If you missed last Saturday’s “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho” which included a segment on Filipino Food Bloggers, here is a link to a video of the segment. Many thanks to “Maria of Canada” and others who provided the link to the video. Shortly after the segment aired, the blog nearly crashed from the deluge of first-time visitors to check out marketmanila.com. Saturday nights and Sundays are normally the “slowest” days on the blog, but just minutes after the segment aired at 8:50pm or so to midnight Saturday, a whopping 30,000+ visits were recorded. Then on Sunday, the visits topped 52,000, definitely a new record for a 24-hour period. :) Welcome to all the new readers and I strongly encourage you to browse back into the older posts in the archives… I’m sure the relative brouhaha will die down in a day or two and it will be back to regular programming… Thank you!

57 Responses
Hi MM, I was able to watch your KMJS segment. Can’t wait for your next showbiz exposure :)
Congratulations MM! “The Star of the Decade”… Those who want to view the whole episode you can view at http://www.lahugay.blogspot.com.
Yes, a big welcome to the new fans of MM! It’s never too late folks to update yourselves to the wonderful world of this Marketmanila community. You’ll be hooked—-Promise! :)
You’ll be amazed at the treasures you’ll find. Go on – read back on the old posts! It’s like John Grisham or Robert Ludlum, or Tom Clancy, you can’t stop turning the pages! And read on the rants, too!
Nice feature by Jessica Soho. I follow 3 out of the 4 bloggers she mentioned. So MM’s secret ID is out. :D He’s too awesome to remain anonymous.
Newcomers to the site should try cooking the recipes posted. You will definitely enjoy testing MM’s recipes.
Welcome, first time visitors to MarketManila. Before making your first comment post, please do a search on the site for “fish pan award” and read up a little on the subject.
whackerZ, hahaha. I was rolling on the floor laughing with that comment. Fair warning given. Some form of manners required at the dinner table. :)
congrats MM, now you can never hide that the person in this photos are just you’re double identity… thanks for your selfless and contionous blog and lets watch who will receive the 1st fishpan award for 2011. God bless.
“You are the only food blogger I follow”….hanep, hehehe
i watched this episode of KMJS and i’m so amazed that there is this person who will really go to other places just to search for another delicacy…thanks for featuring them in the show….
i recommended MM to my friends who are foodies and loves to eat fine tasting food :) like much of a fan, promoting the celebrity :D
I’m sure the initial brouhaha will turn into addiction in time as the new readers browse your blog from post to post to post. Take it from me—I’ve been there!
Hmmm… it’s not working for me. The screen keeps displaying “Youtube video not found” or something like that…
Finally saw you on TV. Kudos to you MM and to your team.
fried neurons, I just tried the link in the main post above and it seems to be working now…
Kudos MM!
Though I have only backtracked around less than 10% of your posts. I am very pleased to say that I am going to be a devout follower.
This blog is amazing!
And I agree with Joey that the “initial brouhaha” will definitely become an addiction! Keep it up and a big thanks to you and your team!
Hi Marketman! A friend of mine just told me about this and good thing you shared a link of the episode today. Congrats on the feature, you really inspire the foodie in me. :)
Wow MM. Congratulations!!! I sure the new visitors to your blog will become regular followers in no time.
I watched JS last Saturday and I’m pleased with what I’ve heard and seen…. such great integrity, Mr MM!
i’m always watching lifestyle network topchef, masterchef ironchef even other program that have cooking theme i admit it’s my greatest frustrations.it never come to my mind that there is a food blogger this really inspire me. mr. mm can you send me some advice on how to be one.
thank you and goodluck!!!
i was one of the first-timers who visited your site after watching KMJS.and in the coming days,actually since Saturday evening, i kept on checking MM already.your exposure in KMJS made a big impact to us.
Thanks for being an inspiration to all. You are a wonderful food blogger. More success to you and looking forward to your other new food topics.
VERY NICE!! my first time to visit your site..i was able to watch KMJS last saturday!!
Yes I totally agree with the regular commenters…there’s something about Market Manila that is so addictive that is so different from the rest, every time I turn on my computer, I always click my Market Manila link=) It’s like brushing my teeth after each meal, naka in-grain na sa systema ko…LOL! Ano ba ang gayuma mo Mr. MM at na babaliw kami sa iyo=P
Market Manila is a daily addiction..there will be no rehab for me.
@ natie: LOL
your discovery by so many others can only mean that if and when you come up with your cookbook, you will be a best selling author instantaneously!
think of the feeding programs you can support from t he royalties . . .
Thanks edrid for posting the site!!it was so easy to click. Marketman you are awesome! Its 4:15 AM here and i am reading your site,That’s how addictive your blog is,Newcomers ,Welcome for the classiest blog you will ever find! not just food MM will take you on his travels only some of us can imagine,Oh…the flower arrangements,food,his lifestyle.. and other regulars on this site who are like treasures like Millet,Apicio,ebbablue and a lot more,you will see as you go to the archives,i learned to cook decent Pilipino dish!! again MM congratulations and more power to you..no MM the brouhaha on this wont die the will the have “addiction affliction” that iam suffering(^_^)
I meant… they will suffer the same affliction!! quoting natie “Daily addiction w/o rehabilitation” which is all good…
Congratulations again MM. BTW, after all these years, travel and adventures – have you finally seen an artiles tree?
The KMJS on you was too short! Your blog is the only one I check into daily!
Hey Mr. MM, glad that many had discovered you thru KMJS and had so much appreciation and good comments about Market Manila. i’ve been a secret fan ever since and got lonely inside when you declared your sabbatical journey :(
but look, with Tony Bourdain declaring your Zubuchon as the “best roasted pig in the world”, i never missed bringing home when i went home from cebu, nowthis is another blockbuster feature from KMJS and i believe this won’t STOP you anymore!
Honestly, i am much more inspired to love life and follow my heart’s desire every time i am reading you blog. I’m sure most of us do. God Bless and more power to marketmanila …
Thanks for posting! MM, there is no escaping the camera anymore. hehe. More power! :)
MM, my fearless prediction for you in 2011, is you will have your own tv food show!!!!
And syndicated pa!!!!
YEEEEEY! welcome new MM readers! *opens arms wide to welcome new MM readers*
Another word of caution added to the others which were previously mentioned! if you are reading this comment it might be too late already… let me unabashedly use the advertisement of one very well known brand of potato chips to share my why this is so.. MarketManila is like “Pringles”… “once you pop, you can’t stop!” hehe! :)
Hoooray for the new readers! hoooray for MM! hoooray for MM’s syndicated tv food show! :)
Hello MM, it was really a nice segment sa KMJS. I’m a regular visitor to your blog and I’m so happy to see you on TV… You truly inspired me in so many ways. Btw, I know this blog is about food and produce.. but would there be any chance that you would write again about financial stuff.or something like best advise on that matter?
Congratulations! How I wish you could have your own cooking show!
MM, and you thought you’d have a respite from blogging! Didn’t i tell you your site visits haven’t peaked yet during that time when you are having a bad case of “manopause”? Yes you just cant forego this passion with all the reader encouragements. Here’s wishing you more success in 2011!
i was able to watch the episode and yes di lang exposure, nagsalita pa si MM :)
Hi mm..
I heard about u from a friend who studies in culinary arts..
After watching jessica soho’s episode, im dreading to visit ur site..
Definitely i enjoyed reading ur blogs.. Its very educational..
More power mm!
MM, I have always regarded your blog of excellent quality and watching that TV segment confirmed this. I rarely rate something five stars but I would on yours. Not only is the writing and presentation superb, there’s also depth (not debt), passion and integrity reflected in there. Definitely “OC”, but in a good way. Mabuhay!
hi sir, when did you start blogging? i would like to go back and read from your first post onwards, is there a way to do that?…thanks!
Congrats MM! And your shoot came complete with your moroccan market basket, for integrity and posterity’s sake perhaps? :) I noticed it in the clip.
scramoodles, they asked me to bring a “backpack” what you always take on your “outings”… of course I said I use my market basket, not a backpack… heeheehee. :) gigie, if you look in the archives, they go back to September 2004 and there are some 2,800 posts since then…
Got lucky to watch the whole episode of KMJS last Saturday. Congratulations (again) Marketman! you did very well in that episode :) oh, btw, i love the part where you bite on the baby carrots, feeling ko ang sarap-sarap ng kinakain mo!
Finally learned how to use the archive, thanks po!…
i am laughing in here also for a “very” fair warning about the “fish pan award”…so manners please. wow MM that is really a record! now first time readers will be hooked up in checking your blog daily c”,)!… enjoy reading and re-reading!
Congratulations!! Good to see you in KMJS! You are my favorite Filipino Food Blogger!!! Been reading your blog since 2007 & I’m so addicted to it.
Hi MM, I suggest a collection page/link of your TV, Magazine appearance as well as award etc… It’s getting too much for just a post hehehe !
Hi MM! I’ve been an avid fan of your blog since I discovered it about three months back. I’ve been newly married and I wanted to surprise hubby with new recipes. I’m very happy to have met you finally, at least on TV (“,). Hubby was watching with me and I was so proud to tell my him that I got most of my food recipes from your Blog. Just want to say thanks and may your blog continue to inspire the foodies in all of us.
Marketman, You are looking younger! The next time I see you in Mercato, I will try to muster enough guts to ask for your autograph. Puwede ba? : )
i saw you there! now i’m a fan of yours :)
Finally! Nakita ko na rin si Mr. Marketman! I was really disappointed na di kita napanood sa show ni Anthony Bourdain sa Discovery travel and living, may pasok kasi ako and di ko ren nakita ung re-run ng show! Now, di ko pa ren napanood sa tv ang KMJS because I was with my friends. I just searched for the video on YouTube and I’m glad nakita ko na si MarketMan!
WOW! That’s the power if media. Cheers MM!
Congrats! Good job! Continue to be our inspiration. Sarap kumain! ;)
“the only food blog I follow” – Jessica Soho.
I’ve been following MM since pretty much around its inception, and let this serve as a warning of sorts to all first-time visitors, MM is very addictive.
Welcome aboard marketmanila.com, and just like KPJS, the only food blog I follow.
I always watch KMJS. a feel-good magazine for smart televiewers like us. LOL!
by the way, I was able to watch this episode, galing galing!