Tropical Fruit Salsa a la Marketman

Tostitos and salsa is a match made in food heaven. asalsa1The crisp salty chip is an excellent foil for a sharp, tangy, spicy and chunky tomato salsa. On a recent beach trip with several house guests, I noticed we had a huge bag of Tostitos but I had forgotten the bottled tomato salsa. I scrounged around the fridge and decided to try a tomato and tropical fruit salsa which yielded terrific results. The salsa photographed here is made with chopped ripe pineapple, mango, tomato, salt, lime juice, chopped chillis and some chopped coriander. Let it sit for a while in the fridge for the chilli heat to build. This salsa is excellent with a soft or hard drink.

On other occasions I have experimented with other tropical and temperate fruits in the salsa mixture. asalsa2 Green Indian or carabao mangoes, shredded pomelo, grapefruit, oranges, etc. all work well with some or all of the ingredients above. The key is in the balance of sweet and sour fruits as well as crunchy, chewy and mushy textures. Prep time is minimal and yet the resulting salsa and chips so unusual that it is well worth the effort. Guests usually shy away from the untried and unusual but I find that if you get them to take one chip loaded with this fruit salsa they can’t stop at just one. If you don’t finish the salsa, you can also serve it with fried or grilled fish or chicken as a relish. Try it the next time you have a ton of tropical fruits around instead of making a typical fruit salad…


13 Responses

  1. This looks like a nice alternative salsa! Green mangoes are usual but I’ve never had pineapple before. Come to think of it, this would go well with the cheese sticks I made for IMBB!

  2. The salsa you made would be good to put on top of bangus belly too right or, grilled porkchop. Very Bobby Flay, Marketman!

  3. this is great! just when i was looking for a salsa recipe for a big bag of corn tortillas given by a friend. thanks marketman

  4. Belated happy birthday, fellow Virgo!

    I have been hooked on your website for a few months now. I always look forward to checking out your entries everyday.

    As a long time resident of Montreal, your takes on Filipino food and its variations, Filipino food boutiques/market places and sources for flowers are source of constant interest. Keep it up! I will surely visit the places you had mentioned on my next visit the Philippines as well as those in New York.

    Merci (salamat),


    P.S. I adore your flower entries.

  5. Yum! This looks great! I usually make the regular tomato salsa but this certainly looks extra special…pineapple and mangoes, oh boy! Thanks for a fantastic salsa idea Marketman :-)

  6. Glad so many thought this was a clever mix. Actually, if you just mix flavors and textures and chilli you can develop new mixes that will amuse… Just remember, balance the flavors. Riza, I am a tail end Leo and not a Virgo. And people tell me LEO is a good stereotype. Bayi, pomelo works better than grapefruit.

  7. hey marketman, do you know where you can get a steady supply of jalapeno peppers? cherry fooderama shaw used to sell ortega brand canned jalapenos, but it’s been off the shelves for ages now.

    i prefer using jalapeno peppers in my salsa. if they’re not available, what is a good subtitute?

  8. Karen, Rustan’s Rockwell often carries fresh jalapenos that are excellent for salsa. Gil Carandang at the Salcedo market occasionally carries it as well. The fresh ones have real bite. I have never purchased the bottled ones here as I don’t really use too many of them. The bottled ones are really more like pickled ones. Perhaps Cash & Carry or Unimart might have the canned ones?

  9. Hello! This is the first time I visited your website. Congratulations! It’s wonderful to find someone who writes about Manila’s beautiful side. I love taking pictures of food,flowers and palengkes. My favorite would be the Baguio “bagsakan” or wholesale section. Have you been there?It is an awsome site to see. Giant size “kaings” of broccoli,tomatoes, watercress, name it! they have it!
    Well, again congratulations and looking forward to visiting this website soon, Ciao!

  10. Yup, fruit salsa is great, the variation that we use includes kernal corn, yellow mango, (not quite ripe so there is tang)pineapple and avacado with more or less your same marinade. Scrumptious!