United Breaks Guitars — Now This is a Classy Wangot!

I had a huge grin at breakfast this morning when I read an article on the front page of the International Herald Tribune about a passenger who complained about United Airlines breaking his guitar which he checked-in as baggage. He tried the traditional paths of complaint for up to a year, then finally gave up and decided to record a song and uploaded it onto youtube. It has since garnered 4.5 million VIEWS! And a total PR nightmare for the airline. FANTASTIC. Finally, consumers will be heard when they are unfairly treated. All service companies should take note of this case, and customers should definitely complain when something goes seriously wrong. After just 50,000 views, UNITED called the singer and offered to NOW compensate the gentleman for his broken guitar. He has told UNITED to give the offered money to a charity of their choice instead. Now this is a classy complaint. And this is absolute confirmation for me that I will continue to raise service issues on this blog.

Here is the “United Breaks Guitars” video, and here is the follow-up post by the singer. And a clip from CNN on the topic.


15 Responses

  1. a lot of celebrities are now being discovered through youtube, now, if your complaints are not heard, upload it on youtube.. not only guaranteed that your complaints will be heard but you will be an instant celebrity..lol
    nice melody of the song, btw..

  2. hehe–are we gonna be singing about cebu pacific, MM??? let me know…i’m a good doo-wop background singer…or a bedbug ballad, perhaps???

  3. You are very prolific in your writing Marketman.
    That is one of the reason why I enjoy reading your site.
    From food to politics to banking to birthdays and weddings to bedbugs to toilet paper, hotels and airlines, charities, etc.
    Your blog is a pleasure to read…

  4. I’m hotel hunting for a trip and it’s a little difficult especially after the bed bug report. That’s a creative way to complain, huh? really classy…look at the quality of production…wow!

  5. Marketman, you should get that guitar and video cam at the ready, then, for bedbugs and supermarkets and airlines. :-)

  6. Marketman, you should get that guitar and video cam at the ready, then, for bedbugs and supermarkets and airlines. :-)

  7. As my Hawaiian friends would say, “Whut I tol’ you?!?”
    This guy spoke out until he got heard! Okay, he had to “sing” in the final analysis, but the point is, he got heard! Remember, you snooze, you lose!

  8. MM, if you ever decide to record a jingle about SM and their big cart policy thingy, count me in…. :D

  9. Remember a filipina in hongkong who was raped,run-away,scavenge for living and found a large sum of cheques or cash and returned to the owner, and they paid her biscuits instead?? She is now a celebrity and given a large sum of gifts and now offered Php 5 million for a film….Nothing is imposible after all….Its simply another sample….

  10. really enjoyed the video and all the related videos… looking forward to United Song #2. Now this should serve as a lesson for complacent companies when it comes to customer complaints. Continue the advocacy, MM!!!