Praise The Lard, indeed… :)


T-shirt for sale at the Ferry Building Marketplace in San Francisco… Why didn’t I think of that tag line? :)


82 Responses

  1. I admire your wit most of the time (as a lurker), but posting this is in “poor taste” :-(

    Nevertheless, God bless and more power!

  2. Funny. By the way, Lardo – an antipasto where you can still find in some restaurants in Tuscany are some thinly sliced strips made out of pig fat.

  3. J HERNANDEZ, it was in no way meant as an offense to the religious. A sense of humor is something that doesn’t always translate to all. In the same manner that I NEVER say nor write “God Bless” as I am certainly not God. :) But oddly, I do say “bless you” to those who sneeze on many an occasion, not even certain of its origins, but I like the suggestion that it might refer to one’s soul being blown out of the body and therefore one might need a blessing to get it back into their body again…

  4. my sentiments exactly, mm….j hernandez, don’t you have a sense of humor? or are you
    vegetarian/vegan? if you are, then i’m sorry….but then again, the rest of us still eat meat,
    (and have a sense of humor).
    and besides, the witty’er (is that a word?) fellow is the guy who came up with the tag line.
    mm just wishes he came up with it first…hehehehe.
    just teasing, mm. i like your sense of humor and think you’re very witty, not to mention
    smart also.

  5. Praise the lard indeed — and blessed are you for having a sense of humour. It’s sacrilicious !!!

  6. Sorry, MM, i appreciate you meant no offense but offense was taken – it’s meant to be funny, yes, but it’s at the expense of “our Father” – let that sink in before any of you react.


    Rest of comment deleted by MM. No proselytizing on this blog, thanks. Further comments of a similar nature have been spammed or deleted.

  7. Sigh. If the Lord didn’t mean for us to have a sense of humour, he would have made us ALL dull, boring and incapable of seeing the lighter side of life. Get a grip.
    MM, I hope you bought it. :-)

  8. Susie, actually, I didn’t, I was feeling rather lardy at the time, and didn’t wish to accentuate the flab with yet another XL t-shirt or dare I think XXL shirt. :) Or maybe I was just being cheap, since I know the cost of such a shirt is roughly $2-3 at most. :)

  9. People who get offended by posts of bloggers should not take offense, but instead start their own blogs, or exclude the said blog from their reading fare.

    It is a lighthearted post, by golly…

  10. I would rather burn in a Marketman Viking (stove) Valhalla, languish in some Porcine Purgatory, then rejoice in a Humorless Heaven of JJ Hernandez. Instead of going to church I saved a few lives at the hospital today. And in a moment of quiet repose, I LOL’d at this lighthearted MM blog entry because it was reaaallly funny. In fact — Joy was right — the appointed time to laugh is when you find things funny. That is the definition of being a normal thinking human being. I am sure a God who is understanding will actually cut me and all the other lighthearted souls in this readership some slack today .

  11. heeeheee — i was sooo mad I had to go eat some bacon. But pardon me for naming another species, but it really “got my goat”.

  12. Lardy, lardy, lardy…..the lurker plain and simple is NOT JUST INTO IT …..lighten up your load…the world needs something to smile about … I do and I am so glad that there are people around who can do that.

  13. I think it’s quite funny, but I do understand why this could be “off” for others. No need to put others down, folks. That goes both ways…

  14. I found it funny. I get that others won’t. I definitely don’t get, though, why those brave enough to post opposing viewpoints are made fun of or told to go away. Anyway…MM, please let us know if you’re ever back in town. Would love to do a meet and greet with you and other Bay Area fans of yours. We’ll even skip the pictures and use your “stunt double” if you want. ;)

  15. Nothing wrong with that, J Hernandez. One of the reasons why I keep coming back to MM’s site is because he can mix humor while sharing whatever he knows. Come on….lighten that baggage.

  16. Hi MM. I am now in Fairfield, about 2 hours from San Francisco and might just buy that shirt when time permits. Arrived tonight.

  17. It’s a good thing PI is not run by those friars anylonger, otherwise someone’s gonna be excommunicated hehehehehe.

  18. SACRILICIOUS indeed. J Hernandez, if “our Father” can forgive those priests and their intrusive “apoendages” in all those children, then I can’t imagine why a shirt professing adoration of one of his creations and its awesome by-product would affront him. MM, can i say “appendage” in your blog?

    Franky, sorry, I changed the word to something more G-rated, but I get the drift. :)

  19. @Moni, I lived in Fairfield for the past 16yrs and still living there, so I know that it’s only 1hour away from San Francisco. Now, Sacramento is 2hrs away from SF.

  20. Funny tag line. Being an atheist I didnt connect the dots on J Hernandez comment. I took the tagline for what it is–Hail to the pig!

  21. Hi MM, have you considered guest postings? I know of a very popular blogger who has guest posts from her favorite bloggers whenever she needs to take a break.

    I’m picturing food posts from Sister? Maybe Betty Q. and Artisan Chocolatier? Lee? Haha.

  22. I nearly fell off my chair laughing when I saw the picture. :)

    As to why you didn’t think of that … may I hazard a guess that it may be because ‘lard’ is not a word in common use among Filipinos (even those who grew up learning ‘Speak English’ in elementary school)? As I recall, we called it ‘Purico’ when I was much, much younger (before ‘Order ni Misis’ Baguio Oil and Minola cooking oil became household staples) …

    Otherwise, Spoofs Unlimited (that local t-shirt company that has come up with great puns on known brands – I still get a giggle from their ‘INuTEL inside’ shirts) would have come up with something like this …

    Hmmm … makes me wonder if we will be seeing a t-shirt with the same ‘saying’ from Spoofs Unlimited soon. Or the same thing showing up in Divisoria or the Greenhills tiangges.

    Either way, when they do show up, we can always say ‘we saw it here (on mm’s site) first.’

    Good one.

  23. this thread reminds me of a monty python skit, i don’t know why.

    that shirt above reminds me of this website i came across – all about delicious offal and spare parts. the online shop offers a shirt that says: “lips and a**holes: the other, other white meat.” la lang, hinumduman ra nako.

    on a more serious note, MM, how about experimenting with charcuterie?

  24. Why? Are we not allowed to praise anything else? Is that a patented phrase? Come on, where is your sense of humor dude? Lighten up!!! Times are hard enough, don’t be a stick in the mud.

  25. Getter Dragon 1, United States says:

    Lard is definitely one of those foods that will bring you closer to God.

    @Getter Dragon 1: That’s FUNNY! Nice one….

  26. the moment i saw this, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! enough said! thanks and Gob Bless ALL of us (including the LARD)!!!

  27. I agree with Blaize and Reeze. I understand if some people will not find it funny. I find the shirt both funny and “un-funny.” But I guess that’s why posting here is for free. MM’s got all kinds of readers. We should all be respectful, if we can’t be nice.

  28. “…but offense was taken – it’s meant to be funny, yes, but it’s at the expense of “our Father” – let that sink in before any of you react.”

    I believe only people whose religious belief borders on extreme, fundamentalist level would take offense on this one. And it’s rather quite presumptuous to assume one’s “Father” is the “Father” of all other people. There are hundreds of religions all over the world. And as “S” says, MM’s got all kinds of readers – with all kinds of education, work, religion, etc. if I may add.

  29. Your niece has a lighter from this company in the form of a pig that exudes flames from it’s nostrils. Saw someone wearing this T shirt at the In’t. Chefs congress yesterday…
    Spare me from your holier than thou readers.

  30. @erleen – good one. i also read that pork and beef come from animals that consume plant matter that have the vitamins and minerals we need. pork and beef are just efficient conversions of those vitamins and minerals. they just happen to come in servings of meaty goodness.

    oh, lard. let’s just praise the pork, bless the beef, celebrate the chicken, magnify the meat. fish too, but i ran out of alliterative synonyms. flatter the fish? whether deist, theist, atheist, gnostic, or agnostic, non-practicing, backsliding or extremist – you gotta eat. plain and simple. that being said, eat well. hence *THIS* blog.

  31. @P, i checked nga the link you gave, i was expecting that he might have only copied the recipe that MM posted, nyek he copied and paste pala the whole article hahahaha, grabe naman!

  32. @P,I see storm clouds brewing……hope that blog-meister got his rain gear ready, and probably a banca, since he will be inundated…hhmmmm–some people don’t know who they’re dealing with. hhmmmmppp…

  33. P, thanks for catching that. Most annoying. I am crazed at the moment but will deal with the issue soon. I hope the guy is smart enough to just take it down once asked. But the gall, indeed.

  34. My faith is very important to me but I DID NOT take offense to this at all. In fact, when I saw the title of your post this very shirt came to mind (before I even saw the image) as my husband was given one as a gift not too long ago. Too funny!

  35. maddie, I think it was at Range Brothers Pork, where they sell he $5 “humanely raised” pork hotdogs. I must admit, the hotdog was very good. :)

  36. Wow. I just came back from Amlan, Negros Oriental were I had pork humba for lunch, dinner and breakfast.

    I praised the lard they braised with salted beans as black as sins.

  37. I love the shirt but wouldnt be caught wearing it with all the weight I gained from trying too many recipes from food blogs :)

  38. Checked out my pics. It’s at the Prather Ranch Meat Co. I remembered this shirt because my friend bought some drink called Kombucha here, whatever that is, as I stared at the shirt. Couda shouda. Hail to the Lard indeed! Oink!

  39. Hey Maddie…what did it taste like? I saw it on Craigslist yesterday and they were selling the culture. It can be quite pricey….so I was debating whether to fork out the money on it (to satisfy my curiosity) or on King Boletes…the King Boletes won. I could have gone to the woods to pick them myself but am down with a very nasty cold! Maybe I should drink the Kombucha!

  40. betty q unfortunately I chickened out from having a sip. but my friend said the raspberry one was okay. I’m not sure about its claims though. It just sounds like you want to shout “kombucha!” (in a martial art sort of way) after drinking it. ;-)

  41. Ha,ha. Love that shirt. No offense taken here, MM.
    @bettyq, hope you will feel better. Have heard of kombucha too. But have not tried it.