Tuscan Kale & Roasted Butternut Squash Salad a la Marketman


This was an incredibly easy salad to make, and it tasted unusually delicious. First take some young kale leaves and wash them well and dry them in a salad spinner. Cut them into say 1/2 inch pieces, cross-wise and toss them with some lemon juice, olive oil, salt and vinegar. Some folks say to “massage” the leaves, but I didn’t bother. Leave these in a bowl for 15-20 minutes, essentially to wilt the leaves a bit and soften them. Meanwhile, take some butternut squash and peel it and cut into rings and brush with some butter and roast in your oven until golden and browned in some areas. Take this out and cool for a few minutes.


Add the roasted butternut squash to the kale, then sprinkle some chopped cranberries or other dried fruit and some toasted squash seeds. Season with salt and pepper and add a bit more dressing if necessary. I haven’t eaten much uncooked kale in the past, but this salad was a revelation — delicious, nutritious and so easy to prepare. We had it along with several other vegetarian dishes one evening when we were feeling like eating lighter for a change…


7 Responses

  1. Replace squash with roasted red peppers and you have a Christmas salad which sits well for a long time on a buffet. For an Asian twist, use peanut+sesame oil, ground black pepper, ginger, garlic, lime and soy sauce. Lumpia skin painted with scant 5-spice, fried and crumbled on the side.

  2. MM’s original idea + Khew’s suggestions = something to do with all the kale that’s been available lately. Yey!