S & R Five Day Sale

S & R has a five day sale beginning tomorrow, 30 September 2009 through 4 October 2009. Managers assure me there will be good buys. I know there are more important matters on everyone’s mind locally, what with all of the incredible clean-up, relief operations, and re-building that is needed as a result of the floods. So shopping is the least of one’s concerns… But if you have the ability to stock up on basics, this is a sale you might want to check out. I hope some of the goods that are typically being donated to flood victims are also put on sale.


11 Responses

  1. I saw you in S&R Makati this morning! You were with your wife, di ba you were wearing walking shorts? I wanted to say hi and thank you but then…I got shy! :D

  2. dirk, S&R have several branches, one at Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. Another at Alabang in the commercial center somewhere. One on the reclaimed area in Baclaran. And another in Quezon city somewhere, but I have never been to that branch. Makati tends to be the best stocked location, I would guess…

  3. When is the next sale particularly in Alabang branch?, I have not heard any upcoming sale for this year 2010. Please keep me posted. :-w
