Sometimes, the Customer is Just Wrong…

The customer is always right. That is the phrase we drill into our staff, time and time again. But there are definitely exceptions to this mantra, and while they are hopefully few and far between, every once in a while you come across a situation where you decide to take the risk of losing that one customer for the benefit of other customers or for the mental health of your staff. Mrs. MM was once on a plane where an unruly and inebriated passenger was bound to his chair with strapping tape (yes, strong tape works better than handcuffs) and warned if he was noisy his mouth would be taped shut as well (all this done by a burly American air marshall on board the transpacific flight). I know of situations were restaurant clients have placed items in their food, in order to try and get the meal comped (for free), but their actions were clearly recorded on CCTV cameras in-store, yet other situations where diners steal silver and crystal and are caught red-handed, or saddled with a massive charge on the bill for the missing items… but sometimes, it isn’t something so blatant or evil, it just falls into the “thick” or “clueless” category as I like to call these encounters.

Example # 1:

A few months ago, I arrived at the airport at around 545pm for a 725pm flight. When I got through security checks, I sat in front of the Zubuchon airport stall, and noticed a customer sitting at one of 10 stools for dine-in clients, and his computer and phone were plugged into our wall socket some 5-6 feet away. The cord, a thick wire and battery or charge pack was mostly on the floor, and a portion of it raised off the floor (the socket is a foot or more above floor level). It was directly across the line for customers who order food, as well as the area for them to exit the cashier. In other words, it was in the way and could cause someone to trip if they weren’t very mindful of what was underfoot. The dining table was only partially filled, and there was a bit of lull in the number of passengers in the departure lounge at the time. I just let this be, and it’s not the first time we have accommodated a request to use our electrical outlets. I spoke with our Manager and it turns out the customer had asked permission to charge his phone briefly, but instead plugged his computer in, plugged his phone into his computer and had stayed for quite some time. Clearly, if charging one’s phone just enough to get to Manila were required, 15-20 minutes of charging would have sufficed. The customer ordered a drink and sat doodling on his computer.

Dozens of customers came and went, and a line started to form, and our small table was rather full. One of our waiters told the customer that guests may trip on his wires but the customer ignored our staff member, paying him no mind, continuing on as though there was no care in world. I observed a lot of this for say a good 15 minutes or so. And when at least two other customers got semi-tangled or had to lift suitcases over the wire, I approached the customer and told him to please remove his plug and wire as it was getting in the way of other customers and a potential risk. When he didn’t react or even appear to be aware of the inconvenience he was causing, I pulled out his plug, handed it to him and told him I was shocked he was so oblivious and inconsiderate. I offered to charge his phone behind the counter but he declined (obviously it had enough charge by now). He protested that he had ordered a drink, and that he had asked permission, and I countered that he had asked permission for a phone, not a thick computer cord, and that 20-30 minutes should have been sufficient time, and besides, it was now quite clearly a bother to other clients. And buying a drink DOES NOT entitle a customer to free charging of electrical equipment, period. It was a courtesy extended by staff, that now was clearly being taken advantage of. Clearly, being called out in public is an unpleasant situation, but honestly, you can only suffer idiotic behavior to a point. And this is the first time I have ever told a customer I would be happy to reimburse the cost of his soda if he would just skeedadle out of there.

WHERE DO PEOPLE learn this type of behavior? Inconveniencing others is clearly obnoxious. And when it’s clear you are doing something like that, isn’t that enough reason to stop it? Does playing a deaf ear to a waiter’s polite request mean you are safe from ridicule? Thinking this is over, the gentleman approached me and tried to explain himself further. And I made it clear to him that it was a simple matter of right or wrong. Is it right to inconvenience others or put them at risk for your own benefit? Is it right to expect that you can charge your appliances at a food store in exchange for the purchase of a beverage or food item? Is it right to ignore a polite request from a waiter, but only get shocked when the owner tells you off? Wasn’t it sufficient charge for 30 minutes for the person to have enough juice on his toys? Finally, he walked off, and I had a word with our staff — yes, the customer is often right, but not when they abuse common sense in this manner. The plug has since been condemned and now NO ONE gets to ever use it. It’s idiots like this who screw up the polite world for the rest of normal diners. And just in case you are wondering, we continue to accommodate folks who need a charge, but their phones are placed behind the counters for 10-20 minutes or so.

Example # 2:

A customer called or emailed to complain that they thought they had left their phone on their table after dining in one of our outlets, and when they returned, it was no where to be found. There was a suggestion that our staff had perhaps taken it, or maybe someone else had… We take such complaints seriously, and we asked the client to describe the phone, the approximate time of dining in (it’s on their receipt as well) and table/server (that’s on the receipt as well). Thankfully, we have CCTV cameras and keep several days of data saved. A review of the table in question showed the client did in fact dine in, used his phone during his stay, and as they got up to leave the restaurant, we had a clear shot of the table, and there was no phone on it (or on the chairs). The servers cleared the table, and there did not appear to be a phone anywhere near their table. When told we had a tape of meal, the client backed off his strong assertion our crew may have taken the phone…

Example # 3:

This is one for the “books”… Early one morning, at our airport snack bar, a group of clients arrived and ordered a dish that typically takes 8-10 mins to prepare. They were advised of this and agreed. Several of the dishes were delivered in the order that they were purchased at say 6-8 minutes, and one last order was being prepared. One of the clients, a large male, asked the waiter to follow-up but the waiter was already holding the last order, and served it seconds later. The customer was apparently quite drunk, got angry, and without warning punched our server in the chest! The waiter was put behind the counter (he did not hit back) by our diminutive female manager, other customers were stunned, and the client remained aggressive. Airport police were summoned, witnesses spoken to, and to make a long story short, our server decided to file assault charges. As a company, we supported this move, given the situation that had taken place. Medical tests, liquor tests, and many, many hours later (the customer missed his flight and tried to throw his weight around and giving his “gun license id” as his identification) and they were in front of the Mactan Fiscal and a case was being raffled off to a judge so that bail could be set. After say 11 hours, the client finally settled the case, providing a written apology and a very modest cash settlement. Our lawyers got involved, several of our managers went to support the employee, and all ended as well as it could. There are details I have left out, but you would only cringe more if I enumerated them. The client missed his flight, a later booked flight, had to sleep over one night, pay his lawyer, write an apology, and pay a settlement fee and hang his head temporarily in shame. All that because he couldn’t wait the ten minutes he had earlier agreed to wait… Ridiculous, I know.

So while customers are almost “always right” or treated as such, there are a few real doozies out there that are just WRONG, period.


46 Responses

  1. I hate it when “customers” behaves like they are entitled to that kind of behaviour, where they think that they are always right no matter what!

  2. I hate it when “customers” behaves like they are “entitled” to that kind of behaviour, where they think that they can get away with it just because they think they are always right!

  3. Thank you MM for painstakingly writing these incidents, citing how you responded and showing how to address such sticky situations. Most of the time, I read about incidents with no resolution and that imprints in the mind of others that they can get away with their bad behaviour. Continue this advocacy and I salute your high regard for what is proper and right without being righteous. May your tribe increase…

  4. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. This attitude is not just limited to customers. I see this “sense of entitlement” in a lot of our kababayans almost everywhere. For example, there are always people who would rudely make “singit sa pila” when people are patiently falling in line for their turn during baggage inspections at mall entrances. Yes, it’s a simple thing that would probably cause a few seconds of inconvenience, but it baffles me as to where these people get the “kapal ng mukha” to do such things nonchalantly and act as if they deserve priority.
    MM, I salute you for not tolerating this kind of insolent behavior. The Philippines needs more people who are brave enough to point out faults in our society so that these “kapalmuks” can start checking themselves and paying attention to their unhealthy habits. Tutal, makapal naman ang mukha nila, they can surely endure a slap or two. ;)

  5. I have seen such customers everywhere – from the extremely clueless to the abusive. But, as to your interesting question “Where do people learn this type of behavior?” I have a theory that a large part of it may have something to do with the upbringing. I have witnessed many parents who actually ignore and tolerate their children’s bad behavior throughout their growing-up period. As a result, when they become adults, they have a scant knowledge of the difference between right and wrong, and believe that the world revolves around them, and that everybody should capitulate to their wishes. I have seen parents who allow their children to pull out toys from the store shelves, open the boxes and scatter them all over the aisles. Waiting in line to pay for my groceries, I have seen children grab candies on the stand, rip magazines, etc., and all this time, the parents do nothing. I made a very big mistake one time of bringing this to the parent’s attention. What did I get for my concern? I got yelled at in front of other customers and was told to mind my own business!

  6. There’s a fine line between a customer and a rube.

    Airports are funny places however as stressed out people succumb to the nether regions of their brain which inhibits all senses of politeness, manners and common sense. I saw this once on a Canadian flight where a rather tall western gentleman reclined so far back without consideration of the female passenger behind him. The stewardess is response to the female passenger’s ire brought this to the attention of the ‘gentleman’ and he retorted in a rather imperious fashion.

    That’s not to say that there are incubators where such behavior is tolerated. Often as such that one’s misgivings can be easily forgiven if not rewarded like a dysfunctional prodigal son. But I too is to blame for not speaking up at the mother in the pews behind me when she placed her child in my pew and started to trample about almost knocking over my Santo Ninos I brought for their annual blessing. Not suprisingly, the mother responded with a embarrassed smile to my glare.

    Perhaps as Filipinos, we have not yet mastered the nuances of civilized behavior and capitulated ourselves under the guise of subjugates of colonial rule. We can’t blame the Spaniards and Americans forever. Isn’t it ironic that Filipinos blame Euro-America for so many social ills, but at the same time, we engage in trite celebrations such as cotillions? After all, isn’t a debut an announcement that a one has become an adult. Unfortunately this event has lost all meaning of refinement and coming of age as Filipinos try to out do each other and the celebrant and their court go about their ghettoized ways.

  7. Once, at a 2-letter abbreviated mall in Metro Manila, I experienced wonderful customer service at an international fast food chain. The service was nothing out of the ordinary for customer service protocol: acknowledge guest with a smile within 10 feet, acknowledge guest verbally within 5 feet, and smile, smile, smile. This was refreshing after so many ins

  8. …instances where I felt I was taking precious time away from waitstaff from their mobile phone activities.
    So I asked for the manager and, boy, was the cashier terrified. In front of the cashier, I told the manager what happened. When I walked away, I glanced back and saw the manager huddle with the rest of the crew.
    Hopefully, that incident goes on the cashier’s performance review. Whether or not the company acknowledges the cashier, I hope she will take this to heart and continue to give wonderful service wherever she goes.
    I’ve been a restaurant front of the house supervisor for 4 years and there is no shortage of horror stories about customers. MM’s example #2: my staff was accused of taking $10 that was supposedly left by the customer on the table. After fruitless searching, the husband found the money in his pocket. The wife, who was very vocal with her accusations, left without apologizing. Did we expect one? No. Should I have pursued them and asked for an apology? Yes.
    So guys, next time you encounter wonderful service, please speak up. Let the manager know in person or fill out the survey card.

  9. This behaviour is sadly not just a Filipino thing, it’s a pandemic I’m sure. You’d be disappointed to learn that in my adopted country, it happens everyday. When I first went here in the 1990’s, if an aged person, pregnant woman or an infirm person got on the bus, practically everyone got up and offered their seat. Now in 2014, if you’re in a wheelchair and the bus is not wheelchair-accessible, you’d be lucky to find me or someone like me in the bus ‘coz I’d help you. The bus driver will generally not help you and just tell you to wait for the wheelchair-accessible bus. I’ve offered up my seat on the bus to a more senior person (BTW, I’m 50 with a full head of white hair) many times because an able-bodied person paying concession fare couldn’t be bothered to yield their seat (I’m talking to you university (concession fare) and high school (ride free) kids).
    I agree with many of you that it’s the way the person has been brought up by their parents/carers that imprints the good or bad behaviour. I think parents/carers must make sure to teach their kids to say please and thank you to everyone who provides them goods/services regardless of who they are. Teach them to thank yaya, driver, Manong Magtataho and not just granny or gramps, ninong or ninang, etc. It’s just good manners and it will engender in the kids other good behaviours as well.

  10. I hate it when people are so thick and inconvenience other people just so they can have it easy! I try my best not get in the way of other people and not inconvenience them and I ask everyone in the family to be the same. One great example that really gets my blood boiling is when I drive in out streets. Jeepney and bus drivers will load and unload passengers in the middle of a narrow one vehicle lane that will make it not possible for vehicles behind them to pass through unless they use the opposite lane. I really want to bring a mega phone and shout the p word and send them to trainings.

  11. You don’t have to look far for examples of people bringing inconvenience to others. Drive by Edsa and you will see countless instances of buses or jeeps dropping off passengers outside of the yellow lane, impromptu taxi terminals taking up 1 or 2 lanes, commuters standing on the road rather than on the sidewalks to hail buses, etc. It boggles my mind why MMDA can’t see and address these obstructions to the flow of traffic.

  12. I could relate. For more than 5 years now, I have been working for a company where customer is treated like royalties. And those years, I have witnessed all types of customers–as in! Customer service is really difficult, it’s very stressful.

  13. Thanks, MM, for posting these instances. They made me mad at the situations and made me smile with the resolutions. Sometimes I wonder… aren’t common courtesy, politeness, good manners, and overall common decency no longer being practiced by some adults and their children?

    Kudos to you and Mrs. MM for standing up for what is right. We need more people like you to talk about these things, share the stories, and make people aware that such actions will not be tolerated.

  14. you should just block the electrical socket in your airport branch. i have been tempted a few times to charge my phone there but seeing that it was very much in the way of the queue to the cashier i was afraid it might get stepped on or tripped over. and the times i saw it being used, it was in the way of the line.

  15. I wish more businesses would take a firm stand against unreasonable customers. It will make it more pleasant for the rest of us. Airlines could start by enforcing the carry-on bag rules consistently and in accordance with their written conditions; and tourism and hospitality establishments by consistently refusing service to people who’ve had too much to drink.

  16. 1. The customer is always right only when he/she doesn’t do anything wrong on purpose.

    2. If as a general rule, you’ve done your very best in terms of product and service and yet the customer remains dissatisfied, then it’s best to lose his/her so-called patronage. It’s actually better this way from a business perspective.

    3. In this day and age of mass and volume, there should be very few opportunities to act feudal. For those who want to, they have to be clients of niche services and products which cost a bomb. Even so, because such products and services are so niche, ironically the client has to think twice before bullying and behaving poorly/cheaply due to the very real risks of losing both “face” and exclusivity. Well, well, look who’s the boss then?

  17. engaging read. You’re kind enough to allow them to charge their gadgets. Some establishments in Manila charge their customers fees for charging with a time limit. I think that’s just being practical, from a business point of view. Customers should really put themselves in the owner’s position, if there’s nothing to complain about. It’s much harder to run a business than shell out money as a customer, IMHO :)

  18. i sometimes feel like such a goody two-shoes for using the right side of paths and escalators, holding the door open for the person behind me regardless of gender, keeping my voice down in public spaces including public transportation, lining up at atms etc in such a way that people can pass unobstructed, giving way to seniors, young children and the handicapped, picking up any litter i drop accidentally, etc etc.

    a pet peeve is people snacking in common areas of malls like they are on picnic grounds and then leaving all their trash for the poor janitors to clean up. i want to tell them “manong, sawayin nyo sila para di ka naman pabalik balik sa pagdampot ng basura.” people shouldn’t litter in the first place anyway. minsan kahit sa store displays and shelves may mag-iiwan pa ng empty paper cups or pet bottles or tissues. hay!

  19. You said “where do people learn this type of behavior?” Definitely, not from a serious and well-meaning educational institution. I would dare say that this is an ugly part of the culture of always having things their way, or of having gratification instantly even at the cost of whoever else will be run over. This one has so many manifestations, if one were to be very keenly observant in our daily routines. Even in parking spaces in malls. Even in queues and respecting people who came before you. There is a four letter word for this — people have simply become rude.

  20. Im glad that you stand by your employees.. some would stand by customers/clients at all times, otherwise employees would naturally gladly quit for better pastures

  21. If u want to see varied examples of entitlement, people cutting the line, no offering of seats to those who need one, girls behaving badly, just experience using the MRT esp during rush hours. It will be a good story for GMA documentaries to follow somebody throughout her MRT experiences. Wasn’t it a few moons ago that a female customer caused a sensation with an incident with a guard. I think “Customer is always right” should be followed by an explanation to our staff. Of course, our staff shld exercise maximum tolerance.

  22. Speaking of sense of entitlement, the canteen in Asian Hospital tried the “customers shld put their trays with the used dishes, utensils,etc. in a specific area.” I always follow it whenever Im there. After some months, they removed the rule. I asked the waiter why and they said most people don’t follow. I observed not only the customers don’t follow but also the hospital people…incl doctors. I was thinking that there are many travelled people there and Im sure they have encountered places abroad that have “put away used trays n utensils in designated areas incl garbage cans’ so do they follow and not follow here?

  23. corrine, McDonald’s abroad are always clear your own tray kind of places, and most if not all Pinoys do as the circumstances require… But here, they see that someone else clears up, so they follow the norm… It’s a bit wacky, really, and I don’t see why we can’t clear our own trays in low service settings… But let’s not even discuss how messy people can be when eating at such places, so that even if they cleared their trays, someone would still have to come around and wipe down their tables…

  24. Actually I just remembered in one department store in SoCal, I didn’t know there is a policy of putting back clothes you fitted…not sure if back to the rack. I was told by a 60 smthing clerk that next time I shld put it back…she was obviously annoyed. hehe. And n NY, there was a lady in her 20s berating a 60 smthing sales clerk or cashier. She was loud and I was bit scared and sorry for the old chap. Couldn’t say anything.

  25. Out of habit, I still clean-up my table in low-service places and I often get this “shocked look” from the service crew.

  26. Like Artisan, I used to clear my own table at fast-food restaurants but got tired of the incredulous looks I got from other diners and the staff so I gave up on that a long time ago. But I still tidy up my tray so its easier for the staff to clear my table. One thing I don’t understand is why most people insist on removing their food from the tray before they eat. I wonder where that came from.

  27. The sucker puncher should be named and shamed so no repeat of this violent behavior would happen again. As for clearing your own table, I think the management of some fast food chains don’t expect us to do it anymore. They’re using non-disposable dinnerware for some of their dishes, so I guess they do expect the service crew to clean the tables.

  28. My pet peeve, aside from people making singit, is when people do NOT say thank you. It drives me insane here in Cebu when you get into the lift in SM or Metro Ayala, it gets filled with people, they exit the lift without a word to the elevator attendant. I make it a point, when I am with my daughter, to say out loud to her as we exit “Imagine, all these people and nobody said thanks.” Every service deserves acknowledgement. Pure bad manners.

  29. I have this group of “kapalmuks” customers in my small resto. They hold meetings for their networking activities at my resto. Like this very moment, there’s 7 people of them and they ordered 1 drink (cheapest on the menu), and they’ve been there for 2.5 hrs and counting…

    Any suggestions on what i’d do? I have half a mind to shoo them away… Gggrrrr

  30., there are some restaurants that have minimum orders. Basically, it sounds like they are just using the space and the aircon and internet if you have it… I would go up to them, say you’ve noticed them back frequently and not really to eat, but that if they ordered a minimum of say PHP100 worth of food each they were welcome to stay, otherwise politely ask that they leave and do their business elsewhere. Even Starbucks has minimum orders for folks who just seem to “hang out there”…

  31. for, i think i know what types of meetings you’re referring to. hahaha. some places now have very plainly visible signs saying “No Conferences Allowed” or something like that.

  32. Bravo to you Marketman for giving full management support to your employee bullied by a customer. Its really great to hear someone treating their own employees like family. That worthless “Customer” deserved to get the full legal treatment from Zubuchon.
    I wonder how much he paid for compensation.

  33. the expression of the customer service people when they hear the words “thank you” and “please”, and when they see you smile when you talk to them leads one to believe that these words and act are expensive commodities not easily directed at them. it’s disheartening to know that they are more often than not treated as automaton, when the irrefutable truth is that they are also people like us who have feelings.

  34. I often complain when I get bad service (minor ones I let slide) but I always give compliments when I receive good service. I take time to write managers (even customer service of airlines) when service provided by their staff has been exemplary. I told my son that I will never tolerate rudeness and encourage any act of kindness from him and I am happy to note that he likes to say thank you, he opens doors for others, says “excuse me” and “please”, etc. So I agree with what others have been saying: oftentimes, kindness or rudeness can be attributed to upbringing.

  35. shiko-chan, they sell medicines and stuff. “No conferences allowed” is a nice idea! Thanks! I’m thinking of a more deliberate sign like putting up their company name with a big X mark on my entrance. But that’ll be inviting trouble. :)

    I let customers use my function room for 1.5k/hr consummable. What they do is, they will eat at my dine-in area (there was once they even put up manila paper on my dine-in area, and held their lecture there), then start counting for the consummable from the time they go into the function room. If they say they’ll just avail or 2 hrs, they’d stay in the function room for 2.5 hrs at least, without paying for the add’l time they consumed. Afterwhich they’d vacate the function room and continue their meeting in cliques in my dine-in area, stay until my staff tell them that they’re closing shop.

    they tell my staff not to report to management that they’re overstaying etc. (they bribe my staff with tips, good thing my staff are honest with me) they didn’t know i can view the cctv anytime. what’s worse, since they need to consume 3k for the 2 hrs they used for the function room, they would pulot receipts left by other diners (not with their group) just to come up with the 3k. Talk about mangugulang! I already told them to take their business some place else. The world would be a better place without these abusive people.

    I shall never patronize their products.

    Sorry for the long rant

  36. I hate it when people don’t acknowledge greetings from servers/janitors/cashiers etc. In my workplace (an international organization), there is this one jolly janitor who I always see everyday near the elevator I take to my workstation. He always say, “good morning, ma’am/sir. Have a nice day po” and he does it with a smile that could brighten up one’s day. I always, always acknowledged him with, “good morning, kuya. you too” or something. One time, I arrived at the elevator bay where he was assigned and the greetings took place. Then there was this one girl (a Pinay) who arrived and manong janitor greeted her as well. No acknowledgement, no thank you, no nothing. She didn’t even bother to give him a smile. We boarded the elevator at the same time and I told her, “Is it so hard to say “good morning” back?”. Napansin ko lang, sa office namin mas common sa Pinoy yung hindi mamansin compared to the expats. so sad

  37. Stuff like this could go on Can’t believe some people could be so callous like that.

  38. I may be “off topic” but today, I was unfortunately stuck behind an inconsiderate woman + daughter at Rustan’s Power Plant. Mother + daughter chose to add items to their cart when practically DONE with checking out … not too bad if other customers were not too inconvenienced: 5 mins max?
    But, 20+ mins! Why?! Daughter returned with 2 types of cheese. One had NO price. Mother insisted on pricing it. Mother chose Cheese A. Cashier scanned it in. Mother changed her mind, Cheese B was cheaper by +/- 100 Php!!! Who cares about the rest of us, right? She MUST have her cheese and save 100 Php.
    So, they had to call the Manager to void Cheese A.
    15 mins in I asked what was going on. I offered to pay for Cheese A MYSELF since there were 3 people behind me.
    I had 3 items. Those with FULL carts in other lines were all done. I was stuck behind the non-dynamic cheese duo!
    No apologies. Nothing.
    All this AFTER waiting to price a bag of walnuts they did not have weighed + waiting for daughter to get some Basil / some herbs.
    Cashier said duo didn’t want to line up again … “sayang ang oras”. Yes, let’s just forget the 4 people behind them. Ridiculous.
    Shameless. Inconsiderate. Selfish.
    Where do these types come from?!