So Now What?!?

First of all, I am taking a little breather for the next week or so. It’s that time of year again, September, when I always feel a little overwhelmed and need to take a several deep breaths and re-charge my batteries for a while. Two years ago, I seriously thought I was taking a LONG break from blogging, and wrote this post, here. I thought I would use that “hiatus” to futz around with drafting out a book, but I never got around to it, and returned to blogging regularly the following month. Last year, we took a nice trip to the U.S. Northeast, then Vancouver, Canada to meet bettyq et al, and a few days in Seattle before coming back home… a much needed change of scenery. This year, September rolls around and I know it’s time for another sanity check. Besides suffering from incredible allergies, adult asthma and other ailments, I just need some down time. I am headed out of town for a few days on a rather long trip, but to familiar places and I won’t be writing much about it. When I get back, it’ll be time to head to Cebu to open our largest Zubuchon branch yet, a two-storey 120-seater restaurant on Escario Street, now tentatively set to open on September 10, 2012…

This blog is nearly 8 years old. That’s really old for a blog. Something like the human equivalent of 90 or 100. Over the past two weeks, I have gone through over 3,300 previous posts on, and realized there are some 350-400 “Filipino” (as opposed to clearly Italian, French, Thai, Japanese, etc. dishes) recipes on the blog so far! Even with duplications and re-postings, it’s safe to say there are close to 300 Filipino recipes, with thousands of reader comments associated with those posts. There are also hundreds of posts on local ingredients. So now I am convinced it is time to try and pick the most interesting ones and outline the beginnings of that still mythical Marketman cookbook(s). Yup, this is my nth attempt to do this, but I am going to give it another go. If I only end up with a nice summary for our own home use, it will be a step forward. :)

So please amuse yourselves for a week or so, check out the archives and look back at old favorites… Marketman is taking some time off… :)


110 Responses

  1. If there’s anyone who deserve it, it’s you. Take as much time as you want and have fun :).

  2. Good luck, MM! I am a willing home kitchen tester if you need one. Bon Voyage and keep safe on your road trips too!

  3. savor your vacation!

    i know this nth attempt is definitely it!! YIPPEEE… i look forward to the MM COOKBOOK. no pressure, MM.

  4. When ever, where ever, whatever you do, have a really great time! We will miss you definitely, but, enjoy your time off MM.

  5. i’ll be first in line at National Bookstore for the published copy MM. Enjoy the “breather”. Enjoy quality time with the family ;)

  6. Thankfully, I can still get my daily fix of by checking out the archives :). Have a restful break, Mr. MM.

  7. Have a good rest and much needed battery recharging for your next branch of Zubuchon… While we all know we will miss you in the coming weeks, we all know that when you come back it will be with vengeance. So enjoy and relax your much needed time off. Your readers will still be here waiting for your comeback.

  8. Yeah, dapat hindi talaga ma-burned out. For me, it will give me time to catch up with the “old” recipes na hindi ko naabutan when you started. Thanks, enjoy your vacation.

  9. Take a break para di ka magsawa. This is the 2nd time in the blogs history that you are contemplating on taking a breather

  10. Enjoy the time away MM! Glad to know the opening of the new branch is still on track. I shall be visiting it on the 16th :)

  11. Have a nice vacation, I hope you’ll get some much deserved and needed rest. I hope that the cookbook becomes a reality, I’ll surely buy it :)

  12. Enjoy your Re-charging vacation. Everyone as hardworking as you deserves a break! for the meantime, we, your fans will just be reviewing the archives to fight withdrawal symptoms! :)

  13. MM, always wonderful to take time to smell the roses :-) Invite me to the opening of your newest branch!!! It looks great, by the way.

  14. Safe trip, Mrs. MM and MM! I think I know where you are headed! Kainggit! It’s on my bucket list of places to see!

    Have to find ways to amuse ourselves now! So, La Emp, Ros, CWID, Zoi, Gejo, MIllet et al…let’s go play!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, it goes without saying, only if the PORK LORD gives us his thumbs up!

  15. Have a great time off Sir MarketMan!! Hope you come back with more recipes and entries! I Will be sure to buy that recipe book!

  16. I agree,Ms.Betty Q. are you back from your Italian trip? for starters,maybe you can tell us about the fantastic food you had there and maybe share some worthy recipes from your magic Tupperware? ….of course with the permission of MM. :) We really have to keep this blog alive while MM is taking a break.My day day is not complete without clicking on

  17. I’m gonna miss ur daily post MM though…Hope u’l have a great time!!!! enjoy!!!

  18. Happy vacay MM! It’s the calm before the storm….120 seater? Wow! So then maybe, your asthma and allergies are due to stress? Take care!

  19. Hi MM! Enjoy your time off! And I hope I can go back to Cebu to enjoy Zubuchon again!

    By the way…have you or your Sister seen the urban farms in NYC? It is grown on rooftops of buildings and one is on the Brooklyn Navy Yard…called Brooklyn Grange ( )

    I saw them last year on BBC on a competition being held. I think it’s a nice initiative and hope someone starts that here at home :)

  20. Have fun, be safe, and have an invigorated zest for blogging when you come back, MM. Hopefully I get to savor Zubuchon when I go visit the Philippines in October and get to see you, maybe??? God bless…enjoy!
    @ Ms Betty q., thank you for your generosity in sharing all your enjoyable tips and recipes. I wish I am in your email list of recipe beneficiaries or Millet’s so she could pass your culinary gems to me…;)

  21. Take care and be safe, MM! I believe everyone will concur that you deserve this break. I hope that you enjoy your trip! :)

  22. I’ll definitely miss seeing your regular posts MM! Don’t be gone for too long! Happy trip and do take some pictures to share :)

  23. We already miss you MM!

    Congratulations on the newest branch – we are still hoping (and praying) for a Manila branch)…

  24. Enjoy the time off, MM – much needed after your tremendous launch of Zubuchon in the past two years. I am always grateful for your generosity of spirit and unflagging ‘curiosity’, interest not only food wise but everything in between. Bravo. MM!! P.S. I do not mind a compendium of the blogs and photos and travel of all that you have posted. I am sure the project/book will be well edited.

  25. And the reason your blog is “90-100” years old is because you write with passion and teach us all a thing or two…enjoy your time off MM, you deserve it! and I hope I can make it to the grand opening on Escario.

  26. surely the posts after the hiatus will be much better than the much awaited daily posts! have a wonderful time MM!

  27. Have a fun late-summer trip. You mentioned having allergies before, and you may want to have another go with a health check to see if there are things you can do to reduce the allergies. It might be a sign of immune system problems. The forties seems to be our body’s decade to go through physical and internal changes.

  28. Mrs. Ebba…did you receive my e-mails? Please check your junk folder. Baka doon napunta if you did not get them…and haba haba pa naman at inabot ako ng siyam-siyam sa pag type! It is perogie weather now which is the right weather para hindi papawisan ang kili kili ni Carol at Hannah if they want to make them.

    Betchay… we will leave really, really soon!

  29. Betty Q., can you include us in your e-mail exchanges/play while MM is away I/we are already suffering from MM withdrawal syndrome… my morning coffee/breakfast is not complete…

  30. Oh,BettyQ you will also be away….enjoy Italy!….maybe Mrs.Ebba can start the ball rolling by sharing that recipe you sent her….when she finds it! :)

  31. Ms. Betty, sa mo ba na-e-email? Na-corrupt kasi yung isa ko. Naman, sayang kung duon mo naisulat. Wahhhhhh…..

    Nahihiya naman akong sabihin na paki-forward mo sa working email ko… pero pwede ba please.

  32. Naku Betchay….. are you into granola? The granola I much prefer are the clusters….crunchy without being matigas. I make them for presents and of course as a snack for the boys while watching TV. I make them with coconut oil (which abounds there and mabango unlike the coconut oil here I buy at health food stores), oat flakes and flour (just use your food processor) , quinoa flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds , pistachios, cashews, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, freeze dried blueberries, or strawberries (optional), palm or coconut sugar, vanilla. I know the ingredients sounds too healthy but you can always use butter! I have a niece who likes granola and tried and tried to get clusters. Finally, I showed her how a few years ago when I went to her house to visit her kids and now she has a business making granola and selling it to a major grocery chain! If you would look at my ingredients, it is VEGAN but if you want to use butter, it will no longer be VEGAN! Can you get oat flour? If not, no worries, just dump them (quick cooking oats) in a food processor and give it a whirl till it turns to flour consistency.

    Now, for you I am thinking a PInoy granola…toasted pinipig flakes, oat flakes and flour calabaza seeds (roasted and hulled), butong pakwan seeds (can you get them hulled?), kasoy (roasted), langka chips or durian chips (for the brave souls!) pumpkin seeds (need some green), coconut oil and coconut sugar or palm sugar, vanilla and spices mentioned above. Interested? Let me know ASAP. Christmas is 3 months away!

    Give the clusters as presents and the loose ones on the baking sheet after baking, that’s the one you put on your yoghurt!

  33. Hello ms. bettyq and ebbablue, can’t wait for that perogie recipe…I’m just looking forward to make it since the weather here in canada is becoming ideal para hindi pag-pawisan ang kili-kili =) my email address is

    Thanks again ms. bettyq!!!

  34. Ms BettyQ and EbbaBlue, could you send me your perogie recipe as well ( Mornings are starting to get a bit nippy so, as you’ve indicated, it’ll be good condition for making perogies. Para makapagpractice pa po ako before thanksgiving! Thanks so much!

  35. Wow, BettyQ….that pinoy granola is so interesting…..maybe I can throw in a few banana chips,dried mangoes,dried pineapples or dried coconut chips! so you mix everything, scatter the clusters in a baking sheet and roast in the oven until toasted right? Very innovative ingredients indeed! Thanks! Warning: sorry, not for those with high Uric acid! :)

  36. Have fun on your vacay MM. Congratulations on your 120 seat Zubuchon Rest. I wish i can visit Cebu soon. Looking forward to more blogs when you return.

  37. take care and thanks for the nice note Mr. MM! enjoy your personal time. better print a LOT of copies of that cookbook! ;)

  38. bettyq, for the pinoy granola version, don’t forget dried mangoes and coconut chips. and now that you mention granola, i have a compulsion to make a big batch soon. i think i have most of the stuff in the pantry. have a great italian vacation, and tell us all about it when you get back, bettyq!

  39. No need to explain. Everyone deserves a vacation. Besides, we are all just grateful readers who enjoy your work, not your boss! :)

    Most importantly, enjoy your time off!

  40. Ms. BettyQ, ano na nga ang email address mo? I will send you my working address through it.

  41. Ms. BettyQ, I received it. Thank you so so much.
    Hannah and Misao, I sent you the recipe, courtesy of Ms. BettyQ.
    Carol, anong email address mo? I have to email it to you also.

  42. in the meantime MM, i will just amuse myself with all the funny #sinotto tweets currently trending in twitter. a sad, pathetic & hilarious day for people in social media.

  43. Thank you so much, ms bettyq for the perogies recipe and thanks to you too ms. ebbablue for sending it to me.

  44. will deeply miss this blog if MM says goodbye :( but im happy that you’re on a much needed break, also because you’re contemplating on the cookbook everyone’s clamoring for. God bless you MM and have a blast! :)

  45. Ms Ebbablue, can I ask for a recipe too ^_^… my email address is… a Million thanks to you and to Ms BettyQ

    Ms BettyQ, can you include my email address to your long list of admirers? I thank you from the bottom of my heart. (my address as mentioned is

  46. @toni: I guess BettyQ is on her way to her Italian adventure thus no reply from her but she has enumerated the ingredients for the granola on her previous comment. you just basically mix everything and lay it out on a baking sheet and toast in the oven.
    @EbbaBlue: I am sure the perogies recipe of BettyQ is not a secret and can be shared here??? :) Thanks!

  47. @EbbaBlue, @Betchay: Since maybe our dear BettyQ is on her way to her great Italian Adventure, will you also share the perogie recipes with me: Thank you very much!

  48. Hello MM, Mrs. MM and Teen,

    Have an enjoyable and safe holiday!
    Recharge,Reenergize and Revitalize!
    We’ll all be waiting for your big “come back” ;-)

  49. Dough:

    5 cups flour
    1 tsp. salt

    Put in a bowl and blend thoroughly

    In a 2 cup measuring cup, pour into the cup 150 ml. canola oil. Crack 1 large egg (room temo.) in it and whisk with a fork till blended. NOw, add WARM water in the cup up to the lip (spout) of the measuring cup. Use a fork and whisk it till blended. Now make a well in the bowl (flour bowl) and put the liquid in the center. With a fork, bring in the flour into the middle and keep on whisking until all the flour is mixed in. Then start to knead GENTLY adding more flour. I must have used about 2 more cups of flour while kneading it gently. Then when it no longer sticks to your hand, let tit sit covered on the counter dusted with flour. The dough is soft like a baby’s bum and even a tad softer. Let it rest for at least 1 to 2 hours.

    Meanwhile, peel 4 large sweet onions and pulse in food processor till coarsely chopped still with some fairly large pieces (mas mabilis sa food processor). Then caramelize them in a large skillet with canola oil. Watch it so it doesn’t burn. Cook until it is soft and nicely caramelized. Season with a bit of salt, pepper and touch of sugar while cooking to help or speed up the caramelization. Then drain and set aside. Let it cool. tboil red potatoes or a mix of half Yukon Gold and half Norland (red), peeld and cut in half. I must have used about 12 large potatoes. It should be half of your caldero ….size of dutch oven pot but not the stockpot size. Cover with just enough water to cover potatoes. Add a bit of salt. Boil or steam till tender. If boiling it, drain when tender and return to dry pot and cover with just a clean towel for about 10 minutes only. Remove towel and mash the potatoes with potato masher while still hot. Have about 2 to 3 cups of grated cheddar cheese ready (medium). I use the big holes in box grater. Add to potaotes. When the cheese is well blended, add the caramelized onions. Mix well. Taste. and transfer to plates to cool it down faster. Let it cool.

    To make the perogies:

    Divide your dough into quarters. Dust your counter with flour. Take 1 piece and flatten it and put on counter. Start rolling from the center then roll toward the edges . Roll it out really thinly Lift the dough occasionally and dust the surface of the counter with flour. If it is pulling, let it rest for a few minutes so the gluten will relax. Then roll again. It should be thin but not too thin that will tear. …thickness is maybe 1 mm. Then before cutting into squares let it rest for a few minutes. If you cut right away, it will pull after cutting the dough into squares. Cut then about 2.5 inches to 3 inches square…depending on the size you want. Put about 1 heaping tsp. filling in the middle. Lift each filled dough and stretch 1 end gently to cover the filling and pinch the sides to form a pillow. You can also shape them into triangles. I like the pillow shaped for it is faster to do.

    Get a cookie sheet, line with wax paper and dust with flour. Arrange your filled perogies single layer and freeze. When frozen, pack them in zip plock bags and freeze. This recipe will yield about 150 to 180 small perogies depending on the size.

    To cook them, put in a pot of BOILING Water. Add a bit of salt and a bit of oil. When it is boiling, lower the heat and add your perogies. Boil gently. You do not want rolling boil or sasabog the perogies. When it floats, it si done. Remove with slotted spoon and top with more caramelized onions, crisp crumbled bacon, sour cream, chives.

    You can make sosyal perogies by varying the filling…mashed buttercup or kabocha squash with a touch of curry powder and carmelized onions with a bit of cambozola is chi-chi! If you like rutabagas, STEAMED mashed rutabagas with butter and carmelized onions is good too!

    I can guarantee you that you will be making these forever that you will start to curse me!

    Cue tip (BettyQ)

  50. Thank you very much EbbaBlue! I’m sure BettyQ with her magnanimous generosity will be very happy that you painstakingly typed this perogie recipe to share with Marketmanila community. I will surely try this when I get back from a trip…leaving tonight :)

  51. Hihihi, I did not re-type it, she did, I just copied and paste it. I hope its ok with her. She is our recipe queen.

  52. @EbbaBlue: thank you for posting!

    MM and family, and to dear BettyQ: Wishing you a very enjoyable and safe trip!!!

  53. have a safe trip, mm! are you considering making your cookbook(s) available in the ibookstore as well (+/- other electronic stores and formats)?

  54. hi to all in the Philippines…since MM is on vacay…

    S & R will have another sale on Sep 26-30 in all of their branches, 50% off on some items and buy 1 take 1 on other items

  55. …am enjoying reading all of the posts… feels like we are in a classroom, our teacher stepped out for a moment , biglang nagdadaldalan lahat hahaha….

  56. MM, come back already! My withdrawal symptoms are getting worse and worse each day that passes without any new posts from you. Please!!!

  57. Haaay, been checking Market Manila everyday for new updates…., nothing yet ;(
    Hope MM will post updates on the opening of his biggest zubuchon resto :)