Tomato Salad a la Marketman


Still on the “Qualified Marketman Diet Food Menu” is this simple tomato salad with mozzarella cheese, semi-dried tomatoes, artichokes and some shredded basil with a balsamic vinaigrette. It took about 5 minutes to make and was perfect with some tuna carpaccio or if you want something more substantial, a skinless pan roasted breast of chicken. I realize this has some fat from the cheese and olive oil, but it’s relatively better fat for you nutritionally…


I tend to eat more when there aren’t so many greens in a salad, so if you want to avoid that pitfall, place this entire salad over a large bed of chopped romaine lettuce and that will mitigate your caloric intake further. The lettuce will also help to make you feel a little more full… Eating wisely doesn’t have to mean horrible suffering, but I do miss those pork dishes with lots of rice… hmmm, maybe in a few days… :)


19 Responses

  1. I always find that eating a lot of low fat protein like chicken is more filling than lettuce, which leaves me very very hungry! Good luck wth your diet. I have cut down on cheese after coming back from France, we were on a cheese orgy!

  2. Wonderful recipe idea, Mr MM! I try to eat uber healthy most days of the week and have my sinful cheat day on Sundays. I agree with you that healthy eating doesn’t have to be purgatory on a plate!
    Looking forward to more of your healthy recipes (But I won’t stop you from your calorific food posts too!!!)

  3. mikel, I have 10 weeks or so to the eyeball, and over my vain fat body will I host it feeling corpulent… How’s that for personal incentive? Heehee. :) FoodJunkie, you are right, a piece of chicken does seem to stave off follow-up hunger pangs. I am finding my staple skim milk with a few strawberries and a tablespoon of whey shakes work well mid-morning or afternoon when I get desperately hungry… as do plain unsalted roasted cashews. Trish, I am trying to cut back, but not really on a major diet… I have tried to be active and exercise at least 5x a week…

  4. MM, seaweeds-salad pre meal would fill you up, along with langka salad. pico de gallo in tex-mex restaurants is also one of my favorites

  5. That salad looks and sounds really good. I’ve not been lucky enough to make it at home coz i never seem to catch fresh mozzarella balls. So i just do panzanella, italian bread salad. Good luck on your pre-EB, pre-xmas reduction plan!

  6. Just a thought MM, to help you on your lifestyle change and motivate us as well, mayhaps you can have an “exercise blog” on the side, hehe.

  7. Hi MM,

    Good luck on your healthy eating. Given your knack for cooking experimentation and innovation, healthy eating does not have to mean deprivation.

    You may be aware already, but for the benefit of the other readers, below are links to low glycemic index and low glycemic food choices. Low glycemic index foods make you less hungry.The first article explains why.

    For carb lovers especially the rice eaters, try forgoing carbs for two weeks. We did this when we had a household South Beach diet regimen. Between the three of us, we collectively lost 34 pounds in 2-3 weeks. We went to the bathroom quite often though and the loss was largely between my husband and I.

    Our daughter cheated, followed phase 1 kuno, but brought home rich desserts justifying it as carb substitute as she did not have any carbs at regular mealtime..Since then, our craving for rice and carbs have dramatically lessened……just don’t cook MM’s chili crab recipe and sinigang while you are at it.

  8. When I was stationed in North Carolina, we rented a house in the outskirts of the Military town of Jacksonville. The whole neighborhood consisted of farm and ranches and everybody except us have more than 2 acres of land that is planted with various vegetables specifically tomatoes. And when the quarterly Community Meeting was held (wherein there is a potluck), I brought lumpia to mingle with the other dishes.. and lo and behold.. there were about 6 kinds of Tomato trays – Tomatoes with cucumber salad, tomatoes with green beans salad, tomatoes with fresh goat cheeze, grilled tomatoes, bruschetta, and just plain fresh grapes tomatoes with kosher salt sprinkled on top. Are these people on a diet or what! I felt like taking back my eggrolls.. but the town folks said tomatoes and eggrolls goes great together.

  9. Very timely as I too am cutting back.
    Very informative links Connie C. Bookmarked! I’m finding it very hard to stay away from rice, hope this helps. Thanks!

  10. hi MM. i empathize with you during your diet. im on a diet myself, need to lose at least 10 lbs before the official start of the christmas season.

    one way to reduce calorie intake—let someone else do the groceries with a prepared list. if i go to the grocery myself, i tend to pick up a lot of items (especially when i see yummy things like mushrooms, bottles of good quality mustard, spanish chorizos, slabs of salmon, beautiful racks of ribs, etc, etc, etc. i always get visions of wonderful hours cooking these items into various delicious dishes…

    …i forget that i have to eat these same dishes too…shame on that expanding waistline!

  11. This looks yummy! I usually make a plain salad Caprese but will try adding artichokes next time… Good luck with your weight loss endeavor! As for your poll, I’d say luck favors the prepared :)

  12. Hi MM, just try to remember this mantra, Energy IN ,Energy out. Which means ,watch your calories and exercise 1 hr. most days of the week. You can also calculate your calories by multiplying your wt in lbs. X 15 = your total calories per day then subract 500 calories.You can spread your food intake by eating 6 meals a day.This allows your blood sugar at stable level.I have done this for 9 yrs. and it works.
    * If you subract 500 calories per day you will loose 1 lb at week which is duable
    Good Luck and Good Eats
    Youyr salad looks great!
    Your salad looks great.

  13. I will defintely try this recipe. The last recipe I tried form this website was the pork chop marinated in olive oil. It was so…. good, alsmostly heavenly.

  14. Edwin, make sure your tomatoes are superb. If buying them just underripe, you MUST ripen them ont he kitchen counter, or OUTSIDE your refrigerator for the best texture and flavor.