THE PASSWORD and The Last Two Free Marketmanila Tshirts!!

These are the last two shirts (SIZE SMALL) up for grabs in the MM Summer Giveaway Promo… :) Four other previous winners have already been sent their shirts by LBC courier, so you could have one too! Here is how you can win them.

TOMORROW, I will post the FIRST EVER PASSWORD PROTECTED post on this blog. If you are a die-hard fan, a long-time reader, silent voyeuristic lurker or just plain curious, you will probably want to have that PASSWORD. It’s not an earth shattering post, a slightly silly one, really, but you’ll understand why I may not have wanted it available for all to see. I may do other PASSWORD PROTECTED posts in the future, like limited release special recipes, fishpan worthy items, etc. that are meant for regular readers with the PASSWORD rather than casual googlers. Or perhaps passwords would gain you first access, then the post opened up to the general public after a few days, to differentiate comments from regulars and those who come in just to join the fray on one particular topic. After you figure the PASSWORD out, please keep it to yourself. If it becomes too commonly known, it will be changed. :)

You can only figure out the PASSWORD for the next 24 plus hours UNTIL 12 NOON MANILA TIME on Wednesday, 18 April 2012, and the clues will be erased after that. Once you have figured out the PASSWORD, hold onto it until the password protected post comes out tomorrow, Wednesday, 18 April 2012. Read that post and submit your entry if you would like to win one of these two small marketmanila t-shirts. Two winners will be selected randomly from all correct entries received, and the shirts will be couriered to readers (Philippine addresses only, but you can join from abroad if you have a relative or friends address to send the shirt to) by next week. Good luck.

James Bond is Marketman’s idol from a cinematic perspective. Nothing too artsy, serious or thought provoking. Just good old action, travel, gadgets, cars, planes, boats, guns, eye candy, romance, adventure, etc. A series that has been running some 50+ years, it was my Dad’s favorite as well, and I think I have personally watched every single one of the 22 movies in the James Bond franchise so far. JB or 007 has been mentioned in dozens of posts on this blog over the past 7-8 years, and your first clue will appear on this particular post on the movie Casino Royale from 19 November 2006… Head there (and look closely at the END of each post) and collect all of the clues to the PASSWORD. Enjoy!


227 Responses

  1. my first time to comment, got the password! excited to use it for tomorrow’s post

    thanks MM

  2. Great, so the progression works, and folks have easily figured it out. Just takes a bit of patience sorting through posts… Thanks!

  3. have been waiting for this post since this early morning, its fun to look for the clues, and the final clue……its worth it, just like finding a key to a treasure chest.Well MM’s post are likely treasured items you could always read on over and over again without tiring. been a very long fan.

    good luck to other MM fans

  4. i feel like reading those choose your own adventure books! :) haha. Got it also.

  5. marketman, i am so fearful that i dont get the pw right…grr, it would really ruin my life if i dont get it…i would want the small size shirt, either one, so that i will be inspired to fit in it.:)

  6. Thanks MM! I felt like Tom Hanks in the Da Vinci Code following the clues. Haha! Took me a while to figure out the last part though.
    Looking forward for tomorrow’s t-shirt drawing!

  7. Hint. You HAVE to go to at least 7 different posts to get the letters of the password. I cannot imagine anyone getting the password with just two posts, as is claimed by email to me… perhaps you will have gotten the wrong password. The components of the password are in multiple posts… just saying. Unless you are a truly world class hacker and figured out a password before I have even used it. :)

  8. Giancarlo, yes, absolutely, use the search function through the archives, it’s one of the motives behind the exercise, to get newer readers more familiar with how to search the archives… thanks… :)

  9. GOT IT!!!! and I was searching for the clues while I’m in the office!!! Thanks for the hint MM….it’s fun!! Looking forward to your post tomorrow!

  10. Got it! Going through your archives, I realized I’ve been reading your posts for 7 or so years!

  11. Got it, and curious to see what’s getting posted with it. And from checking out the archive search, it’s alarming to see how frequently you can post in a month.

  12. JE, over the 7.33 year lifespan of this blog, I have posted a total of 3,250 posts or an average of 1.23 posts per day, every single day for 2,675 days! It amazes even me. Though a lot of it is jibberish, there is content. I just checked now, and there are 110,000+ reader comments so far, and I think that excludes my own comments, so the amount of information shared by readers alone is mind boggling… :) And platinum award winner in the reader comment category has to go to bettyq and footloose… :)

  13. got it yeyey! I’ve been a lurker since 2009 and I think I’m gonna try and start commenting more. :)

  14. OMGulay, you should see the visitor pageview stats for the blog for 10-11am this morning, nearly 1,000 people have been coursing through the blog trying to figure the password out! I thought only a few dozen per hour would be silly enough to do that… yipes… I am surprised the site hasn’t crashed yet. :) And not a single mention of the previously PG rated photo of Marketman in one of the posts with a clue? The last time I posted that photo, I had to take it down after 20 hours or risk abusive emails from readers… hahaha.

  15. :D, i searched all posts with JB so there would be lesser posts to shift thru…

    the photo, i think everyone is looking at the end of the post MM.

    hope you get another Bond photo this summer…:)

  16. haha! thank goodness for google

    Gigi – (deleted paragraph) evil, no CLUES like that! Evil grin. Folks have to work for it. :)

  17. I’m part of the 1,000 people coursing your site as we try to track down all the clues…can’t wait for the grand finale tom….it was a blast going all those archive..= )

  18. Haaaay!!! Ive read all the posts twice na.. Got all the letters.. Pero i cannot for the life of me figure it out!!!!! What is wrong with me?!! MM,im hopeless.. And beginning to accept i wont see the protected posts.. Were the letters just clues or that’s the password na or i need to anagram it? Two words ba or just one? Help!!!

  19. I have forgotten about the adobo photoshop photo of you! Hahaha! Thanks for the password chasing game. Now I have to figure it out…

  20. I wonder which post in your archive is the most read and which is the most commented on? would be a nice to know =)

  21. Got it, MM. Figured it had something to do with JB as soon as I read the first post. I wonder what’s in the password protected post tomorrow. Hmmm… :)

  22. Hi Mr. MM! I am one of those “silly enough” searching for the hidden password in the past few minutes, and I was able to find it! Yehey! And I actually enjoyed the search.

    BTW, we’ll be in Cebu by next month and am so excited to get to taste your Zubuchon for the first time.

  23. Similar to other commenters, I’m a lurker too. Interesting contest mechanics, MM! I actually enjoyed re-reading past posts in the process. :)

  24. Lyn, in the old days, tapa, tocino and chicken inasal were the most read recipe posts. Rants also garnered a phenomenal amount of readership… Lately, posts that seek to help readers find things like “where can I buy” have been popular. For the past two years, the ten most popular posts are shown at the bottom of the opening page of the blog…

    Pinky, take a deep breath. Think Bond. And all will reveal itself. I promise. :)

  25. YES!!! I got it :-D My desktop is at the shop and I’m using a phone and I freaked when I opened the post and it said something along the lines “you are not authorized…” I ran and used another phone :-) thankfully it was just the wifi signal fluctuating hence the error msg haha

  26. So much fun. Thanks MM. Re server issues, I saw an error message earlier when I tried viewing the archive page, but I am happy to report that it has disappeared.

  27. huh, now i can breathe normally…:)

    indeed, as gigi said, thank goodness for google.

  28. OMG! I thought i would never get it! Had to do some research through the net to get the right word! I’m not too big with xxxxxx so I almost asked my officemates to crack the code for me :-) But finally, i got it!

  29. I got stuck with clue #3 – got soooooooooooooooooo distracted admiring a hunk :-)….moved on when I heard hubby asking why i was drooling …hahahaha

  30. hay naku MM….kahit umulan ng walang humpay, kumidlat ng walang sing lakas, o mahulog man ang kalangitan….i will search the archives to get that password! didn’t really take long to figure it out =)

  31. OMGulay! That was a fun scavenger hunt! MM, you are amazing! I experienced some issues earlier and freaked out a couple of times, but I managed to get all of them! Can’t wait for what’s in store. Hopefully I can comment more these days. :)

  32. @ Pinky – what’s google for? hint… hint…

    Absolutely had a grand time running thru those posts again. Thanks, MM.

  33. Just got the coveted p/w and be part of the first class readers lol I had fun going through the clues MM, thanks for making my day! I encountered a crash as I went through the archives lol but all is well. I can’t wait to see your first p/w protected post! More power!

  34. This was really fun:-) What surprised me is that I’ve read all the posts where you hid the clues. I didn’t know that I followed you that long already.

  35. hehehe….a couple of mouse clicks and i thought it was a random word until the last clue and everything made sense, good thing i’m a JB007 fan as well! :-}

  36. I got it after going over the posts twice :) Only 6 posts gave a letter, was the 7th post supposed to give a letter too? I had to read all the comments and hints here to get more clues to figure out what the password is, and of course, google the last part because I am not a Bond fan. But that was fun, I was checking your posts since this morning :)

  37. Can’t wait for this post to come and when it did, MM I don’t know if its just me or anything but I can’t seem to guess the password. It seems like my braincells have given up on me. Huhuhu! Don’t want to be left out once the time comes. I may be a lurker most of the time, but I’m really fond of your posts rave, rant or otherwise. May the waves of wisdom guide me.

  38. I got it! This is my first comment, I’ve always been a silent reader.
    Exciting pero nakakagutom, napakain tuloy ako ng Skyflakes *winkwink* :)
    (MM, delete this if it’s not fine.)

  39. Got it! I love games likes this. I just finished reading The Midas Code and doing NSA cryptology puzzles. Aliw! I hope you put up more clever puzzles and contests for your readers MM. :)

  40. Yehey! MM Got it! Thanks a lot. Am so happy right now. It may have taken me this long but I’m glad I experienced playing this game. Hats off to you MM.

  41. Yeheeeey! got it. gosh marketman, you’re so sexy naman ngayon! Who would have thought you have been cooking a whole lot of lechons?!!! compliments to your zubuchon. FINALLY, i got to taste “the” best lechon. Zubuchon will definitely be the last meal should I be in death row. My Sophie who is not so found of pork was eating the lechon this lunch. Thank MM! Really love it!

  42. I’m in!! Looking forward to reading Tuesday’s post. Best Marketmanila upgrade, ever. :D!!!!

  43. got it! (thanks to my husband). I showed him the first 3 letters and he already told me what it is. he is also a james bond fan

  44. i got it! im soooo happy =)) first time to make a comment on this blog.. thanks MM! =))

  45. i couldn’t contain myself when i figured the password out. good thing everyone inside our transport is arabic so noone understood what i said. hahaha!

  46. Password secured.

    All this hype for an unseen post?
    Can’t wait to see what it’s all about!
    A major rant? A new fishpan?
    A revelation?

    Amazing ka talaga MM!
    Galing ng mga readers mo!
    (Me included! Hahaha!!!)

  47. At first, the letters did not make sense to me. I thought it was some acronym. So, I read all the comments to try to figure it out. You have to rearrange the letters pala. I hope that is not too much information, MM. Just trying to help others like me who are not familiar with the details regarding James Bond.

  48. I’ve been reading your blog for years now, but this is my first time to comment. Got the password and am so excited!!

    On a side note, MM, I saw you in Salcedo last weekend and I was really starstruck! :)

  49. Good grief, this is wacky crazy. Now I fear the post tomorrow will be far too boring, tame, etc. to justify this search for a password. :) bijin, you have to unscramble the letters, and it will make up a word or two… google that word and it will all make sense, I promise.

  50. Wow I enjoyed hunting for the password! At first I can not really figure it out. But thanks a lot to Google!!! :D

  51. Got the password! Long time lurker, first time post. Good thing I’m a **** fan too :D. Looking forward to your post. More power MM!

  52. I’m a happy momma, MM! That was soooo much fun–I even paused to read your post on my birthday last year because I remember wanting to eat corn, after I read that! Thanks, thanks!!! I am still smiling…..

  53. Now that wasn’t so difficult. It would have shaken me though if it had been just a bum steer.

    In 1960 the first functioning laser was set up by Theodore H. Maiman in the Hughes Research Labs. In 1964 I submitted a freshman term paper about it. The following year they tried using it to bisect 007 starting from where it hurts most. My favorite quote from Goldfinger though is:

    Bond: That looks like a woman’s gun.
    Largo: Do you know a lot about guns, Mr. Bond?
    Bond: No, but I know a little about women.

  54. OMG! I figured it out! instead of doing my homework.. this is what I did :-) More fun :-)

  55. MM, sobrang nagpanic ako if I will not be able to get the password right. Kaya I asked pa my son to help me in writing down the important stuff before we go on to the next clue. Yey! Got it Mr. Bond! :)

  56. been a loyal lurker for several years..good thing i got the password…parang da vinci code ang level of excitement… i wouldnt want to miss reading your posts…

    your blog is one of very few i continue to read …. most blogs now are obviously paid hacks with bad grammar to boot…yours is consistently informative, interesting, well-thought out and well-written…

    oh ive tried the zubochon from the cebu airport and it was absolutely divine..gourmet lechon at its finest

  57. Got it MM!!! hahaha *dancing like crazy* after much contemplating and forehead wrinkling, i decoded it! My poor brain was not working kanina talaga, nagpanic ako kaya siguro lalong di nagwork plus im using my phone to browse.. Haha *excuses excuses* … but now i got it na! Can’t wait for the much awaited post!

    For those who are still lost, just think BOND, JAMES BOND!

  58. Now, the reveal…..

    James Bond and Market Man – you’re Twins!

    ( got the password! )

  59. wahhh…. i dont get it.. i went to the post… pero after that… blank… as in blank… feel really dumb ;(

  60. I am a MM freakazoid!!i had Dental& Doctors appt. today,bundle up with bought a new suv and a social obligation, I let out a little scream of “gotta to go home “to my hubby tonight just to break a was fun!! I’m a little excited ..hope to sleep this am:)

  61. GIjane,
    Okey, relax muna….

    – click Archives
    – click the date 19 November 2006, Casino Royale ( look at the end of the post )
    – you will see the the “clue”
    – the clue will direct you to go to… …..until you have eveything.
    – unscramble the letters
    – think James Bond – google it!
    Easy lang, pramis! ;-)

  62. The search for the password is like opening Pandora’s Box – a wealth of information in your archives. I got sidetracked reading some of your posts while following up on the clues. Such diversity of topics! Very clever to introduce the new readers and re-introduce the regular readers to Marketmanila-pedia. Congratulations MM! Am looking forward to reading your password-protected posts.

  63. Thank you for the help… got it already… I was clicking the wrong posts kaya I wasn’t able to see the clues. Tapos, I was reading the last comment, total fail hehe.. should be the post itself pala. Thanks again. :D

  64. finally got it! i got lost– clicked on the post on stocks by mistake (same date) and for a while toyed with “stocks and BONDs?” : ) Fun game sir! really a challenge.
    I really appreciate all the helpful co-readers who were cheering the “slower” ones along, me included.
    Parang (marketman) family or crew game :) thanks guys!!

  65. thanks MM got it earlier but late post in here, lol. mas nauna pa comment ko sa password protected post… para akong hinahabol ng aso kanina when checking for the clues and stucked to the post with your photo deleted (kulang na lang baliktarin ko iPad para mahanap ang photo),scanned it back and forth checking the two photos, at hanap hanap ka. this is a good game, looking for more!

  66. that was so cool. thanks Marketman. i was reminded of the old computer game “where in the world is Carmen San Diego”. :)

  67. waaaaa only got 3 letters, already stuck, help more clues pls….waaaaaa….panicking now :(

  68. @Millet, Yes, that’s going on fifty in a coupla years.

    Ita sensim sine sensu aetas senescit.

    Thus unhurried and heedless, life wanes.

    Cicero describing Cato’s maturity.

  69. I was one of those readers this morning. It was so thrilling. Was working and talking with my staff at the same time while going through the archives for the password. Whew! :)

  70. Post Easter season hunt Market Manila Style!
    Clever than ever MM! Or should I say Mr. JB? :)

  71. finally, i was able to find the other clues, even though i figured the password with 3 letters, i told myself i need to find those post with the other clues and bearing in mind what the others are saying, “think Bond, James bond”, and I did and i found them…..hahahaha……

  72. woke up and remembered, jumped out of bed, got it now i can prepare my son’s breakfast, bettyq going back to the pancake post now

  73. YAY, got it!!! :-D Grabe, you know what I had to do, MM?! I didn’t have time to do this earlier, then I had to go to a friend’s house tonight. When I realized I might not get home in time tonight (nor wake up early enough tomorrow) to “work” on the password, I asked my friend if I could borrow her iPad — which, by the way, I don’t know how to use — then excused myself so that I could do this! HAHAHA! It’s a good thing it didn’t take too long, or my friend would’ve thought I was a most rude guest, indeed! ;-) Anyway, I know what I’m gonna do first thing when I wake up tomorrow (which, admittedly, will be very late): check to see the first password-protected post! :-D

    I’ve gotta say: that was fun, MM. And I’m just SO glad that I “came back to the fold” in time to be part of it! :-)

  74. Got it! But…why did I get an extra letter? Hahahaha! Is it really supposed to be like that? Wait…Baka ako lang yun. I’m just going to give it to my mom. I bet she’s going to make me figure it out anyway. Hahaha!

  75. got it!!!thanks also to mr. google without him i don’t know what james bond coming xxxxx.

  76. I think Im missing the last letter clue. I tried re-arranging the letters I got but I still can’t figure it out. I feel so left out. :(

  77. waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! I am in baby! LOL :)) it was fun MM! :) now I never have to miss any of your post ;)

  78. MM, you dont know the amount of anxiety that this hunt had caused me. I felt like i was running against time. You dont know how amazed i was when the post opened. Hahahaa! Sooo happy. And yes, i am what you call a silent follower. Off to read your post! Love this blog!

  79. Mr. MM, i was so busy in the office yesterday…i missed the password clues..can i still get it now pls, pls, pls? i feel so left out (like joseph)… am a long time reader and occasional commenter, and i really feel sad today when your new posts are password protected already… hu hu hu

  80. Im one of your silent lurkers.. Also got the pw.. Thanks for giving lurker like me a first class seat.. But why cant i open your two protected posts today? Tried typing the movie title but cant stil go to your new post.

  81. Maria, if you have all the letters, they are scrambled, so you have to unscramble it to form a word. Then the password is in lower case letters, not CAPITALIZED. I hope that helps, others seem to be accessing the password protected posts readily… Thanks.

  82. MM, you could say that I am one of your silent followers.
    Only today did I found out about the password thing and I exerted all my effort in getting the password. It was all worth it.
    Thank you for all your wonderful and informative posts. :)

  83. thought i would be a lurker forever but this contest brought the “evil” in me. been stealing time at work since this morning. i got the clue after a meeting. pat my back for making it before the deadline. hmmm, would love to get the marketmaniac shirt even if my size is XS.

  84. The website was unaccesible last night. I got 7 letters though but not the final letter :-( And google is not helping me at the moment!!

  85. whaaatttt!!!! I’m late na, MM!!! wala bang extension?.. been buried with work since last week… paano naman kami? :(

  86. got it!!! (it took me a while to figure it out.. hahaha).. thank you so much for the clue MM! :)

  87. Thanks, MM/JB, that was great! And thanks for making it not too hard :). So glad to be able to still access the clues despite my being late!

    I started very late since I was out on meetings since yesterday until this noontime.

    For the others , the clues are still there, so don’t despair if you are late! Just hurry up, before the clues are taken down!

  88. Yehey i was able to open the protected posts. I dont know why i cant do it with the ipod.. will try again later. I panicked since yesterday thinking i wont be able to read your protected posts. Thanks MM for very informative blogs.. Really love the community here.. More power to you..

  89. Actually 3 post, first two post with the clue, third post regarding with tatoo, then i search the net, presto directed to hq of james bond.

  90. oh no…does this mean i can no longer read your post…i did not get the password…panic mode….

  91. Na miss ko po yung password ang nakita ko lang po ay yung una “L”. waaaaaaaa.

  92. Sir MM sana pagbigyan nyo naman po yung mga hindi nakaabot na makuha yung password, I’ve been following your blog way back….. uhm… Radical chef pa si Mam Connie Veneracion, please :(

  93. MM surely knows how to stir the pot!

    Look at all the new names coming out of lurkingdom joining the fun and commenting on this blog. And the latecomers are crying boo, hoo, hoo.

  94. Um…the “Katrinas” above is me. As I said, I’m not used to the iPad, so I kept making typos. :-/

  95. Well after spending 2 days trying to decode the clue, I still couldn’t figure it out. I tried rearranging the letters, used google but still no luck. Not only do I feel left out, I feel stupid too. :( It seems that I harbor lots of useless brain cells. Anyway, I have given up and will just contend myself to reading old MM posts.

  96. You lost me on the latest password protected post approach (and am afraid, future posts ) to what end did you intend to take this? Mere fun and games? it was fun. Cheers .

  97. I missed it! I’m just reading the posts now April 18 2012 3:51 PM New York time.
    Manila time is 12 hrs ahead.
    I just hope not all posts from now on will be password protected.
    Or that you’ll give us laggards a second chance to catch up.

  98. arghhh…soooo late..just got out of the hosp confinement today..boohooo..cant access the password protected mm articles..any chance left mm?

  99. Oh, missed it! *groan* I was en route from Manila to Vancouver and I am still so groggy from lack of sleep. I hope there will be a next time.

  100. A few busy days of school and this slipped my mind. Have mercy on us, MM! I’ve been a faithful reader for years!!

  101. A few busy days of school and this totally slipped my mind! Have mercy on us, MM! I’ve been a faithful reader for years!!

  102. I guess I just have to contend with what I can read from here–too busy to figure the password—

  103. Shucks! I remember reading last April 16, excited for the 17th… Then my kids got sick and I just forgot all about it until now! Boohoo! I hope there will be other opportunities next time! I was an everyday reader, sometimes commenter, stalker (had the guts to approach MM in the airport!) but until i had to balance kids and work, my online presence has minimized :(

    Still reading the open posts anyway :)

  104. MM, wala bang second chance?!? Otherwise, this will be a lesson for me not to take my mother-in-law out anymore on a city trip. LOL.

  105. Yikes! Completely missed this! Was out on holiday with my family and we went without gadgets. Is there any chance that we get to access the protected posts as well? =(

  106. Grrr… I missed this. Was crazy busy with work this week… Second chance mr. mm? Pleasee…

  107. What is this ‘PASSWORD’ all about? I completely missed it too! How can I get it?

  108. I missed the password :( I did made a mental note to check it on that day, but I had to see a doctor and take a medical test, and ended up stressing about it for the next few days. waaaah :( same with other readers here, hoping for a second chance. thanks :)

  109. @ novie and everybody else who commented after that , i know exactly how you feel : (( , mm baka pwede namn maka request ng grace period for the clues , please?

  110. I’ve been out of cycle for a while, overloaded. I missed the password/clues. The daily grind of reading this blog perks me up. I’m having withdrawal symptoms.

  111. MM how about a longtime reader who got busy and just opened MM today… at work (shhh). what would happen to her? poor me…