Shaved Octopus Bruschetta a la Marketman

The braised octopus I made in this previous post wasn’t a total loss… We had carted an electric slicer with us to the beach, so were determined to see if we could turn the rather tough tentacles into some form of edible delight. We froze the cooked tentacles, then passed them carefully through the slicer, to end up with these slivers of octopus, simply dressed with extra virgin olive oil and some really good balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Placed on top of a toasted slice of sourdough bread, it was DELICIOUS. If served at a party or dinner, no one would have known they were resurrected from the “ashes” of the braised octopi experiment. :)

The amount of work and time spent cooking was NOT apparent in this dish… but that’s okay, at least I didn’t have to throw the octopus out. :)


12 Responses

  1. in Jiro Dreams of Sushi, he shared that they massage the octopus for 50 minutes to get the right tenderness. a task for the lowly apprentice.

  2. You could make takoyaki. I just love the Japan Boat octopus takoyaki, which is twice-cooked. I never even notice chewing the octopus.

  3. “We had carted an electric slicer with us to the beach…” brings to mind that old Muppets news flash about a crazed fugitive who terrorized a nudist beach with a bacon slicer…the officer called to the scene got a tip off…but will be back on duty after a short stay at the hospital…

  4. So happy you were able to redeem the octopus dish. That’s what I do too, when an experiment in cooking does not exactly work out. I try to tweak the dish in order salvage it, most of the time I am able to make a good dish out of a bad experiment.

  5. I wished I “resurrected” our left over fried chickenwings. Its great to eat when they were newly fried, but when its cooled and they shranked, its kindda tough. I was too tired from the Easter Sunday activities, that my “cooking” brain is not working… so there goes about 6 pcs of I feel bad.

  6. Without a slicer, maybe slicing and pounding it this might work as well. I like Cyma’s pickled octupus.

  7. Not much a fan of the octopus(I think I watched too much scary movies about giant octopus!) but my son loves it!