I also decided to have some coleslaw with the ribs and warm potato salad and this is the quickest way I know how to make it. Slice up some green and purple (if you have it) cabbage finely using a knife or a mandoline or benriner. I also sliced up some green apple, didn’t have any celery or carrots which are normally essential, and made a dressing with mayonnaise, mustard, celery seed, salt and pepper and vinegar… more detailed instructions/recipe in an earlier post, here. Mix this all up and let it chill in the fridge for an hour or two before serving. Remains good for a day or so then it gets rather watery and unappetizing looking, or at least it does to me. Great with ribs, fried chicken, etc.

8 Responses
Great with anything greasy! Love it in sandwiches too. I call it “Kanong atchara.†With fusion everywhere some places they even offer Asian coleslaw made out of Napa cabbage and rice wine vinegar. The sequencing of your posts are really well synchronized. My guess the next entry will be the dessert part which I assume is peach cobbler??? Food travels at the speed of light.
MC, you are close on the dessert(s), up next…
My mom makes this same recipe but adds some pineapple chunks and a bit of its juice. She then adds some grated cheese just before serving.
I wonder what you had for dessert that day,MM. :)
Hi! I love mine in small pieces just like the once in KFc…or they were osterized, I supposed? :-)
Hi Marketman,
I find it very difficult to find celery seed in the Philippines. Do you have a source? I bought some the last time I was in California and will run out soon. Incidentally, I use caraway seed in my version of cole slaw I tend to use up my celery seed on Osso Bucco.
APM, I carry the celery seed or salt home with me from trips to the U.S. You are right, it is impossible to find here. But if anyone will have it, it might be Flavors n Spices at Market!Market! Mall, the outdoor section near Serendra, I find they have a pretty good selection and are well priced. Pilar, they probably use a mandoline or foodprocessor. Trish, dessert posts are out. I can understand the pineapple…it would add some sweetness and tartness at the same time, unfortunately, I am allergic to pineapple.
would probably be tastier if you have beaten your eggs to make mayonnaise :)
I like the simple coleslaw of KFC and I duplicate it at home using a dressing mix of just a little vinegar,mix with mayo and sugar to taste and a sprinkling of white pepper.So simple to make.The only hard part is slicing up the cabbage so thinly but when I’m really in such a hurry I just chopped the cabbage in my trusty mini food processor!Chill and consumed within 24 hours or it will be too watery!:)Sometimes I add thinly sliced carrots,pineapple tidbits and raisins but most of the time I just like it plain cabbage!