Roses & Hydrangeas


The Cebu “wholesale” flower market has some interesting blooms on offer. Some roses, like these yellow orange ones, are far more “natural” than the greenhouse raised ones you might find in Manila, grown in the North. These yellow orange roses, if left in loose arrangements, open up like you would expect to see in a backyard rose garden. They are smaller blooms, but spectacular nevertheless and they still retain that distinct rose fragrance. We had several dozen leftover blooms and this is the rather unusual arrangement that one of the crew came up with.


In a modern rectangular glass vase, submerge some blue hydrangeas in water. Hydrangeas are notoriously fickle, but really, they are simply notoriously thirsty. Drowning them is a bit of poetic justice. :) Next add the rose blooms by inserting their stems into the thicket of hydrangeas underwater, making sure that the stems remain invisible to the the eye.


A small, tight, neat arrangement with an explosion of color. From above, the hydrangeas are not apparent, instead it is a tightly packed arrangement of small yellow-orange roses. From the side, the color combination seems to work. The arrangement lasted just 2 days or so before the hydrangeas started to look unhappy. This was small enough for a work desk. The next time you arrange flowers, try something new for a change. :)



9 Responses

  1. Hej MM,
    Lovely and inspiring arrangement you made! It reminded me that I had to water the only hortensia plant I bought for the office. You’re right about hydrangeas/hortensias being notoriously fickle and terribly thirsty! We don’t have the luxury of buying hydrangeas as cut flowers as these would be ridiculously expensive and “drowning” them this way, but it’s a good idea to maintain a thirsty plant/flower, however short-lived. The roses are a perfect foil to the blooms underneath.

  2. Thanks for the inspiration…must go down to the garden and snip zinnias and santans and challenge my imagination to come up with something interesting!

  3. Oh this looks so precious! Thank you for the idea, MM! I might not have the same lovely roses and hydrangeas but these posts make my home look quite individual like yours! :-)

  4. WOW! this is so beautiful and our unusual. and you say this was done by one of the Crew? your eye and taste have rubbed off on some of them, I’m sure. nice one!

    note to self: must get some of those square vases. all i have are bowls and round vases.

  5. Hello, I will be coming home from Canada to the Philippines and hope to bring tulip bulbs with me that I bought from Costco. Can I do that? Should they be hand carried or can they be in my luggage?

    I saw from your previous entries that some people from the US were able to bring over bulbs from Mexico to the Phils.

    I would definitely love to bring the bulbs, but am hesitant! I will be on that plane to Manila on Sept 16, so help would be good right about now. :-)

    Any help from you readers will be good too. thanks!