everytime I get online, especially since I get lucky often and find more than one new post a day.

    Many thanks for all the tips and recipes you’ve shared. Like many out there, I have learned a lot from you. And even the rants and raves are about situations i have found myself in at one time or another.

    Being such a gadget freak, i do enjoy your posts about kitchen tools and equipment. And you don’t have to make any apologies for owning such “luxurious” items. It helps people like me make better decisions about whether a tool or gadget is worth buying or not. Besides, i think it’s just envious people who choose to look at such posts negatively.

    All the best to you and your family!

    P.S. A store would be great! Sadly for me, I can only go whenever I fly home, which isn’t that often.

  16. I surf at work. I also broadcast your posts with pics to my computer students especially when the class schedule is near lunchtime.

    I miss budbud kabog so much that I ask my students from Dumaguete to bring me some when they come back from home. No extra grades.

  17. Hi Marketman! Here are my answers:

    1. Favorites categories? Definitely recipes…also provedores (I have discovered so many through you, thanks!) and market finds, and those posts where you do all the table settings and party set up, anything to do with entertaining, and kitchen equipment.

    2. Pace of posts? 1 a day or 3 times a week is fine. Whatever feels right and is doable for you.

    3. Repetitive, boring, staid? Not at all!

    4. I find your style, both writing style and posting style, to be fine. In fact, I find that you do already have a great combination of light, humorous posts and more in-depth ones.

    5. Call it quits? No. Please. No.

    6. If you write a book I would definitely buy it! Something like Wysgal describes — recipes with personal anecdotes, tips on choosing good produce, entertaining tips, kitchen equipment tips, etc. Also, if you made a calendar, maybe it could be one that shows when all the different produce is in season here…I would definitely buy that!

    Thanks for everything you have poured into this site! It’s greatly appreciated! :) I look forward to more! :)

  18. Don’t change anything, unless it suits you. Write to please your interests and schedule, it clearly works.I project that your readership will continue to grow, and your wheedling will lure more of us out of the dark to make comments (I’m now 3+, so in a new statistical category!!). A book which serves an extension of this blog, with more pictures would be great. A year in the Kitchen of MarketMan. Fantastic. As for any other uses of your time? Keep representing the wonderful food culture and produce of the Philippines. Use your voice to showcase excellence, and to encourage others improve the quality of range of their products. Not forgetting the occaisional rant.

  19. hi,
    am one of those guilty avid lurkers and not leaving comments.

    don’t ever quit. because:
    1. i like your writing style. 2. your site helped me visit new places and restaurants i’ve never even bothered to think of! 3. and those very detailed recipes and cooking methods with complete personal notes on them 4. i would miss the rants! 5. and those funny and practical kitchen equipments (esp. fish pans =P) i would love to have.

    Keep on doing what you love best.

  20. Please keep on blogging to your heart’s content, at whatever frequency, on whatever topic suits your fancy! Your posts are always amusing and educational. I would definitely buy your book. And would definitely watch your television show (although I know you probably won’t go that route in light of your desire to remain anonymous!).

    Philippine cuisine is becoming more widely recognized (pls see this month’s Saveur 100, #28, if you haven’t already for the Philippine Food entry) and I’m sure your blog has helped contribute to this phenomenon!

  21. I am one of the lurkers that you have mentioned. I haven’t commented before because I haven’t really had anything to add. I love your blog MM, please don’t change anything.

    1. I love all your recipes, and really enjoy trying to translate to US ingredients. Your market trips remind me of when I was able to go to farmer’s markets in Kansas (I now live in the wilds of Maine). I really love your decorating and place setting posts, they give me so many ideas on how to use what is available.

    2. If you are able, I would love to continue seeing a new post from you every day.

    3. You are not a repetitive writer in the least. I always find something new that interests me.

    4. I love reading your blog, please don’t change a thing.

    5. Please don’t quit! Pretty Please…….

    6. If you want to write a book, I would be pleased to buy & read it. I would feel like, hey I knew him before he was famous….lol.

    You are a real pleasure to read, I enjoy every minute that I spend here. I hope you enjoy letting us all into your world.

  22. 1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?

    I enjoy the articles on recipes, provedores, equipment, RANTS!

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?

    I’m one of those that reads your blog first thing in the morning. But if you choose to reduce it to 4x or 5x a week, that would be fine too. Whatever doesn’t destroy your enthusiasm for blogging.

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?

    I don’t find your writing boring or staid (especially the rants!), and it’s a reflection of your interest in the topic.

    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?

    It might be interesting to do more series, like you did with the gingerbread houses. But only if it’s something that requires intensive writing. That way, it’s only one topic you’re dealing with, rather than a new one each day. You could have “cliffhangers” too, that way, if it’s a series on a single topic, you could post them once a week between other topics and make people salivate for more (very Dickens).

    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?
    No! Please, you’ll end up creating a community of online zombies, wandering around wondering what to do.

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?
    Offer your services to do a foodtour (like Calvin Trillin in New York, a very secret tour that gets sold out the day the news of the tour is released) or markets of Manila, or the Philippines. It could be like the EB, but the costs would help pay for the blog. Then sell t-shirts and calendars, with little chilli crabs or the basket as the logo!! hahaha, sorry, no, don’t do that.
    Or maybe you and Sister could set up an online store to mail budbud kabog to those who haven’t tasted it yet!
    A store would be lovely though, bricks and mortar style, full of lovely gadgets, food tastings, visiting chefs, books, a cafe for all the MM groupies to meet up. But that’s an investment that would probably tax your energies. You wouldn’t be short of buyers.

  23. I love your take on recipes, special occasions and foodie equipment and learn so much from your rants. Fact is, your passion shines through whatever topic you write on. Altho 1 post a day is enough to get my day going since you basically come with my morning coffee, two or more is a treat! However, you have to stop blogging the minute it starts being “work” to you otherwise, it just wouldn’t be the same anymore. I and a million others will just have to go on rehab :)

  24. I’m thinking MM 2.0 can maybe offer a bit more immersive surfing experience to your readers? How about adding some video clips in your posts every now and then? :)

    Think youtube.com and movie clips from your digicam :)

    Other than that, I really like to see more of your local/regional food haunt adventures as most of us are probably curious to see how places and things have changed or remained the same back home. I realize that this may prove too be a stretch as it would require frequent travels on your part but yeah, it’d be cool to see more of that. I’m a fan of Anthony Bourdain … so there :).

    Write a book? Heck, you ought to have your own tv show!

  25. your method of blogging is fine with me…your enthusiasm and passion for what you do shines in every post…same with chinkee, you have to stop when it is not fun anymore and it becomes a chore….i always check your site for something new, though i may not comment as often….i think the book idea should materialize, not necessarily you have to write something new, but a compilation of posts…so even if there is a storm raging outside, no power, no internet connection…..we have something to read and read….

  26. Hey I’d buy a Marketmanila book too! Need contributors? (wink, wink) Regarding your posts’ content, I love their variety. Something I’d love to read more of are your opinions on the quality of service in Philippine restaurants (eg. the wait staff, cleanliness…).

  27. I like this blog as it is.. your blog. Your pace is perfect because its yours, and thats what I like about it. In life there are times when the pace is a bit hectic where a lot seems to be going on and there are times when things go a little slow.
    You have shared a whole lot with us, its unique because its your experience, much like a reality show, I think. Even the community of readers who give comments have become part of this blog and part of its value.
    So go on (please…), as long as you want to share with us your passion, rants, raves, and other experiences we will be here reading and (based on some comments) sharing our own experience too.

  28. In this day and age when millions of Filipino are scattered all over the world and the world wide web is a major form of communication, your blog is the only link we have to the real Philippines. Inq7 is there, TFC, too and so does thousands of other blogs, but I feel that yours is the only one that truly hits at all our senses and somehow ease our longing for home.

    I agree with the others, I’d buy a Market Manila book, too, and would treasure it as much as I treasure this bookmarked and much-loved blog.

    I am into the journalism profession and currently editing a Filipino newspaper here in the U.S. and believe me, you write way better than some of our writers (editing some often drive me to taking a double dose of Motrin!), and they are professionals at that. I am even tempted to invite you to write for us. (hint, hint, hint) Many of our readers are septuagenarians, who, no matter how much you teach them, still thinks a mouse is something that squeaks and that surfing involves sea water and a board. I know they will love what you write, too.

    You make us laugh (or just snicker when we’re in our cubicles at work), bring tears to our eyes, put our salivary glands and stomach acids into overdrive, and gives us reasons to just pause and think of home with so much longing, we could burst.

    I hope you will not tire of doing what you are doing now. By doing this, you keep Philippine culture alive in cyberspace. I remember what the late Doreen Fernandez once wrote in her Inquirer column, something in the lines of how the culinary secrets of our lolas and lolos are forever lost because few have been documented and passed on to the next generations. YOu are doing that for us now, MM.

  29. Hello Mr. MM

    I still prefer the usual once a day post or more ‘coz it becomes part of my everyday habit to visit and read your site…for an OFW like me, its kind of refreshing and exciting to read post about ordinary pinoy dishes especially those from other regions since i just come from manila…but whatever changes you will make….i will still be a loyal visitor of market manila….keep it up and thanks for making my day everyday…God bless you and your family…

  30. Guilty! I’m one of the regular visitors but only left one comment the entire time. To answer your questions:

    1/ I like all your categories but ‘recipes’ my fave.
    2/ One a day is fine.
    3/ Not at all.
    4/ Current format works very well. Casual yet informative.
    5/ Pls don’t. This is the only site I visit on a regular basis. Although I don’t really cook, I still look forward to seeing your posts.
    6/ A book wld be nice!:)

  31. I don’t mean to belabor the point, since so many others already have before me. I look forward to whatever you think of writing about, whether it’s something I already love or something I wouldn’t even dream of trying! And whether you post daily or weekly doesn’t matter – we’ll just all have withdrawal symptoms, that’s all :) Just please don’t stop blogging!

  32. Hi there, dear MM! Belated Happy Anniversary to you and the missus!

    Please let me chime in and add my own two centavos’ worth:

    1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?

    Answer: Your blog is wonderful as it is. Please continue.

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?

    Answer: Oh NO!! Please don’t slow down; post as your spirit moves you, and as your strength sustains you. (Haha! I can imagine you strapped to your chair in front of your computer, getting nourished intravenously and with various other lines here and there to take care of your other *ahem* bodily functions, never leaving, eternally writing, continuously posting! Now THAT’S dedication!!)

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?

    Answer: Definitely NOT. Your site is most entertaining (I love it when you poke fun at yourself, let your hair down and be silly, or poke fun at otherwise-serious topics), definitely educational, and opens doors for people like me who cannot travel as I would want to. It was a frabjuous day (calooh! callay!) when I first read one of your posts — and I have been hooked for good. And you have been so generous to let us enter your world, and see things from your perspective. The rants help, too.

    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?

    Answer: Same as my reply to Question No. 2.

    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?

    Answer: That’s terrible! And WHY should you?! Please don’t deprive us of the daily pleasure of reading your posts. It is unthinkable, unacceptable, unbelievable, inconceivable — and if you do, you will hear a collective WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! (borrowed from Charles Shulz’ “Peanuts”) from here to TImbuktu, from Antarctica to Ouagadougou.

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?

    Answer: Yes, an elegant coffeetable book would really be great, thank you. Or maybe a “The Best of Markemanila” too. You can’t write? Who sez?! You are eloquent and funny, that’s for sure. And you’ve just said that you have “… 6 to 8,000 regular readers … “! You are way too modest, MM. Bet you won’t have a hard time finding someone to bankroll your book which will fly off the shelves for sure. I for one anticipate getting my grubby little hands on such a work of love!

    A food specialty shop (including, of course, your own exclusive line of kitchen equipment and stuff), your own travel-cum-culinary show (yes, eD, a Pinoy ‘Antohony Bourdain’ maybe at Lifestyle Network), a series of ‘How-To” books — there are so many possibilities. A calendar? Well, yeaaaahhh, to show off your new Bond bod!! :-)

  33. i love your site..can you post more recipes that are easy to do for people like me na di masyado marunong magluto..

  34. My responses:

    1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?

    ***I totally enjoy everything, but would really like to hear more of the rants and kitchen equipment this year :)

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?

    *** I like the pace you are in right now. I believe it should always be whenever you feel like it, you don’t really have to please us that much, as I believe most of us appreciate all that you’ve shared.

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?

    *** Not at all, in fact I do enjoy visiting your site moreover than before.

    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?

    *** Definitely whenever it hits you.

    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?

    *** Yikes, no!

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?

    *** A book about your experiences doing your favorite posts for the blog will be nice. It’s more of a chronicle than a recipe book, at least it is quite different than what you’ve written here but definitely interesting. It is more of a real life storytelling or a behind the scenes compilation.

    A calendar is definitely the most doable. Maybe use your favorite photos of any category and feature it per month (e.g. Foie Gras for December, a tip/recipe or brief explanation; Flowers for May,tips for arrangement etc) whatever you feel most appropriate among your favorites to represent/be featured each month.

    A foodstore?! I will surely be jubilant as I could imagine what you’ll be selling! You’ll be truly heaven sent for us foodies!

  35. i think your worries are but symptoms of premature midlife crisis. marketmanila is here to stay. heck you can rant or rave about tissue paper and people would still go gaga over your blog. personally, the only improvement you should make is outside the realm of cyberspace. you should put up a resto!!!! please put up a resto!!!! kahit carinderia lang i will patronize!!! kahit sa garahe nyo lang, i’m sure people will flock and make month-long reservations ala antonios just to have a marketmanila experience. and you don’t really have to prepare something bongga or mala-antonio’s fine dining, cos even your leftovers are enough for anyone to enjoy and feast on!

    i’m dead serious although i know you dont take anything i say seriously. another option i think, which would be very lucrative as well, is some sort publication of your recipes with etymologies or compilation of useful tips for a certain occasions and mouth-watering photos in a wall calendar or organizer/ diary kind of thing that could also serve as a fundraiser. andaming nauuto sa starbucks promo na yan to buy 2,500 pesos worth of coffee just to get that ho-hum diary/organizer, and according to starbucks, as another incentive, apart from being a proud new owner of the fad-ish planner, you become a philanthropist at the same time since a donation is made in your name to the streetkids foundation they support. maybe we, your 33k+ growing fan base, can similarly support you in all your cause-oriented projects while having a useful marketmanila planner as well.

    i’m sure there are lotsa people who would volunteer on the lay-out, printing etc. and you won’t need any sponsors cos your fan base would be more than oh so willing to shoulder the costs. feeling ko nga, even if you started marketing mm apparel like aprons or bayongs or shirts with your quotable quotes, or infamous rants (ie shittybank) maraming pa ring bibili. naks

  36. I like your customer feedback initiative! It shows you really care about your readers. And it’s shaping up like we all want what we’ve been getting these last 2 years.

    But will 30+ comments keep MM going? Leave a post, guys…even a smiley.

  37. oh you overaciever you… to indulge you:
    1. categories. i can imagine how merciless you’d be as a restaurant reviewer. haha!
    2&4. pace. as inspiration hits is fine fine fine.
    3. repetitive, boring, staid. not at all! i wonder where this question is coming from: are YOU feeling this way? getting a trifle restless?
    5. 1000 posts then sign off? that would be a sad day for the foodies. You thinking of doing a Jordan, quitting in his prime?
    6. what next? a book, while a lasting and fitting memento for this part of your life, would be way toooo easy for you, i think. though bourdain advised against it, a restaurants sounds like a logical extension to this. if that’s too involving, a compromise would be a deli (manila needs 1!!!) cum supplies store with ocassional cook-ins by you!

  38. mm, you will make everyone extremely sad and depressed if you chose to discontinue your blog. if you decide to compile your work and publish i would suggest something from purchasing materials, cooking/assembly/presentation with of course documented with pictures. more of a diy book would be good. another great suggestion is since you have mentioned a couple of your suppliers, why dont they share in printing cost since they will be mentioned again?

  39. Hi MM!

    1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?

    Flowers, produce, sweets & desserts, main course (ulam)rants & anything in between.

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?

    I personally prefer 1 post a day :D just kidding. Whatever suits you is fine with me.

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?


    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?

    Sam I hope you don’t mind but I am going to quote you on this one. ‘Don’t quit blogging. You are a kick-ass food blogger, and I need enough time to go through withdrawal if you quit blogging. :). You are doing great, and for 2007, do it in a pace and format you find most enjoyable. I will take it all!’

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?

    I will buy your book and calendar and just like what Poch said, maybe a deli cum supplies store.

  40. I stumbled across your site when I was researching Mangoosteen during my pregnancy. I found your site so facinating I read through every post in your archives all at one go. Now I check it everyday. I will have withdrawal symptoms if you stop. So please don’t ever stop.

    It is very generous of you to share your knowledge of food and give us a peep into your life, the special things you do for the Kid, your holiday traditions and recipes. Keep it spontaneous, do a post when you feel the urge. I hope you’ll continue to do a minimum of 1 a day. I have tried out many of your recipes and I also love reading about new fruits and vegetables that are alien to me but native to your land. I also admire and have learnt a lot from your posts on international cusines. You are truly a global citizen Marketman : ) Keep the posts coming. A book is a good idea.

  41. I agree with what most everybody said, ESPECIALLY with the pleas for you to not stop blogging!

    1. Although I don’t cook, I like reading the recipes because I’m hoping that doing so slowly conditions my brain to being up to the task one day. ;-) I like that you write about a variety of dishes — from the complicated, which I could never even hope to attempt (the controversial budbod kabog), to the simplest salads and fried food. I also like learning about produce. At least half of the stuff you’ve written I didn’t know anything about, even if they happened to be local fruits or vegetables. Your posts on provedores are very useful; they’re probably the ones with the most practical application for non-cooks like me. And your blog would NOT be the same, nor would we be as addicted to it as we are, without the rants! The personal stories are what make you *real* to us, MM. If we wanted totally objective, calm, professional articles with no personality, we’d just read the newspaper! ;-)

    2. For selfish reasons, I wouldn’t mind lower frequency. I’m sure, though, that I’m in the tiny minority. So, as others have said, I think you should continue to write at whatever pace suits you.

    3. I couldn’t even use the words “boring” and “staid” in the same sentence as MarketManila!

    4. It’s your spontaneity that keeps this blog from being predictable. If a topic excites you enough to warrant a series, then go ahead; if a paragraph says it all, then why write more?

    5. 1,000 posts is far from enough to satisfy your 8,000 regular readers, much less if you count the occasional visitors! As a business-savvy guy, you must agree that for as long as the demand exceeds the supply, you shouldn’t stop.

    6. I’m all for the book idea, whether it’s a coffee table book or a reference book. But just to set it apart from the usual anthologies, it would be nice if it had a theme or structure. For example, you could structure it according to time of year (this could be a calendar idea too, as Joey suggested) so that ingredients, dishes, and decor are appropriate for each month. Or you could focus on home entertaining, with each chapter representing a specific party, and talking about the food, wine, flowers, suppliers, and table settings used for it, as well as relevant anecdotes (e.g., a beach party might have a seafood theme, which would include a recipe for a fish dish, which could segue into an anecdote about the fish pan brouhaha!).

    Then, you could sell the book in the MarketManila store/cafe! ;-) Seriously, I know Mila’s idea might be too involved for you, but you can bet there’d be a bunch of us hanging out there, hoping to meet fellow foodies, sharing food finds, and waiting to hear your most recent rants!

  42. Three things I love about your site: (1) your posts on ingredients, recipes, and kitchen implements–especially the likes of grape scissors and fish pans; (2)your sister’s comments–wish she had her own blog; (3) clutter-free, no ads.

  43. Let me try and answer each and every question.

    1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?

    I basically read anything you write, so you can write whatever you wish and i’, sure i will enjoy it.

    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?

    I would say 1 a day cause my day ain’t complete without reading a post from your blog

    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?

    a big NO!

    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?

    Write each time you feel like writing

    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?

    Another big NO!

    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?

    Open a foodstore.

  44. Do whatever, as long as this blog stays. :) If you really want to do something different this year, how about a section where we can ask you, or your readers suggestions or tips, like a forum or something?

  45. Grabe! parang nadaig pa ng latest entry mo ang earthquake sa Taiwan a….your readers including me of course, almost panicked with just the thought of you quitting the blogging world. OH MY! OH MY! ok, ok, so I am one of those regular readers who enjoys reading your entries without much leaving a comment (guilty as charged) but please do continue your blogging as you inspire a lot of people with your blogs and there is nothing I want you to change in the way or manner you are blogging. Please, please……keep on bloggin’ MM. We need your ‘EVERYDAY’ entry :) Mwah!!!

  46. 1. More recipes, produce and provedores – while I do not live in the Philippines anymore, my family still does and they have certainly benefitted from your many discoveries.
    5. NOOOOOOOO!!!!
    6. I think you should write a book. You already have enough material in your 7 binders.

    You have served as a major inspiration to me to return to my cooking and my family has truly benefitted from this inspiration. Between your site, 80 breakfasts and Wanderings of a Gypsy Soul, I receive a daily dose of inspiration and creativity. Thank you for that.

    Plus, I still have to figure out who you are in real life.

  47. 1. More recipes and food related stuff, then again…i read
    anything you post.

    2. The pace is good…just don’t burn yourself out.

    3. Boring? Never crossed my mind. I bet everyone here as a
    favorite post of yours. Why not make a poll those that
    probably will be favorites?

    4. You done well with your current style, no sense in changing
    what works well.

    5. Retire? What’s that? :)

    6. You could publish this blog verbatim and it’ll sell!

  48. in order of importance:
    5. A BIG RESOUNDING NO! dont quit. you’re gonna make a lot of people sad. maybe the work hours will be more productive (hehe), but that’s another story.
    1-4. you have the statistics. you’re doing ok so just keep up the good work. so long as you enjoy writint it, we’ll enjoy reading it. i do enjoy reading (and sometimes trying to follow) the recipes, though.
    6. no calendars, please. a book? um, i guess it would work. not the coffee table-type lang.

    and this is coming from one of the 7%. yey! my 3rd comment in 2 years! hehehe… =)

  49. I found your site by accident and I am glad I did! I will now visit it everyday as I enjoyed what I’ve read and seen so far. As for your questions, although I am a new reader, my opinion is that you should write on what you care about, as often as you feel like it: food, trips, decorations, products, etc. Even politics, if you care to. I will certainly read it all. This site is quite a find for a homesick Pinoy like me!

    Cheers, and Happy New Year!

  50. 1. Recipe, Produce, Provedores; the others are great too.
    2. Current Pace
    3. Nope
    4. Light is fine — i read your blog for entertainement and for some information — leave the serious stuff for work.
    5. never
    6. Blogging will open a lot of creative windows. Do whatever grabs your interest and we shall follow!

  51. Please don’t ever think of stopping on what you are doing. I love this post, yours is one of my few links to our home country after I migrating in the US 8 months ago. I like everything you write, it’s all worth reading.

  52. daily of course. What ever hits you! from your out of town trips to Cebu, Batangas, any foreign trips, kid’s birthday or just a visit to the market to buy flowers and any new veggies introduced by your suki. Keep up the good work. Up to know i havent finished reading your old articles and dont forget the once a year ‘eye ball’.

  53. Answer to 1,2,3,4, and 6 do whatever you please, it’s your blog and as your statistics would prove, your site is doing quite well and no need to change, i won’t be commenting and keep on visiting this site if it doesn’t interest me.. For #5 the answer is NOOOOO!!!

  54. I can’t read your site MM, it’s soo small fonts, is it in my computer configuration? I love to read all your recent entries but i can’t, does anyone have the same problem like me.

  55. 1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?


    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?


    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?


    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?


    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?


    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?


  56. Just keep ’em posts coming…I read anything and everything you blog with great interest. If you plan to open a foodstore could I come and work for you?

  57. myra, you just need to go to your browser and adjust the text size, it is probably set on small… Thanks everyone for those polite answers…it’s encouraging to know there isn’t much to change. I guess I am just feeling in a bit of a rutt. Hmmm, gotta snap out of it! At any rate, rants shouldn’t be too much of a problem, I have actually restrained myself as am trying to keep the site positive rather than negative…

  58. don’t ever quit, marketman! reading your blog is one of the truly addicting things i’ve developed in years. the pacing of the entries is fine and write about whatever that piques your interest (actually, rants,recipes and foreign trips are my favorites). Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke :)

  59. Happy New Year, MM & Family. Keep it up, please. I’ve just stumbled on your blog in December while searhing for palillos de Milan. I’d like a recipe please, also of sweets, desserts, etc, everything that your heart desires to blog about. I’ve shared this with my cousins & they love your blog,too. It brings us closer to home & brings about a lot of nostalgia as well! Keep up the once a day or more??? because my day does not seem complete without it. It is never boring. Do not ever retire! As for the book, if you will, a recipe book with the corresponding anecdotes, and all the interesting tidbits about your trips, finds, experiences, etc., just like what you are doing. God bless you! You enable us to have a vicarious experience by sharing all these with us. Thanks a million!

  60. This is for Myra.

    To adjust the size of the fonts (text) hold the Ctrl key down and turn the scroll wheel of your mouse ( I hope you have a scroll button) and adjust the size of the text to your liking.

    If you don’t have the scroll button go to the toolbar and click View then choose the text size you want.

  61. 1. What categories of posts would you like to read more about in the next 12 months? Recipes and what types of dishes? Produce, provedores, flowers, kitchen equipment, sweets and desserts, rants, etc.?
    – i love your recipes, have tried some out and the pics are amazing, Kitchen equipment would be good too, like some new gadget (hopefully not too expensive though) and if ever would love to hear about your thoughts on some restaurants again.
    2. Should the pace of posts slow down to say 3 a week, or remain at the current pace of about 1 a day?
    – The Pace right now is perfect, I love the way that i get to look forward to something new everyday.
    3. Are you starting to feel the site is getting repetitive, boring, staid?
    – Not really, its been fun getting to know not only about food but also about you and your family
    4. Should I focus on more depth and less posts, or continue to post as it hits me, as I have been doing in the past year?
    – love the way you write on whatever things..keep it up..
    5. Is it time to round out the posts at 1,000 and call it quits, and retire from blogging for good?
    – ARE YOU NUTS?? who would feed our hunger then?? hehehe
    6. Write a book (but I can’t really write! and who would pay for it?), publish a calendar, open a foodstore?
    – Id buy your book, heck id love to get even a xerox binded copy of your printouts…
    Keep it up…Life’s too short to be hungry…

  62. Hi MM, Please don’t stop blogging. Just keep on doing what you’re doing know. Don’t mind us “most of the time lurkers” because I Can tell, we are happy with just reading your posts, being entertained and learning from both posts and comments. The more posts you do a day the happier I will be reading them. Thank you for your untiring efforts.

  63. 1. I definitely would appreciate more posts on kitchen equipment.
    2. Since this is your very own blog, any pace for me will do. I will feel a little bit antsy if there are no new posts everyday but come to think of it, if you need to slow down a bit then we will be more than willing enough to adjust since you are the host and as guests, we will humbly follow.
    3. Nope, the site is still the same food blog I have grown to love.
    4. The current formula works for me well and I do for one appreciate reading new posts daily.
    5. Sorry for the term but the answer is a resounding – HELL NO!!!! =) Excuse me but this is how strongly I feel, I really do visit this site almost everyday except on weekends. I am a marketmanila.com addict and I am proud of it.
    6. You have acquired a writing skill that is funny, very catchy and full of wits. I will go out and buy any book, go visit your store or any kind of future endeavors.

    Btw, as for your comment that you cannot really write, I found myself going over the fishpan posts again and same as before, I was holding on to your every written word. Now if that is not talent in writing, then I don’t know how to call it anymore. I love reading your posts and I may not be a scholarly reading critic but just based on the feedback received, I guess most of us here genuinely appreciate and admire your blog.

    Thank you for taking time to get a feel of what’s on our head. I hope you success in all your current and future undertakings.

  64. My suggestion– more events! So people get enthusiastic to be a part of this community, share ideas etc. I love this blog MM, puleeeze dont say its over…. my day would feel incomplete :-)

  65. MM,This has been a routine for me,opening my computer in the morning and clicking your link, it’s like an addiction and I just can’t restrain myself from doing it. Honestly, I never even try any of your recipe, but there is really something on your blog that just so personal and genuine, and that’s how I love it. Heck, I’m even more thrilled to see and hear your market discoveries than the actual recipe. But yeah, that’s just me of course. And if ever you decide to stop doing this wonderful thing in the future, all I can say is just thank you, merci, dank u, madamu gid nga salamat….

  66. Oh my! Super sarap! Paborito ko ang bistek with lots and lots of onions.

    I am going to try your bistek recipe next month, your tocino recipe sa March, and your tapa recipe sa April lol, mag diet kasi ako and I figure na mag cheat ako once a month (finger cross, kasi baka ang one day cheat fest ko eh mauwi sa one month cheat fest lol, and well there goes the diet.)

    Natawa ako sa comment ni Elit sa yesterday post mo MM

    elit says:
    ‘Grabe! parang nadaig pa ng latest entry mo ang earthquake sa Taiwan a….your readers including me of course, almost panicked with just the thought of you quitting the blogging world.’

    Kasi medyo nag panicked din ako lol. I landed on your site when I was looking for paksiw na lechon. Ngayon… Eto… I am hook.

    Happy 007!
    Belated Happy Anniversary sa inyong mag sweetheart.
    Good luck sa diet mo.

    And lastly…. Thank you.

  67. Like most of the first time posters above, I too am losing my Market Manila virginity and finally ‘doing’ it… posting a comment, that is.

    First of all, I have no font problems whatsoever but that control-key-scroll-button-combination-move tip is waaaay cool. It took me a good 20 seconds to get over it.

    Sir MarketMan, personally, i think you should take things down a notch and take it easy, at least for now. The fact that you had to stop and do some cyber-soul searching tells of an itty bitty discomfort somewhere in your system. Flush it out first.

    Try not to do more entries than # of days in one year. Hell, anything with a frequency of once every 20hrs or 1.19 times a day has got to suck! Even sex! (Or is it just me??? Nyiii I hope not) Perhaps fewer entries will allow each entry to enjoy longer ‘hang-time’ and thus, prolong length of interest and discussion thread.

    Engage heavily in the comments section if you can. This is another means to interact more and raise the discussion level to a peak before moving on to the next entry.

    All of this is of course meant to help you slow down. But the Market Manila legion has spoken and it’s all out of your hands now. You MUST go on. You MUST continue the pace. You have NO choice. hehehe. You have after all created this food Matrix and we all like being plugged into it.

    Perhaps a little food and wine pairing recommendation in the future? Nothing complements one more than the other. In some parts of the world and in some circles here in Manila, pairing fine food and fine wine is nothing less than a sacrament. You might want to help most of your readers get off on the right foot on this tricky subject, which I feel is a natural evolution of eating well.

  68. MM,cyberspace wouldn’t be the same if you stop blogging.
    We love each and every posts you have posted and there has never been a dull moment since we found you. You are IT!!!! so there…….

  69. Keeping your site positive, not negative–that’s another, the 4th, thing I like about your site–it’s wholesome, no unpleasant surprises. The most pleasant surprises come when your sister guest-writes–obviously, the flair for cooking and writing are in your genes. Your devotion to each other, manifested through food and writing, reminds me of mine with my younger brothers (one in San Francisco, another in Seattle). More power to you and Sister–keep on writing, your public have spoken.

  70. hi MM! Please continue what you’re doing. Even if I don’t get to comment on a regular basis, I do read your posts regularly and have kept me informed and entertained no end. Keep the yummy recipes and innovative projects coming!! More power..

  71. i had the privelege of trying out several of your recipes
    ( all great ) & i must say you deserve to be in the food biz – i’d say a specialty food store selling kitchen gadgets, gourmet food, etc – we have such a store in our area where they also have regular cooking demos inviting other chefs from the area, a way to promote their restaurants – i check your posts almost daily – i get lots of tips & ideas – thanks a lot! you will be missed if u stop this – looking forward to more of your food ‘trials & errors’ & hope one of them will be about the putong puti using galapong & the traditional fermentation method – looking forward to it this year!! more success to your foodsite!

  72. Whatever comes up with your intuitive mind and articulate writing stirs up a great momentum. You can make great tell tale out of pili tree! There is no boring article that you posted. Through your blog; I reconnect back to my roots and to Motherland. Your site is a great reminiscence of my youth. It brings back a lot of fond memories of my childhood. I love it so much because of its variety – cooking, tablewares, china, , silverwares, marketplaces, flowers, RANTS, raves everything. You are doing a fabulous job! Keep it the way it is please. More power to you!

  73. You voice out what is in your heart! Your opinions are unbiased. You are not leaning on any side of the equator. When you tested a recipe with your own resources, whether it is a great success or failure you shared it with us and gave out great pointers for success. I truly appreciate all of these from the bottom of my heart.

  74. Please continue blogging! Your posts keep me in touch of what’s going on back home. I look forward to more recipes and great finds. Thank you so much for sharing your great thoughts and ideas with all of us.

  75. Marketman, I’m your newest fan from Toronto, Canada. I picked up the link to your site via, I think, either Celdran Tours or Manila Walks, just after Christmas. I was so enthralled that I spent one weekend going through all of your entriess in the Archives and, I tell you, I enjoyed every one of them! I like your style of writing (you come across as a very smart person). The pictures you post are clear…the site is clean and very pleasing to the eyes. I hope you will continue to share your knowledge and expertise for as long as you can. Mabuhay to you and your family!

  76. Don’t change! Thanks to you I have learned to enjoy cooking and going to fresh markets. You’re like an older brother to me, trying to guide me in every way you can. Maraming salamat.

  77. I’ve been a regular reader for almost 2 yrs. now but I have not sent a comment. I got tired reading the Daily Inquirer but I never got tired reading your site. It’s what I read during my breaks. I do hope you continue doing what you have been doing on this site. I like your writing style and your sincerity. More power to you.

  78. Your blog is one of the easiest and most enjoyable reads. I do have one suggestion for the recipe list, my friends have been raving about this frozen brazo de mercedes that seems to have hit Manila. Since I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to go home to Manila for Xmas, do you think you could add this to your list of recipe requests? Thanks!

  79. Luya, the frozen brazo de Mercedes was “invented” by the vendor who is based in San Lorenzo Village. I have had it twice and frankly, would be at a loss to replicate it. It is wicked sweet and good if you are a brazo fan…but I doubt I could get the recipe which is a closely guarded secret as of now, I would guess…

  80. Hi MM, I agree with everybody!!!
    I may not leave a regular comment on your blog but I am one of your avid reader in Sydney.
    Instead of reading online newspaper I read your site,very interesting and educational..e.g. I didn’t even know we had bugbog kabog (did I get it right??)

    Keep up the good work!
    Cheers from sunny Australia

  81. I check out your blog once a week a before I write my (anal, yes Fried-Neurons) shopping list.

    I look at the photos, and kung nainggit ako enough I will include your dish/es in my menu for the week.

    Love your food styling, whether it’s done intentionally or not!

  82. Hi MM, me thinks yours is a fair answer. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I didn’t realize that it was just recently invented and a closely guarded secret. Hats off to the artist(s) and creator(s). I saw on the web that there seems to be several versions circulating. If I were in Manila, I probably would’ve just bought the darn thing but alas, I’m one of your expat lurkers. Anyway, I will just have to experiment on my own. My findings will be kept secret in honor of the inventors of the dessert. :)

    I’ll also come up with new ideas for recipe requests, perhaps something not “copyrighted” ;)

  83. you are michelin guide to philippines …..
    rant as much as you want this is your page….
    since i own and read so many food magazines from diff countries yours is my online version for the philippines.

  84. hi MM…for starters,i don’t really cook what you right neither do i attempt.although,i’d love to,i don’t have the time at the moment,neither the resources.but i do love reading your posts.i enjoy reading the recipes and might use a trick or two from you when i finally decide to try your dishes.and i strongly ill-advise that you retire from blogging.i try to read your posts daily,they amuse me and i enjoy reading everything that comes to food..
    keep up the good work and i’m wishing for more posts to come!

  85. My only advice is —


    But then, I might as well get my shotgun and earn and early entry into paradise.

  86. You’ve done a great job, marketman! You’re a blessing to those of us who live away from our beloved Philippines and I look forward to reading of your good work in the years to come. Best regards!

  87. It’s amazing how many lives you’ve touched as evidenced by those who had left their comments above. Not surprising ‘coz I enjoy your site as well, the style, the wit, modesty, sincerity, crystal clear description etc. Keep up (not just good but) the GREAT job you’ve started and more power. . .

    I suggest that you stay in publishing if you may.

  88. P.S. Clothilde of the Chocolate and Zucchini foodblog got a publishing contract–I don’t see why Marketman couldn’t.

  89. One thing about you MM is that you put together the most delicious or beautiful things be it food, decor or flowers at the best or valued price. I’m amazed that others throw so much money just to say that they spent a lot for it. Your examples shows that you can have class without breaking the bank.

  90. trish et al, as far as publishing a book, I have seen the results of too many situations where the publishers have mucked up a book, so I am actually leery of all but the best…as a result, the alternative is to underwrite the book myself, which means I have to foot the entire bill, then worry about distribution, but that would give me total control on style, content, etc. and would still have to hire editors, etc. to make it readable… Hmmm, its a major investment…

  91. MM – your blogs are a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with my home country. I love reading about all the great market places, produce, recipes, people, activities. In fact, because of your blog, when I was home last year, I dragged my mother to Makati just to experience the Saturday market. I am an avid reader!! Keep up the wonder job!

  92. This is a wonderful blog. I don’t really think you should change anything. Write what you feel like writing – as you said, whoever reads them, reads them. I’ve dragged hubby Kulas to Salcedo Market and some of those places you’ve mentioned and we’ve tried your recipes.

    My response to your questions:
    #5 – WHAT????!!!! A definite NO – period.
    #6 – I’d buy a book. I’d even fall in line to get one signed!

  93. For me, your blog is interesting because you’re keeping it real. I really go back to the april fool entry because it’s so, grabe, nakakatawa, nakakaaliw at nakakalokah. Please don’t change how you write it eh? Just let it flow. I think your gut feel on what to write is excellent.

    Please write a book or have an am radio show. Trust me. Radio is more colorful than television. It still makes the brain try to visualize and it also doesn’t pry into one’s sensibilities so much. Besides, i can bake while listening to your future show.

    I will definitely line up and have that book signed. Nakanaman! :) One request though, please don’t use the glossy magazine paper for its pages. Once it catches just a whiff of humidity… inay… super stick together ang mga pahina. Loss ang beauty and legacy. Matuk mo ba yun?

    O siya, i hope to have more time tuning into your blog this month. The past season was … nakakalagot hininga sa pressure… but oh-so-enriching to the bulsa.

    I have to stop watching Alisa Alano… it’s … infectious.