Here is a fast, delicious and refreshing summer salad recipe that takes just a few minutes to make. I used to think that a mandoline (french slicing contraption) was one of those pieces of kitchen equipment that would take up space and be used once a year. Lately, however, I find that it comes out of the closet at least 2-3 times a month. While it is not necessary to have a mandoline for this recipe, it makes your life a lot simpler. Simply take several peeled singkamas (jicama) that are really fresh and crisp and sliver them in the mandoline. The slices in the photo here are actually too flat and not “slivered” enough. Then take some peeled carrots and sliver those as well. I use roughly the same amount of carrots and singkamas but you can play with the proportions to fit your own taste buds. If you don’t have a mandoline, start chopping and be careful not to cut your fingers! Place the slivered singkamas and carrots in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, add a good wine vinegar ( I used a raspberry flavored white wine vinegar) and some chopped dill and toss lightly. Place in the fridge to cool for a few minutes while you prepare your main course. Serve the salad soon after. If you let it sit too long with the vinegar it will get limp. This salad is great with pan-fried fish, grilled meats and seafood, etc.

6 Responses
Where can I find a good and inexpensive mandoline? Can you feature one? Thanks.
I purchased a cheap plastic chopping contraption at shoemart several years ago that I used once and threw away… I have a proper stainless mandoline now and love it. The weight of the steel and the sharpness of blades does come with a price, however. Top mandolines run USD80 and up. Alternatively, there is a japanese tool called a benriner? that also does wonders… not sure how much it costs. Cheapest option? A good knife.
best one accdg. to this review is oxo’s — ergonomically designed — at around $70: Renee Schettler’s review. i love oxo’s tools, although i must admit i’m still lusting after matfer’s or bron’s.
In greece we do a lot of grated carrots salad, ok
mandoline is better, but this triagular grater with has 4 sides of diff edges can do this kind of salad.
it’s good, but where should i buy the very delicious one?
The best singkamas are the medium sized ones that are freshly harvested. If you buy them too big and old, they get “woody” and drier. I usually buy them in the markets so I can tell if they are fresh or not. Look at their stems or sometimes leaves to show you that they were just picked. On the way to Baguio in Tarlac/Pangasinan they have them on the roadside…super fresh and quite inexpensive.