A quick note to say my apologies for doing the blog equivalent of “radio silence” or “air raid blackouts” the past week or so. Things have gone by in a frenetic blur… Got sick hours before a scheduled departure to New York City for my niece’s wedding and with my temperature climbing to 40C, I worried about getting pulled over en route in Tokyo or New York for suspected swine flu so I decided not to depart as scheduled despite having already checked into the flight. Mrs. MM and The Teen left as planned. I stayed home for another two days in bed, drinking lots of liquids and willing the cooties away. I am not fond of doctors or medicine. Finally departed two days later and arrived in New York less than 20 hours before the wedding! Managed to help sister out with flowers and other logistics and stayed upright throughout the ceremony and reception. Collapsed into bed for serious rest for a day or two. Jet lag and the flu is not a recommended combination. Throw in hay fever and “drug addict” is an appropriate description. Albeit prescription drugs. A few days later attended a nephew’s graduation festivities out on Long Island, did a little shopping, and now find ourselves frantically packing to return home. And in the past week, I have only checked the blog occasionally and couldn’t manage to write a single post. But stay tuned and things should return to normal soon. Keep yourselves amused with the archives in the meantime. :)

33 Responses
hope you feel better
Mr MM hope you’ll be restored to your normal health and energy!!!have a safe trip home!
Take it easy for a while! I know crossing time zones and breathing re-circulated air inside an airplane doesn’t help… but get well soon!
Wise decision to stay home and rest or you could have gotten sicker or quarantined somewhere enroute. Aren’t you glad you don’t have a Shanghai or Beijing connection or you’ll find yourself blogging somewhere while on quarantine? Stay away from H1N1!
Hope you have a safe trip back home.
Hope you feel 100% soon MM! Jet lag can be killer (from personal experience) and hay fever equally so (my husband’s annual scourge!!)
hope you’re well enough to travel, MM—look healthy and perky! sickly-looking passengers are suspect, and some get quarantined, esp those coming from our area. i know you had a great time being with family, celebrating milestones…at last, we have sunshine!! (and humidity…)
hope you had very good cherries, apricots and peaches while you were here. farm-grown, local strawberries are also very delicious now!
get lots of sleep!
Hope you get better soon! My husband also caught a mild flu and I had to keep it a secret here because of all the panic about the swine flu. He’s better now, thanks to a lot of chicken soups, vitamin C, and would you believe…ice cream? He’s sick but he’s craving ice cream…and he got better!
Sounds like the usual Filipino whirlwind trip. I’ve had similar trips with my wife.
Hope you completely recover soon!
poor mm! take care and feel better!
Get well soon!
Hope you get over the bugs soon.
Hayfever can be a nasty one too specially if you have a cold already happening.
Get well soon, Marketman! And wise decision not to risk getting flag in the multiple airports you were passing through! Feel better.
MM, take care… the blog can wait…and we can wait….
Hope you get well soon.
MM, take a break!!! Hay fever alone is a killer, what more if you add jet lag!! Stay home and let sister feed you…
Will the bugs away, MM. Rest and lots of fluids. Have a safe trip and we’ll see you back here soon. And I am looking forward to pictures. I hope you will be posting some esp of the flower arrangements.
Get well soon!
Jet lag is the pits and hits me hard. Speedy recovery! I am now craving for liempo! Cooked any way but preferably grilled the Filipino way or like lechon kawali. It is a cut I have to go to the butcher for and since I am only 1, it will take me forever to finish 5 lbs!
I grew up in Manhasset Long Island. Get well MM.
I hope you feel better soon! Have a safe (and uneventful) trip home :)
Buenos dias, MM.
Include onions in your priority list of superfoods. Extremely effective, thins out blood, gets rid of waste and relieves nose flow. When was the last time I had cold and cough??? Can’t remember—a decade or so ago. Get well soon.
So sorry to hear you were sick.Hope you’re feeling much better now.Take plenty of rest,fluids, fresh fruits and veggies.Don’t hurry and worry about us, the archives keep us busy.Get well soon MM and a safe trip back home!
Oh, Gosh! What a busy bee. I hope you feel better soon!
I hope the hay fever isn’t as severe as last year’s bout. Take care, have a safe flight back to Manila.
ariel, how bizarre is that… I was just at the “Miracle Mile” in Manhasset yesterday! :) Mila, this time around, the hay fever is far less the problem… it’s the other cooties that did me in. Thank you all for such kind comments and get well wishes… I feel like with all of these good wishes the flu bugs will wither and die…heehee.
We really missed you but get well and rest well!! Will pray for travelling mercies for you and family!! Take care!!
GET WELL…QUICK….Before the WHO come chasing after you!!!! Here’s praying that pneumonia does not set in…
get well soon, mm….
Hope you feel better by the time you read this, MM! Take care and God bless!
Get well soon MM!
Get well soon, MM!!
Get well soon and take advantage of the sick time to charge up yourself. We miss you but we knew we all need downtime.
MM, get well soon and safe trip home!