Tricks & Treats, Halloween 2013

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“Angelica”, our winning “Jilted Corpse Bride” (her self proclaimed title) who took home the bottle of sparkling lemonade for Best in Costume, 2013. The tiara/crown is at the ready for our annual Christmas Party Beauty Contest with a twist.

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Post-earthquake, things have been relatively quiet in Cebu, hence the extra time on our hands. So the office crew (I wasn’t there on October 31st) decided to dress up on Halloween to rather amazing results, I must say.

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Amazing what a bit of makeup, black clothing and a few well chosen accessories can do to change your look… hahaha. :)


A group photo.


The day before, on October 30th, I played two semi-evil tricks on the crew. First, my classic “crack two eggs on your head trick”… And the second, we hid someone in a chest freezer (it had been emptied and turned off, sillies) and told everyone there was free ice cream from a birthday celebrant amongst the kitchen crew. One of our staff ran to the freezer, opened it up and got the fright of his life. Amazing how involuntarily blood curdling the scream of one who is truly startled can be. I wish we had taken a video of it. :)


Back in Manila, I managed to make two cakes for the crew and ourselves for post trick-or-treating dinner. The first cake on the left a light lemon cake with some of Sister’s raspberry jam incorporated into the cake. And on the right, a chocolate bundt cake with chocolate frosting and halloween icing decor.


Crew and their families feasted on a whole boneless lechon we brought back frozen and reheated in the oven (it turned out terrific, if I may say so myself), some corn dogs, spaghetti, french fries, etc.


11 Responses

  1. And I am sure you kept the freezer door ajar!
    Nice trick and treats! And is that a giant leafed kangkong “jilted corpse” bridal bouquet ?
    HA HA HA!

  2. Artisan, yup COS, as the crew were watching my every move, if I wasn’t visible, they were on red alert. :) Connie C, thanks, yes, curdling… :) Btw, notice the 9 foot fully decorated office Christmas tree in the background…how’s that for jumping the gun?!

  3. Yeah, MM, as Rosa says, it would be fun to be part of your crew. You sure have special activities and outings planned for them, not to mention all that yummy treats! Yes, that Christmas tree is a beacon for promising treats to come. What is “crack two eggs on your head” trick? I hope the one who went to open the ” freezer trick” is young and has no heart condition, he,he,he,he…