Sister’s Maple Pecan Pie with Maple Mascarpone Cream


I had planned to make a pecan pie during the Christmas madness, but for some reason never got around to it. So I had fresh unsalted pecans in stock, as well as a couple of bottles of good quality maple syrup from recent trips to New England and it was time to make use of the ingredients. Out of the same batch of pie dough used for the quiche, here, we also made a Maple Pecan Pie, one of Sister’s classic holiday desserts, and her recipe was graciously shared in the comments section of this old post. I didn’t have Bourbon, so I used an aged Tanduay rhum instead and it turned out very well.


I don’t have the patience to carefully line up the uncooked nuts in concentric circles, so thankfully the crew took on this task with anal retentive gusto. This nutty, rich, sweet dessert is great in small doses. A scoop of good vanilla ice cream would pair beautifully, or since we had half a tub of mascapone (Italian cream cheese) on hand, I mixed some maple syrup into the mascarpone and served a dollop of the cream on the side of thin slices of pecan pie. Yum. Alternatively, you may wish to savor the pie with a good cup of coffee or tea instead. :)



21 Responses

  1. Oh yum, that looks so rich and delicious!!!! Is there any real maple syrup that’s locally available? I’ve only seen maple flavored ones.

  2. The pie looks really tasty. Would go well with coffee!

    MM, I’m a little bit dense here – can you help me out? What exactly does it mean “the crew took on this task with anal retentive gusto”.

  3. bearhug, the cook and one other crew member carefully arranged the size-sorted pecans in slightly overlapping concentric circles before the syrup was poured into the pie… and still they floated up and look less than exact in the finished product. Anal-retentive lightly used as in obsessive compulsive desire to be exactly precise in the repetitive and somewhat frustrating task… :)

    Peach, I have occasionally seen real maple syrup for sale at Metro Grocery, Market!Market! Fort Bonifacio…

  4. I saw real maple syrup in S & R. Once, you try it, you’ll never go back to “maple flavored” syrup which is actually lots of sugar. Relatively expensive but well worth it.

  5. Thanks Marketman! It must have been at the baking section of Metro Grocery. I’ve been there only a few times and I would always be amazed by the wide selection of baking ingredients. I think around three aisles of baking stuff!

  6. There used to be a SNL skit called ‘The Anal-Retentive’ chef which features the great, late comedian Phil Hartman. I think this is where Marketman use this as reference. :)

  7. My late mom had a patient who worked at the US embassy grounds and she used to ask her to buy pecan pie from the cafeteria inside the ground.That was the best pie for me— about 2 inches thick and really lots of pecans! I miss that but mostly I miss my mom :(

  8. It looks delicious! coz i love nuts. Anything with nuts, I really like. Can you please tell me where can I buy TORTA ESPANOLA? Thanks…

  9. Gaahhhh!!! This is torture, because I’m pecan pie crazy! I only get my pecan pie fix from Almon Marina. Anywhere else I can get pecan pie?

  10. Inspired by the pictures, decided it looked easy and was done by late dinner time. But alas,it needed to be cooled and refrigerated. Bitin! Thanks for the inspiration. (Next time I will cut some of the sugar.)

  11. Barang: For your next pecan pie, brown the butter first…but not too brown just when it is getting amber in color, remove from the heat for it will continue browning…the nutty aroma and taste of the browned butter gives it an extra kick! Since you are in Canada, you can get butter pecan extract. A little of it will give your pecan pie that extra something.

  12. Saw at bottle of good maple syrup at Clark for $21. Sadly, it’s over my shopping budget.