Shrimp & Celeriac Salad a la Marketman

Here’s an extremely simple salad to make if you happen to have some more celeriac in the house… With an extra celeriac bulb left over from this previous purchase, I decided to make a shrimp and celeriac salad. Simply poach or boil some suahe or white shimp and peel (and devein if necessary) and set that aside. Peel a celeriac and wash it to remove any remaining hairs or dirt and use a mandoline to slice the celeriac into thin long strips, a wide julienne of sorts…

Add the shrimp, then make a simple dressing of thick greek style yoghurt, lemon juice and some lemon rind (I used a microplane shaver), chopped Italian parsley and season with salt and pepper. I think this dressing is typically made with mayonnaise, but that day I was feeling fat so I went with the yoghurt version… Mix this all up and chill. Serve with some baby or wild arugula leaves if you have them (the abundance of herbs and greens from recent posts a result of my deliveries from Gejo of Malipayon Farms). This salad was delicious. Some may find it a bit bland or boring, but I liked that it wasn’t so in your face. The celeriac has an unusual bite to it, not quite crunchy like jicama or singkamas, but not soft either. It’s somewhere in between. And yes, it’s used raw in this salad, no need to cook it.


12 Responses

  1. Is S&R still the only place you’ve seen in Manila that stocks Greek yoghurt? I don’t think I’ve seen it in any other markets, though admittedly the places we go to are quite limited.

  2. One word: yummy! i will make a batch for lunch tomorrow. Thank you for the endless inspiration :-)

  3. Looks good but I’ve never tried celeriac before. Thanks to you, I learned something new again – hopefully we can try that sometime :D

  4. The traditional celeriac ‘remoulade’ aka raw salad has mustard in the dressing ( good mustard, not the awful American yellow variety) but a low fat version is fine. Try it with a hunk of lechon, just to balance the calories out!

  5. the answer to my question! and it looks very good, especially for those days when one is “feeling fat” (nice to know i’m not the only one who has those days).

  6. Never tried celeriac before but this post reminds me of a favorite sneak-snack item even in my early twenties – Cerelac. Dry spoonfuls of which I sneak from my younger sister’s supply.

  7. @JE- simple to make Greek yogurt… just get regular yogurt, and strain into a cheesecloth lined strainer in the ref until most of the liquid drains out and yogurt is firm..essentially now a greek style yogurt.

  8. Glad to be of service MM. Another variant is to add chopped roasted nuts, usually walnuts here, but in the Phils you could try cashews or even pili. This version is particularly good with cold cuts…ham, salami etc…

  9. JE – Rizal Dairy Farms makes Greek Yoghurt. I know they have a stall in Market! Market!, Salcedo Saturday Market and Centris Sunday Market.

  10. Would love to try this dish. Healthy and so refreshing. Next visit to Centris, I will look for celeriac.