Toasted Ensaimada

Emptying out the post-holiday food stocks often takes up to a month or so… just about the last remnants of Christmas emerged from the deep-freeze in the form of 3 ensaimadas that survived the 3-4 weeks rather nicely, despite the frosty temperatures. While the default use in our home would be this superb ensaimada bread pudding, we decided to just toast these up for a quick breakfast treat…

Take the ensaimadas and cut them into quarters (we make very big ensaimadas) and brush them with lots of unsalted butter.

Drizzle them with homemade guava jelly and pop them in a toaster oven for 8-10 minutes until just slightly toasty and resurrected from the deep-freeze. The guava jelly disintegrates in the oven is absorbed into the bread.

You could opt to add the jelly after you toast the ensaimada, as you please. This and a cup of hot tea was a perfect, nearly effortless breakfast of leftovers. :)


25 Responses

  1. We love your guava jelly…. will it be available in your makati restaurant? So excited that there is so need to travel to Cebu to satisfy Zubu cravings! :)

  2. Betchay, guava jelly is all sold out from the last season. Guava is typically in the markets during the early part of the rainy season, say June-August when we make as much as we can, then they are sold for as long as they last, usually rarely beyond January in our outlets. We will have kalamansi marmalade most of the time… Some of our other Zubu products like chicharon, etc. should also be available…

  3. Same here, I am eagerly awaiting the next wave of guava jellies.
    I found a small bakery that makes pandesal the way I remember them: with a crisp crust, slightly salty (not sweet at all), and with a great crumb – none of that airy, spongy craziness.

    In the meantime, it’s kalamansi marmalade on freshly-toasted pandesal with a shmear of butter for me!

  4. If alone or only serving a small company, slice them thinner and pin them in the waffle iron and you’ve got yourself something similar to Liége waffles which you can then proceed to smother with butter and any gooey sweetener of your choice. Yumm.

  5. Footloose, I will DEFINITELY try that the next time we have leftover ensaimadas… barang, wait, wait, wait. I knew Marc’s mom passed away, but Marc? As for that style of ensaimadas, the Imang Salud ones at Legaspi market might fill your craving, though they were cross with me many years ago for a post a did on them… See the post, here, and read the comments, I miss that kind of “banter” now that social media is measured in seconds or milliseconds of discussion. The Pastelleria Mallorca ennsaimadas from Quezon City are good too.

  6. Ron, yes, thanks. It’s scary how fast social media can spread stuff these days… a very simple post on my instagram led to yummy magazine posting it on their blog and nearly simultaneously called me and posted their announcement, then, then ABS-CBN news, then Manila Bulletin’s blog, etc. And frankly they all say the same thing and almost all use the same photo. Everyone wanted to be the first with news, which isn’t really news… But we are grateful for all the exposure, it can’t hurt. We thought we would be off to a slow quiet start with blog and instagram friends and family… because we precisely don’t actively court coverage or PR mileage… but it isn’t looking that way for much longer… :)

  7. I opened the link to the older ensaimada discussion of 2008 and I feel a bit of nostalgia and yearn for the olden days when discussions were fun and could be heated at times but it was real and not like the present social media paid troll-driven drivel.

  8. Ahhhhhh that guava jelly!!!!!! I am guarding with my life the last few drops of the guava jelly treat I got :-)

  9. lee, I am told one should see the Zubuchon Facebook after all the stuff that came out on ABS-CBN, the vitriol is not to be believed for roast pork… I don’t read the comments, I don’t have a Facebook, so JD is the one who has to deal with it… weird how folks can be so adamant about something, but not about the things and principles that really matter…

  10. Looking at pictures and reading posts then perusing readers’ comments make me happy and content with the world wide web. Re-encountering names I recognize from the beginning of this blog is pure delight to me. The negative adjuncts of lightning-fast communication I leave to others. I deal with aspects of progress that I personally find distasteful by not taking part in them. I do not tweet, text, nor hand over money and personal info into them.

  11. It’s the obsession with being the first. Expect people to be selfie-obsessed and take lots of food pictures on your first day so that they can post it first and make their FB friends and Instagram followers envious.
    That old ensaymada post is gold.

  12. Speaking of old banter, MM, do you have any news on BettyQ? I do hope she’s just busy and health problems are not keeping her from chiming in. I have learned a lot from her and always appreciated her comments and generous heart.

  13. bennym, she is fine I gather, she was kind enough to send me some dried lobster mushrooms that she foraged in the fall… her nephew came to Manila for a visit, and in return, I sent some guava jelly for her, and a bottle or two went on to Footloose as well… :)

  14. Oh my, MM!! I was so shocked. . And to think I was the first to comment on Zubuchon’s post that day.. I follow Zubuchon’s FB page closely especially since you’re opening in Manila. Too many nasty people on social media. Maybe it should be called anti-social media.

  15. If I may insinuate myself into BennyM and Marketman’s exchange, BettyQ just recently acquired an internet presence of her own which I trust she won’t mind me disclosing here:

    The immediately following blogpost reminds me of a quote from Don Quixote’s sidekick Sancho, “how can you soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by buzzards.”

  16. Thanks for the updates on BettyQ, MM and Footloose. Although I have never met any of you, your blog, MM, has been, for me, a place to find, learn from, and interact a bit with other people who have a passion for creating, improving upon, enjoying, and sharing good food.

  17. MM…ensaymada French toast waffle for breakfast smeared with Footloose’s home made mascarpone with your home cured bacon on the side along with Crestor and Corvasil!

    Bennym…I am still trotting along though at a slower pace now. Health issues won’t stop me from fiddling around in the kitchen. In addition, am starting a new gardening project. This year is Canada’s 150th birthday. In keeping with our community garden’s theme of One Garden, Many Roots, I will be planting tomatoes of different origins. So far, I have gathered tomato seeds with such rich history from 27 countries representing all the gardeners’ origin including my very own beloved Philippines!

  18. BettyQ, thank you for responding to my query. It’s good to “hear” your voice again! 27 varieties representing 27 different countries is a pretty incredible undertaking! I love the concept, 27 different tomatoes, yet somehow, in essence, all the same.

  19. Hello Betty. Glad you’re back to gardening.
    I don’t have luck, squirrels n rabbits. Then Texas got hit with a cold draft with dirty rain. Killed 90% of my plants. Patolas that I left on trellis to dry and make into luffa scrub withered and blackened with mold. Organic purple sweet potato died, same with very sweet Saba bananas. Same with malunggay, perished away.
    This year, I was about to start seedlings, but the squirrels are back. Grrrr…

  20. Hello Marketman. First, thanks for sharing your recipes and insights. I follow your blog and find a lot of inspiration from your recipes. Sorry, I’m several blogs behind here. I finally got around to doing your ensaimada recipe from 2006. The ensaimadas turned out really well–light with a bit of heft with a nice complex flavour. The only thing that would make it better is if I could make it better fit my schedule. Instead of making it with a separate lavadora, have you tried just doing the dough straight and leaving it in the fridge to rise overnight? I know its the long rise that gives it flavour. So is there a really a difference between doing it with a sponge as opposed to a straight dough method with a long, cool fermentation. Also, have you tried two risings instead of the standard three? Anyway, I would appreciate any advice from your end. Thank you and keep up the great work.

  21. Clarissa, I have never tried the changes you suggest, as this was my sister’s recipe, and I just never thought to do any changes/shortcuts. But it may be worth the attempt as you suggest… the worst case is a batch gone bad… Thanks for trying the recipe and I do hope you enjoy the rest of the posts in the archives.

    Many thanks… MM