Vancouver Eyeball!

Mrs. MM and I have just returned to our hotel room from the eyeball in Vancouver. We were/still are simply overwhelmed and still smiling about the wonderful afternoon and dinner that followed! Filipinos own that particular unrivaled brand of heartfelt hospitality for visiting guests/kababayans that should be patented — it’s just done so effortlessly and genuinely that it deserves a trademark. Tonight we met what felt like several long time friends for the first time… :)

…as with all the previous eyeballs in the Philippines, the sense of instant community, of shared interests, of friends brought together by food, was immediate and a great jumping off point to several hours of animated conversation over a superb meal. A group of 5 “greeting party” folks led by Bettyq picked us up from hotel for some pre-dinner sightseeing and touring, then several more folks met up with us at a restaurant and some 14 folks in all from Vancouver joined Mrs. MM and I for the first eyeball abroad… Despite the relatively short notice, mid-week date, and several conflicts from folks who would have wanted to attend, I was shocked to see such a large group of readers coming together. Folks took days or an afternoon off from work, drove from the U.S.(!), from the suburbs, etc. to come…

…but this is just a teaser. Mrs. MM and I have to get up in a few hours to catch an early morning train to Seattle to catch a plane back home so I will have to write a much more detailed post on the eyeball in the days ahead. We still have to pack our suitcases, and now have to find room for all of this wonderful “loot” that was so unexpectedly and generously given to us this evening. From hand collected, dehydrated and packed wild mushrooms, ice wine, pure vanilla extract, lobster oil, a beautiful print by a professional photographer, aged cheddar cheese to a special wine. Bettyq’s candied salmon and incredible chocolate cake… It’s like Christmas in September! Amazing. All we can say is that we are truly overwhelmed and grateful for the hospitality extended to us by the folks in Vancouver. Maraming, maraming salamat BettyQ for organizing this event and for taking care of logistics, the wonderful meal, and everything else!!! We had a wonderful time. And as I said repeatedly this evening, Vancouver has the distinction of hosting the first ever international MM eyeball, and it’s a distinction that will always be special for us. Thank you to you all. Stay tuned for more in a few days time once we have returned home!


78 Responses

  1. Want to be the first comment..hehehe

    Just came back from dinner with MM, Mrs. MM and fellow readers. It was nice meeting you all. We had such a great time with lots of interesting conversation and laughter to boot. Just wish you guys were here a little longer so we can tour you around further.
    Anyway, we await for your next visit. Currently working on the photos we took.

    La Emperor

    PS. Many thanks to Betty Q as well for coordinating our mini rendezvous and allowing our eatcetera group to participate in this event.

  2. I’m curious — which one is Betty Q (hope you don’t mind Betty Q)? I just want a face to go with the name since I’ve tried out many of her recipes and tips which she generously shares!

  3. MM & Mrs. MM, thank you so much for making time and for giving us the opportunity to show you Vancouver and Pinoy hospitality, British Columbia style. It was such a treat to finally see you both in person. You’re right in saying that even though we’ve only met for the first time, it’s like we’ve known each other for the long time. It was a fun get-together. With all the stories you’ve shared about blogging, cooking, travelling, and life experiences…it was like reading 2 month’s worth of Marketmanila. We can’t wait for the next eyeball. Remember, we still have to taste all of the 218 flavors of Casa Gelato.

    BettyQ, you’re a wonderful and generous organizer. Thank you for your all your effort. Food was awesome and the place was really cozy, just perfect for interaction among us MM followers :) Could we share to all readers the content of the BettyQ’s amazing loot bag? Hmmm…maybe not. Anyway, we’ll post pictures of our sightseeing and eyeball. Now away goes your long-maintained anonymity…as your hubby warned :)

    To all of our new BC and WA-based friends, keep in touch.

  4. Looks like a family reunion! Very happy for all of you.

    Yes, me too… Where’s Betty Q?

    Hand-collected wild mushrooms – must be quite a story behind this.

  5. I wish you had a ‘like’ button :) looks like everyone had fun!

    The plates (in the first photo) were empty so that means you all had a good meal. Was of course fascinated by the pile of goodies. Is the ice wine from BC?

  6. welcome back MM and Mrs. MM! please put names to the beautiful faces so we can visualize them when we read the post (if that is okay with them of course)!!!!
    am so green with envy!!!

  7. Waiting for your stories MM… Betty Q. yes, you have been so generous to us and it is nice to finally meet you in pictures… For all those who were there LUCKY YOU…more pictures please…

  8. awww……was waiting for this post…of course you had great fun!! the photos show that…what a nice looking bunch of foodies!

  9. OMG I’ve been waiting for this post!!!! Can’t wait to have those beautiful foodies identified.. Please, please, names, please, pretty please… Hi Bettyq, I think I can tell which one is you…

  10. ka-inggit talaga!…..kelan naman kaya european eyeball?….asa pa ba ko???
    hello ms. bettyq!, sana ma-meet din kita someday…….maraming salamat sa mga recipes you’ve generously shared, brownies using olive oil, leche flan, steamed sea bass, etc… are now our household favourites, yung sea bass and brownies patok na patok sa 9yr old boy ko….bilib na bilib sya sa cooking ni mommy…..hahahahahaha…..maraming maraming salamat uli :)

  11. hi ms bettyq!

    i’m happy to see loyal readers of MM and of the Mrs as well coming together for a day of fun.

    eventhough i haven’t met everybody in person, just by going to this site already feels that i am always with kindred spirit.

  12. i am sooooooooo envious! i love vancouver so much, such a beautiful and clean city.i enjoyed that train to seattle too when i was there….. can’t wait for your next post MM

  13. Hi MM and company and , of course to our Ms Betty q… Kung hindi lang kami 12 hours away…So envious. I would love to meet the 2 people who greatly influenced our taste buds, our kitchen skills and entertaining style!! More EB’s pls…

  14. awesome, awesome night with MM, Mrs MM and vancouver foodies with special mention to BettyQ! the choc cake is divine! again, thanks Betty for organizing this eyeball and for MM to agree on meeting us. have fun in Seattle and have a safe trip back in the Phils. Cheers!

  15. Guess the lurking days are over ;-) After last night’s EB, I feel the neeed to connect and interact with you and your droves of followers.

    I’ll say it again: it was both a pleasure and privilege to meet you, Mr & Mrs MM. Watching you and listening to you speak was like going through a crash course on your blog; particularly for the articles that I missed reading in the first few years. I went home with a better insight of who you are as a person and certainly with greater respect and admiration.

    We hope that last night will only be the first of many EBs. Safe travels Mr. & Mrs. MM; until we meet again. . . .

    In the meantime, please continue writing your beautiful prose that keep us well-informed and pleasantly entertained.

    And to our dear BettyQ, your kindness and generosity are overwhelming. How blessed are we to have you right here in our neck of the woods! We look forward to many, many “meets & greets” with you. We thank you kindly for organizing yesterday’s event and for the yummy treats. You are one amazing lady!

  16. Glad you guys had fun, waiting to see more fantastic pictures and waiting to hear/read the stories behind….

  17. I feel bad for not being able to join you guys because of medical reason. I have been an avid reader of MarketManila for several years now but I mostly lurk. It would’ve been a chance of a lifetime to meet MM and BQ in person. Thanks again Betty for remembering to invite me.

    MM, short as your stay was, I hope you had a chance to see some of the famous spots Vancouver is known for. And perhaps someday you will decide to come back and stay a bit longer and do another EB.

    (NB. I dont know why my location is showing as US. I’m actually in Vancouver)

  18. This blog feels like a second home to me and MM and every commenter, like my big family. It’s no surprise then that the mini-eyeball felt like having dinner with family and not with strangers.

    I could gush like a really big fan but I will not embarass my husband so I won’t but it was really a thrill to meet MM and the very gracious and charming Mrs. MM. We are twice blessed for having both MM and Mrs. MM at this eyeball.

    MM, you are such a great storyteller on your blog and equally in person. You had us in stitches with your stories!

    Betty Q, what can I say? I am so overwhelmed by your generosity, not only with your recipes but also with the gifts that you had us take home last night. The cake was the best and I am so happy that we can have some more at home. The candied salmon is going to be my special treat today.

  19. After this eyeball, I might fly to the next one, wherever that might be! The experience was that special.

  20. Awesome! So nice to see pics, and yes, which one is the famous BettyQ? Glad to see/read you had a great time. Hope you have a few hours at least to enjoy Seattle, MM and Mrs MM! We had a warm weather streak which lasted 2 weeks, but today is our more usual weather, aka Seattle grey :)

  21. It is indeed a real pleasure to finally meet you and Mrs. MM and become a part of your ” virtual family”. Words cannot express our gratitude for taking the time to go here to Vancouver albeit just for a few days…such a memorable and unforgettable evening with an awesome company! You are right in saying that no one can truly understand the meaning of PINOY HOSPITALITY (unless they are Pinoy). I had to explain to my Canadian born kids that Pinoys will give and offer what they have to kababayans even to those they have never met!

    Maybe another trip on a week-end? Your family will ALWAYS be welcome to our humble dampa? (is that the right word, Wisdom tooth?)…next time hopefully you could come again in the summer and have another wonderful evening…this time at our home. I will have my nephew convert half of the backyard to a lechonan.

    Irene…yes, it is BC ice wine!

    La Emperor… As i told MM, …how in the world can I say NO to someone known as THE EMPEROR! I do not want to be hanged!

    And come Christmas, MM, your idea of having a GLOBAL exchange gift is wonderful! I AM DEFINITELY IN!!!!!! Maybe this will be a FIRST in blogging history!

  22. @ cwid -…sama kami diyan.
    @Betty – I’m still giddy from the eyeball last night. I couldn’t contain my excitement…hehehe
    We’re already thinking of having a potluck get together with each of us preparing a dish from one of MM’s recipes.

    And for the global exchange gift, it would be an honor if we can be a part of it. Terrific idea.

    And many thanks again for the Vancouver group for pulling this altogether last night.

  23. “everyone wants to know who you are”…gotta get a good grammar checker ;)

    @la emperor, i know another person in that group who was starstruck but was just trying to contain her/his excitement, hehehe

  24. ang galing! wonderful to see a big turnout. Now you need a post-party party! Congratulations, bettyq…you are amazing!

  25. @Betty q Yes, dampa is the right word. I hope not to miss the next time. Betty q gusto ko din ng nilalaman ng loot bag…..:-)I’m sure they were all labor of love.

  26. Wolverine, I finally caved-in- LOL! Absolutely could not contain my excitement and was only too glad to take some time-off to bond with Mr. & Mrs. MM and all of you. One needs to read and follow MM’s blog (and be passionate about food) to understand and appreciate where we’re all coming from (see #23).

    Betty-Q, when will you do the big reveal?

    Millet, a Post-Party party is in the offing. To all those present last night, abangan . . .

    P.S. And just like Joseph and dyahL, I,too, am from Canada.

  27. by a few process of elimination, i can say that i am down to 2 wonderful looking ladies, one of which i know is our bettyq!

    but just like MM, during his early days when he wanted to maintain his anonymity, i will not press any further for any more clue that will finally reveal who she is.

  28. Ah. I suddenly shed a tear upon reading this post, I think I can guess which one is bettyq in the photo. Such an emotional moment to see my idol, and all this is happening over the net!

    Isn’t it amazing that we’re able to build this community, no less strong or real for being online?

  29. Darn it ! I was only a few blocks away at the hospital… tending to a medical emergency (this lasted for hours) . FYI, I was also kept up all night a it was a busy 24 h shift . I watched the hours pass while I missed a huge chance to come to the PARTAY ! Thanks Betty for being the leader of our Vancouver contingent and to all for being such great ambassadors to our beloved city. From the looks of everyone and everything, I missed the great company ,the amazing food and some of Betty’s delicious food. Hope we could one day get together again — CT aka proteinshake

  30. Hi Bettyq. It’s great to finally see you! The hand collected wild mushrooms can only come from Bettyq:) Have a safe trip back home MM.

  31. We really wanted to be there as well! We flew out of YVR that night to start on our honeymoon – my better half was not amused when I was thinking about pushing the date! Would love to meet up for any MarketManila after party eyeball though! Cheers!

  32. Lucky!!! All of you guys who are able to meet and greet and had a dinner with MM and Mrs.MM..WOW!! had an awesome time. Betty Q.By the looks of the blogs you are for “real” very generous, giving person.i kick myself in the .. for missing this.I am happy for everyone who attended!Welcome and enjoy your day in Seattle MM & Mrs MM,too bad,its not the weekend ..for i might have a glimpse of you maybe in Pikes Market? As usual, we will have a gray sky tomorrow:):):)

  33. Vancouver readers are so swerte! I can only imagine how Betty Q’s goodies must be so delectable! I’m in with the global exchange gifts too.

  34. Global exchange gift!!! Love that!

    Such a happy and hearty gathering indeed! Cheers bettyq and the Vancouver foodies!

  35. Hi MM, I cannot believe you stayed up and write this post! Bet, you only had a few hours of sleep. Thank you sooo much for meeting with us all. Lovely dinner. And, Mrs. MM, it was my pleasure to meet you both. We certainly had a great time. Bet, if you weren’t leaving early the next day, the party would have gone on and on into the wee hours.

    Bettyq, finally met you. Am just tickled pink.

    Proteinshake, sounds like you work at St. Paul’s?

    I am for the global exchange gifts too.

  36. Like Andrea says…hope NYC will be the next EB(i’m in)! thanks for sharing the photos. Global exchange? great idea for MM watchers!!!

  37. I am for the global exchange gifts, too! and how about a grand eyeball next? would love to meet all you amazing people – MM, Mrs. MM, Ms. Betty Q, and other readers too!

  38. And now I can tick off from my bucket list ….meeting one of my idols… Mr. and Mrs. MM …oh, how I am a huge FAN of MRS. MM (sorry, MM you are dethroned!)…is she ever sooooooooooooooo nice and charming!

    Footloose, you’re next!!!!!!!!! SILLY LOLO…’re next, too!!!!!!!!!

  39. bettyq, you’re so right..Mrs. MM is super-nice.

    sillylolo and footloose are also in my bucket list, but you’re on top of the list, bettyq!

  40. Nice to meet you Betty Q…Even in just a Photo :) …Thank you …Thank you in all your wonderfull food ideas and tips !!!

  41. Hi,

    How long will you be staying in Vancouver? My family and I are wondering if we can come and meet you in person? We love your Blog and we would be honoured to see you.



  42. A day after this blog was redirected to swaab, our internet was down and for 2 weeks I was so worried that my fave blog was hacked and gone forever. But now that we have our internet connection back, I am so happy that the first entry I read is about the Vancouver eyeball! I’m green with envy! Those present are so lucky to have 2 very generous persons in attendance–MM and Ms. Betty Q! (I think I can guess who Betty Q is from the group pix) Thank you thank you to both of you for all your unselfish sharing.
    Welcome back home MM and Mrs.MM!

  43. Niiiice! Kainggit. Wish I were there. Ms. BettyQ, that candied salmon sounds absolutely delish. Baka naman when you meet sister maging #3 na lang si MM. ;) Kidding, MM! Glad you all had a chance to bond in person, after all these years.

  44. Wow…am so envious…please make the big reveal…which is bettyq my idol…..please reveal….MM I just came from Cebu and got to finally try Zubuchon….yummmmm…made my friends buy as well…..

  45. That would do MM at the moment we are in Zakynthos Greece will be crossing to Calabria, Napoli, Portofino, Monaco, Barca then Palma, Ibiza and yohooo end of my season… well I might as well ask my boss to have an eyeball with you as he will be in Manila end of the year ;-)

  46. Awesome!!! It was a pleasure reading this post. How I wish I was in Vancouver. I’m curious too…which one is BettyQ? Also, how about a Los Angeles, California eyeball, MM? :)

  47. Hi Betty Q .!!

    i am checking out recipes you gave years ago. i am looking for a cake or cookie recipe for my christmas give aways. i saw your brownies ala oli..but, you didnt mention the temp of the oven and how long should i bake it. the same with the cookie recipe after the brownies….Thanks!

  48. Rosedmd: 350 degrees. Now, how many slots do you have in your oven? If you have 5 slots like I do have, put 1 oven rack on the upper third. That is where I bake my cookies. For cakes, middle slot. The brownies…do not overbake! As each oven is different, first check for hot spots in your oven. At any rate…check the brownies after say 18 to 20 minutes. It should have moist crumbs clinging to it.I bake mine no longer than 21 minutes.

    What cookie recipe would you like to make? I know FFTG is holiday cookie. Make one but do not overbake! NOw…cut the whole sheet in half. Fill with pecan caramel filling. Omit the nuts in the cookie. The filling..just not too much that it oozes out. Then cut into squares and wrap in cellophane. I can guarantee you that you cannot stop eating at just 1 cookie! You will also be asked to make more and more…….Now, I do not know of anyone who makes this kind of FFTG. When you make your pecan caramel filling…make beurre noisette…this is what will give your filling that taste that no one can pinpoint what it is! Also…the butter in your FFTG….use burnt butter instead of just melting it!

    See what you made me do? Now, I have to think of something else to add on to my food basket to give away at Christmas! OH, Yeah…I know what you are thinking, Wolverine, La Emperor and Zoi!

    Hope this helps! Also bake your FFTG on the upper third of your oven.

  49. Hi Betty Q!,,

    thanks so much!!! my oven is small only 2 slots. the top layer is the hottets…i have not seen the FFTg recipe. what i saw ie the almond /pecan cookie, tha you put melted choco in between 2 cookies….

    i need to start baking, to try this recipe!!! thanks so much!! take care!