Santa’s Well Hung… :)


Sorry, I couldn’t resist a bit of “green” this holiday season… :) Our GM purchased these ceramic ornaments from a warehouse store in Cebu, brought them to the office, and asked me if I thought anything was odd about them. I have to admit, I didn’t get it for several seconds, but then I exclaimed “a chinese designer/mold-maker must have had a sense of humor…” I mean, seriously, do you think this batch of ornaments was rejected? :)


It’s bad enough that China produces bijillions of artificial Christmas trees every year… I think production lines start in February or March for the following season… and they make the vast majority of all ornaments produced as well… when they mostly don’t celebrate the “Christmas” holiday. But these ribald Santas are just too funny. We hung the Santa ornament on our office Christmas tree for this photo.


And if that wasn’t enough, Frosty the snowman is anatomically correct as well. Hahaha.


17 Responses

  1. I did a double take after reading this post’s title then laughed out loud after taking a closer scrutiny of the first photo. You made my Sunday, good night from China! :)

  2. A little naughty peek-a-boo going on, eh? A welcome relief after all the serious blogging, MM! (^_*)

  3. Too funny! You should buy a whole lot of them and hang them on your office tree. Then place the infamous bowl of “contraceptive devices” beside it!

  4. EJ, yup, should have mentioned that, except I wasn’t sure what to do about Frosty’s single nipple, is he martian? Or like the character on Friends with a “nubbin”? :) Hahaha.

  5. On the other hand, if we look at the lower orifice as a keyhole, doesn’t that make this Santa a gender-bender? =)

  6. Hi MM,

    I was rubbing my eyes when I read the title, so I guess in that second my brains already conjured up a new well-hung Santa…until I stopped rubbing my eyes to look at the “new” Santa.

    Ha, ha!!! I love your sense of humor.

    Merry Christmas!


  7. We need a key for this whole production of ornaments!!! Made in China indeed. I still would have bought them and covered the appendages with red tape..

  8. First, second, third look – cant find whats funny about it..then slowly I thought I know..but still had doubts…was “it” supposed to be piggy bank hole? “why was it at the bottom?” then…it finally clicked. OMG, I am so blind not to see it right away, hahahahahahahaha

  9. Oh this gave me a big smile! I miss blog-hopping over here…
    Cute and funny! I’d love to have those ornaments on our tree. :)
    Happy holidays MM!

  10. Like Cristy & EbbaBlue, I had to take a double-take, then a triple! At first, they just looked like huge jingle bells made into a Santa and Frostie Christmas ornaments but now, I see your point…I should really say their point( Santa’s and Frostie’s, that is)! I still think they are cute, though, if you just don’t mention the greenie grin. They have to jingle, too, you know. He,he,he… (*-^)