The Kid Who Got the Gingerbread House…


Marketman packed up the gingerbread house, a bunch of other candies and goodies and went off to Ortigas Center to drop it off with “David’s” tita/aunt. David” got the goodies yesterday. His mom sent me this photo, isn’t he just the absolute cutest? I couldn’t figure out the technology so I had to take a photo of my computer screen to post the picture. That’s why it is fuzzy. Seems all of David’s recent tests have cleared him of earlier cancer problems and it will hopefully be a good Christmas for everyone; despite mom being thousands of miles away. My heart really goes out to the millions of Filipinos working overseas this Christmas because we are all collectively too dumb to figure out how to keep them home and gainfully employed. It’s hard to explain, but I was never so thrilled about giving anything away until the minute I saw that gingerbread house entering the front door of a bank in search of someone who would take it to “David.” I stayed out in the car to remain anonymous. This will indeed be a memorable Christmas… A small kindness, an unexpected gesture, and for a split second, a world of difference. If all of us stopped for a minute to do something similar, we would all be better off. Happy Holidays to all of Marketmanila’s readers, wherever you may be on the planet!!!


36 Responses

  1. dear MM you surely are raking in the ‘pogi’ points not only with your legions of admirers (‘fans’ sound like ‘groupies, hehe) but most certainly with the Big Guy Up There. what you have been giving will return to you a thousandfold. that smile of pure unadulterated glee on ‘david’s’ face is priceless. bless you :-) such good news! it will be a joyous Christmas for david and his family. here’s hoping he and his mom get together soon, for good, and for that matter, all families who are separated by great distances.

  2. That happy face of David paid off what you went through to get the gingerbread house to him aside from putting it together. That big bright smile brings a thousand joys to her Mom. Thanks to your golden heart you made a little boy happy. Smart thinking in acting like Agent 007 to ensure it was the right aunt picking up your prized gingerbread house not Aunt Jane Doe and assessing the surrounding first. My heart goes out too to all my fellow citizens who are out of the country and by themselves these Holidays.

  3. What a cutie! Bless you for making that little boy happy.

    As far as saving your screen,

    1. Get the page you want to save up
    2. Hold ctrl, then hit the “print scrn/sysrq” button (right of f12)
    3. Open paint (or any photo editor you have), hold ctrl, then hit “v”, to paste
    4. Under file, hit save, then save as .jpg
    5. Upload to your photo host and share your desktop. :)

    I hope that helped.

  4. A Wonderful and Blessed Christmas to you and your entire family MM.

    May God give you more blessings so you can be His instrument in helping others.


    And thank you for this blog too heheheehehhehe.

  5. “David” is a cutie, alright, and MM, you just made christmas for all of us readers who have been following his story since you first posted it last year. so nice to see him and hear that he is cleared…now all we need to worry about are the cavities from eating all that candy, but…ti’s christmas, who cares about cavities, anyway? merry christmas, david, and many more blessings to him and MarketMan and family so that you may continue sharing those blessings.

  6. i’m teary eyed reading your post. people like you make me still believe in magic. bless you marketman!

  7. I’m touched with your gesture, I am once an OFW and knew how they felt in times like this. God bless your soul and your family. Merry Christmas to all!! Cheers!

  8. MM, that is a very thoughtful gesture not only for David but for all the other children that you made to feel especial this Christmas! I am sure God will return your kindness to everyone a thousandfold. May you be a million times blessed. I just discovered this website two days ago trying to search for a recipe (for “pallilos de Milan” cookie bars, the one with meringue topping on top like the one from Dulcinea in the 70’s) and like everyone else got hooked on Market Manila website. I tried to put a comment for Guimaras but was unable to, hope you reached your 500. What is budbud kabog? Could you please write about pallilos de Millan recipes? Thank you.

  9. MM, You’ve just earned brownie points in heaven. Merry Christmas to you, Mrs. MM and The Kid.
    I did the dalandan topiary and also a calamansi topiary. It was stunning. Though for weeks I will be having fruit juice. Thanks for the inspiration. From Asunta and my DH

  10. MM,

    I have always been amazed at how you have turned your back on the prestigious and high profile job you had. I thought one can never have enough of success, for which reason the most successful people are often the busiest. You however have proved what really is important in life. And it is such an inspiration to know somebody like you. You give meaning to the poem that goes: You’d better slow down, Don’t dance so fast, Time is short, The music won’t last. Merry Christmas!

  11. Thanks for reminder of what the true meaning of Christmas is :) You are an inspiration! Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Christmas isn’t about material wealth/receiving or giving but about the heart and thoughts of the giver or the recipient (or either both). It must be a time when most of us are at utmost generosity but how a wonderful world it would be if everyday seems Christmas. David is lucky to have a mother who wishes and does everything good for him and Marketman who has the heart to bring him joy with a little kindness. Surely David was thrilled at the sight of the goodies a “stranger” sent him. Touching ones life, something priceless! We can all feast on without a guilt this holiday season if we share/shared our blessings (or being thoughtful) with others isn’t it? It isn’t necessarily material things. I wish most kids and adults alike know this well. I wish David and mom a Blessed Christmas, and lots of prayers.

  13. David’s story is so inspiring. it’s good to know his health condition is getting better. that smile on the kid’s face is priceless. keep up the good work marketman! merry christmas!

  14. May you and your family, Mr. Marketman, get your fair share of the blessings this holiday season.
    Have a wonderful Christmas, and a Prosperous New Year!

  15. Merry Christmas Marketman, Mrs. MM and Kid! Our best wishes to you and bless you for doing this for David and his family!

  16. Ahhhhhh… What immesureable joy you must have just seeing that smile from David! This little gesture not only made a little boy happy but you have touched your readers in so many ways. Bless your kind heart MM. Merry Christmas to you, Mrs. MM and the Kid.

  17. Haven’t been reading your site for a while. Missed it a lot though. I’m glad that “david”s story was the latest, exactly the story I needed to read. :) God chose the right person to give great blessings to, someone who could generously spread such gifts.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. :) Many more blessings to come.

  18. Merry Christmas Marketman and Family!!

    May God bless you a thousandfolds back for all your good deeds and generosity!!

  19. Such a touching post. This is what Christmas is all about. Merry Christmas to you and your family MM!

  20. MM,this post was a feel-good story and our hearts are oozing with happiness and seeing little David’s photo was just bliss!He’s a gorgeous looking kid and we’re glad to hear that he’s doing well!
    Thank you MM and family for showing what Christmas is all about!

    Merry Christmas to you MM and your loved ones!

    Our love to you all from Downunder!

  21. Christmas Blessings to you and yours, MM, and to all your readers. What a beautiful, generous gift to David and his family. You must have posted about him before and I missed it. We will be adding David to our prayer list.