Protected: The 10 Lechon/Chicharon Winners!!!

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45 Responses

  1. I, too, had forgotten about the raffle and was surprised and thrilled to receive an email that I was one of the winners chosen. What a good way to start the day. Thanks MM!

  2. better luck next time for me ( with the thousands-and-thousands of other readers aka nonwinners) =/

  3. Just the thought of all that lechon and chicharon being awarded is making me drool. Hoping you come up with another contest soon. Wish I had won… Am now really craving… ha ha ha

  4. Nice :) One more thing to look forward to in July!
    Daghang salamat sa pagpili MarketMan :)

  5. Checking the comments so next time i know how to win one of these contest. Lol.

    Congrats to the winners!

  6. Thanks for choosing me as one of the winners. By the way, I got your email yesterday, which was also my birthday

  7. Many thanks Mr. MM! I just got home from my long stay at the hospital and ur announcement was the best welcome home gift I’ve ever received. It put a big smile on my face.

  8. Congratulations to the winners, and to everyone who tried to win the yummy prizes!

  9. Glad I read all of the winners’ posts! You deserve to win guys! Happy for all of you! :)

  10. Hello MM thanks for the 5 packs chicharon I received it on May 24, 2012, check out posts on and ^_^