S & R Sale September 13 -16

I don’t normally post commercial announcements unless I use the product or service extensively, but everyone has probably figured out that I spend a mini-fortune each month at S&R, which has branches all over Manila, though I am partial to the Fort Bonifacio branch. They have sent me an email to let me know that they are having a massive sale from Thursday to Sunday this week. I am so bummed that I won’t be able to make it on the first day as I will be out of town, but I will almost certainly get there on the second day… the last time they had a sale like this, it did serious damage to my credit cards. Oh, and let me use this post for another purpose….since S&R management are likely to read this post, if you want them to bring in any products in particular, particulalry if you have seen them stocked at similar warehouse stores in the U.S. or elsewhere, post those product requests here, and you never know…they might just bring them in… in the past, readers have raised wishlists that included canned chicken and beef broths, greek yoghurt, cheese, Ben & Jerry’s citronella candles, etc. and a few months later a nice number of these goods actually got stocked on their shelves… so comment away!!! As for me, I am a sucker for Christmas candies and chocolates, so I hope there are a lot of Christmas goodies ordered and on their way this year…


55 Responses

  1. My S&R wish list would be a more consistent supply of the following: Bulla yogurt- all kinds and the heavy double cream, mozzarella cheese (the small balls) , smaller tubs of the Lemnos yogurt, more of the pepperidge farm puff pastry, frozen berries, blueberries, rasberries and black berries,, and fresh berries(same sorts) from Driscoll ,small/individual tetra packs of Nestle Milk in regular and low fat, lots of Turkey and Spiral Ham . I also think think they should sell some organic eggs and chicken too, maybe from Pamora farms.Gosh , I hope they read this!!
    I also think they should continue to bring in more of the over the counter medicine, vitamins, and supplements as I have noticed they are really stocking up on these items, I think its great! Some Costco type beef would be good too!

  2. Is it me or did you recently put tomatoes on the header of your site? Didn’t it used to be mangosteen?

    Thanks for the sale announcement. I just passed by S&R Alabang earlier and I think I saw the announcement but we drove by too fast for me to “digest” the information :)

    Get well soon, MM!

  3. Thanks for the info. Would want pastry puffs, frozen phyllo dough, maple syrup from Canada, ceramic cake holder, corn flour, frozen berries, pine nuts (small packs).

  4. Hey thanks for the heads up!

    Sayang I just finished my shopping there a few days ago! :-( But I’ll go see. Lagot na naman ang credit card. I got a panini press there and I must say that it is possibly the best kitchen appliance I have purchased in a long time (apart from the basics of course). It makes sandwiches just more fun to make and eat! I enjoy shopping at S&R Fort Boni, too!

  5. Anything organic would be fantastic, beginning with eggs, milk, cheese, chicken and meats. And how about nitrates/msg-free canned goods, bacon, ham, etc?

    Would love to see much more nuts, dried fruits, trail mix and natural cereals. And while we’re at it, why not a more substantial book section too, to feed our minds as well?

  6. Will definitely run to Alabang Branch tomorrow!!
    I want to see more of the detergents, fabric softeners, Loreal shampoos, Skintimate shaving gel, razors for women, liqiuid soaps, shower gels, old-fashioned candies in cans. Also, more baking stuff such chocolates for baking, cake mixes, baking pans..
    Ohh and Fritos twister corn chips, Bugles..

  7. we drop by s&r fort at least once a week and we’ll be sure to be there first day of the sale. i hope they stock up on ghirardelli chocolate chips for baking (in time for xmas)and those round peppermint candies as well, although i already saw a few tubs last week. incidentally, we buy our sausages and cold cuts there too and the kielbasa and chipolata are just not the same anymore. i hope management reads this.

  8. For me, wholewheat flour would be great…

    And, Rizal Farms’s fresh carabao’s milk (both whole and low fat), yogurt, and cheese. S&R should promote more local food, especially the local dairy industry!!

    And, local soymilk — they shouldn’t import from the US when we can make perfectly good soymilk here. A good brand is MySoyMilk by AsianSoy.

  9. my only wish is to have an S&R near my place, the current branches are far from my house and my workplace (the nearest branch would be the fort, congressional is way way far), so i hope they put up a branch somewhere near these areas; Marikina (along Marcos Hiway would be nice hehehe…), Katipunan, Libis, Ortigas and Cubao. Now you all know that I am from the east, Marikina/Antipolo area and I work somewhere in QC. I usually do my groceries ar Shopwise in Libis or Cubao, Rustans, Robinsons but their stocks are not consistent.

    to the S&R management…if you open at my requested area, I will be your first customer in line!!!! hehehe….

    salamat MM for a chance to may panawagan : )

  10. S&R Wishlist:
    – Kraft Velveeta Cheese(just the plain cheese, not the ready-to-mix-with-macaroni kind which I got at the Fort a few weeks ago)
    – Planters cheese balls
    – Gavotte wafer crepes
    – Melona ice cream bars! (Couldn’t find any in the Fort branch for the past month or so)

  11. By the way, Marie, I saw some wholewheat flour at Rustan’s supermarket Gateway branch in case you’re having trouble finding some. =)

  12. my family regularly visits S&R almost every other week and sometimes even every week. I’ hoping they would expand their selections in baking ingredients, and baking equipments. Baker’s Edge and Cuisinart Food Processor please!

  13. Hi Marie,

    Have you tried visiting “The Tofu Store” along P. Guevarra near Wilson in Greenhills? They make soymilk on site and offer different kinds of tofu as well. If you want fresh, local soymilk made in clean surroundings, that’s the place to go.


  14. It would be great to see the ff. in S&R:
    – Hershey’s Heath Bars
    – Russel Stover Sugar Free Chocolates
    – More Ghirardelli brownie mix flavors
    – Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes
    – Vitabone (doggy snacks)
    – Crest Whitestrips!!! They used to have but not anymore :(

  15. Yay, thanks for the chance to make a wish list, MM!

    * Vicks Dayquil and Nyquil (gelcaps and bottles pls)
    * Godiva Chocolate cheesecake (they quickly ran out in Fort, and didnt even reach alabang!)
    * Kitchen Aid box of pots and pans
    * Kitkat

    Thanks a lot! =) Get well soon, MM!

  16. hope they’ll stock up with Gold Leaf Green Teas and Chamomile, I love them so much, they are cheaper than other brands but with better quality…they used to have them but i don’t see them since they re-opened…tsk..tsk…btw, i love your blog :)

  17. I used to get frozen bread dough from Wal-Mart. All the supermarkets I go to here in Manila don’t carry frozen bread dough. How I wish S&R will have ’em available soon.

    I love having freshly-baked breads [minus all the prep and kneading].

    I use the same dough to make pizza, dinner rolls, pan de coco. When I have left-overs, I make adobo roll, corned beef roll, menudo roll,etc.

    You get the point.:)

  18. My wishlist: Austin cheddar cheese crackers (one of SNR’s previous products-a family favorite!) and Tofutti Cuties Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream sandwich bars (which are only available at Healthy Options in Shangrila).

    My family went to their sale last year and we also bought a lot because the price cut off was huge. Hope to see the same slash in prices this year on a wider variety of products.

  19. meh!! i just went shopping in s&r alabang yesterday only to get a text message that they are having a sale a few days from now. might drop by but i’m scared to overspend again.

    got myself a pint of ben & jerry’s though. heehee. banana split. yummy.

  20. FOLLOW UP NOTE TO THIS POST. S & R has texted me to let me know that the Christmas chocolates have arrived and will be in-store by this weekend! YAHOO. But do I really want to start stocking up 3 months AHEAD? Beware what you wish for, is all I can say! Also, anyone who is NOT a member may still shop but will have to pay a 5% permium on your purchases. Frankly, I think that isn’t such a bad deal, but they are discounting their memberships and effectively it will only cost PHP500 during the sale period as they give you a shopping credit or something like that…

  21. S and R wish list: Crystal Light – all flavours- including the on the go packs, Tang sugar free, Nature’s Valley Crunchy Granola Bar, Cool Aid tropical fruit punch,Sierra chips.


  22. Let’s see: Ben & Jerry Cherry Garcia, frozen Wild Blueberries (the small ones), big cans of Clam Chowder, imported Flour like King Arthur, Tony Roma’s Frozen Ribs Sandwiches, Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes, Fried Chicken/Turkey TV dinners!

  23. I got excited too when I got an email from s&r but sayang wasn’t able to download attachment…they may have uploaded some goods that will be on sale..I do hope thye bring in CABBOT’S extra sharp cheddar CHEESE and Vermont’s Pure Grade A Maple syrup!!!

  24. It would be nice for S&R to bring in more of their stainless steel outdoor BBQ Grills.I saw one earlier this year but it was a bit pricey and didn’t have the budget for it. Bush pork and beans and Hellman’s Mayonnaise would be great as well.

  25. Hi square_pants and kb. They have the B&J Cherry Garcia flavor on stock in S&R Alabang yesterday. Hope you can still grab one as i saw just a few tubs left =) MM, they have the christmas candies available already and even the Hershey’s commemorative tin cans =)

  26. and oh, i hope s&r will bring more slim fast shakes (powder and cans) and the south beach diet frozen dinners please. Thanks! =)

  27. Hi MM, good thing I came to your blog today, i’ll be sure to drop by S&R,Fort later to check this year’s sale. Thanks for keeping us “food lovers” always posted. Interesting wish list from your readers here :) I hope S&R will take the time to hear all of them :) I especially hope the wish for pastry puffs, frozen phyllo dough and Gold Leaf Chamomile will come true :)

  28. My hubby was there this afternoon (at my behest hehehe) and he bought me a 15-pc. Anchor Hocking baking bake and store set at 50% off! Corell sets go for 1,890. He’s going back tomorrow — WITH ME! :)

  29. Thick towels at Php499 buy one, take one (almost gone) and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream at Php75 off! =) Thanks for the great sale S&R!

  30. I second all the requests for organic items as well as free range eggs (which we can currently get at Unimart), huge bags of chocolate chips. Unrelated to food, tampons would be a huge bonus as they are very, very hard to find. We just hit the sale today and were actually really impressed with the stock.

  31. kikas_head – how much are the organic free range eggs from Unimart?

    anyone know how much the organic eggs sell at salcedo market?

  32. Ruth, the koolaid tropical fruit punch is 50% off. Got towels at P200@. Early Christmas shopping for me.

  33. The Steak Lady – thank you so much. Unfortunately, Alabang is soooo far from home. Will try The Fort tomorrow. I hope they have fresh blueberries and raspberries. Oh, I hope they also have those peanut-butter and caramel chips you put on cookies, herbed feta cheese, and vanilla beans.

  34. Wish list: Celentano frozen Italian meals, Banquet frozen fried chicken, more flavors Ben & Jerry’s, Dove ice cream, Entemann’s cakes. Has anyone tried their ConAgra 5 lb. bag of flour? It’s cheaper than Quiapo!

  35. I signed up because of Nonni’s biscotti. hehe. But there was none…..
    So Pricesmart,,,, please bring over the Nonni Biscottis from Costco!

  36. Thanks for the heads-up Marketman!

    Went to S&R Bay Area and stocked-up on Ben & Jerry’s (particularly NY Fudge Chunk and Brownie Fudge..bought 3 of each. Hehehe!). Also bought a couple of rugs/mats, some Carter’s baby clothes for the nephews and nieces, some meat selections (ground meat, ground round, etc.), canned goods, and cornflakes. Altogether, it was a pretty good sale.

  37. To Marketman: I felt bad that I just read your post tonight. I am really planning to go there in S&R Congressional the past few weeks.. sigh… If only I knew…

    by the way, how one can subscribe to S&R mailing list? and do you have an idea if the P500 membership promo of S&R is still up?

  38. s&r wishlist: Cetaphil skin cleanser 591 ml pump bottle. Alabang br run out of stock. i hope it will be available soon coz mine is almost empty. I wanna check the other br if they have it. what is the contact number of S&R? thanks:)