Russian Kale

Photos by the Teen.
Spectacular Russian Kale from DowntoEarth.
Organically raised in Bukidnon.


9 Responses

  1. On seeing the first pic, i was thinking to myself it’s so artistic naman how MM did these pictures – highlighting the beautiful colors of the vegetable; so with the 2nd and the 3rd and the 4th. Turns out it’s the Teen’s! Galing!

  2. Thanks for the link, the Teen!
    Good to know that there’s home delivery of organic produce there. Kind of like CSA (community supported agriculture) in the US.
    Nice “bokeh” in the pics too. :-)
    If you haven’t already encountered this photo blog, it is one I frequent for the pics:

  3. Those leaves look exactly like the leaves of my purple kohlrabi in my vegetable garden…

  4. I love kale! I drink kale smoothie at least once a day. This leafy vegetable is packed with anti-oxidants and am so glad to know we grow them back home. Great pics, too, MM!