Trick or Treat?!


I spotted these pumpkin seed treats at a Chinese grocery in Binondo a few days ago. I had never tried them, but figured if sesame seed “candy” was good, these were certainly worth a try. They were delicious! Peeled pumpkin seeds were mixed with some honey (note, honey not sugar) and cut into bite sized pieces and individually wrapped. Made in Taiwan, they were also wrapped with orange pumpkins all over the packaging, making them a potential adult treat for the Halloween holiday…


They weren’t cheap, but at say PHP3.50 per piece, a nice treat that you can have in lieu of something less good for you. Perfect with a cup of tea. I only bought one bag and they didn’t last more than a couple of days with Mrs. MM and folks from my office munching on them! I wonder how the kids would react if we handed these out instead of candy on Halloween?! Huh? Vegetable/nut candy? :)


7 Responses

  1. That sounds delicious, MM.. With honey, too! Add raisins and that would be a nutritious snack..

  2. I remember seeing something like those in a recent trip to Macau in one of those popular shops along Senado. They have the candy available in peanut, and cashew as well. They were really good, though expensive, I agree. The peanut reminded me of our peanut brittle, but a whole lot fancier :)

  3. There’s a brand called Tong Garden that sells Crunchy Pumpkin and Pistachio Bites. It looks similar to the one you have but made up of pistachios, pumpkin seeds, rice crackers and honey or sugar to bind it. I tend to hoard them when I come across them in Shopwise.

  4. I buy similar regularly from Hong Kong or China. My 5 year old loves it! :)

    There are also similar “candies” of different nut/seeds More unique ones are pinenuts and black sesame. Then there are the more common almond, cashews, and mixed nut “candies” in either individually wrapped packs or in bottles. Very addicting!

  5. Would you be able to disclose the name & location of the Chinese grocery in Binondo? I will ask someone from the office to pick up a bag or two. I love seed candies. :) T

  6. tina, of course, they were from Bee Tin grocery on the corner location on Ongpin Street (sorry, I don’t recall the cross street), just across from President restaurant. They had these snacks in front of the cashiers…