A great pomelo definitely ranks high on my list of the top 5 fruits, ever! :) While bad pomelo is almost evil. :( I can eat an entire plate full of pomelos if they are sweet and juicy and peeled for me, and trust me, proper peeling is a serious skill I have never managed to acquire. Pomelos have tons of fiber and aren’t that high in calories, so an excellent snack food. Think of it as a much better tropical relative of a grapefruit. But much better. A good friend was just recently in Davao, and brought us some of the BEST POMELOS I have had this year. SPECTACULAR pomelos that were a real treat…
I usually get our pomelos from a suki at the FTI-AANI Saturday market, and I would say they average a 7.5/10.0 over the year. Sometimes she has great ones, other times, real lemons. They are one of those fruits that you simply cannot tell without peeling them if they are “good” or “bad”. Since I buy 4-5 pomelos as a time, I have taken to peeling one before I buy the others, which has improved my hit rate just a bit. But what I would give for a steady monthly supply of fabulous pomelos like the ones in these photos… Pomelos traditionally peak from November to January, but for some reason, they are now available some 9 months out of the year, often of dubious quality. So that we got these spectacular pomelos in April was really a nice surprise!
These particular pomelos were labeled with the “VIC” stickers. Not sure which farm grows them, but these, along with pomelos from Nenita Farms, are the house favorites. If folks from Davao (Millet? :) are aware of purveyors who will ship pomelos by the box airfreight to Manila, or who distribute wholesale in Manila, please leave a comment, as I would love to have a good source… I used to have a source many years ago but I think they stopped selling pomelos. For more info and trivia about pomelos, click on this old post I wrote several years back.
51 Responses
These photos are stunning! The sweet taste flies out straight of the screen. The best ones i’ve tasted are the ones from Davao.
These look like they came out of a gourmet kitchen. no trace of rind or skin whatsoever. Ang galing ng nagbalat.
I also got the same treat from a friend whose friend owns this pomelo brand (Vic) but what we got are the lot for family consumption hence, way more yummy. I heard they’re always sold out. Theirs is better than Nenita’s.
Excellent peeling job, the last time i peeled a mandarin (to use on a pavlova- inspired by this site of course) i dipped them in warm water and the result was pretty clean after shaving off the fibers. Do you have an easier trick to achieve this? I can never have a beautiful display. I guess patience and don’t give in to the temptation to put the first handful of pulp in your mouth the minute you get juice on your hands.
Wow, nicely peeled…am too lazy to peel them like yours! So, I just cut the skin as close to the white pith as I can exposing the juicy segments a bit, then cut in half with my hand. With a sharp knife, make a V section in the center exposing the segment tip. Then peel away the rest of the stuff. This is the lazy way of peeling the segments.
MM, Off-Topic……Did they (DFA) not call you for this?
Hello, gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
Artisan, yes, the team from Memphis visited last year, we hosted them at the restaurant, fed them a nice meal, and showed them our operations where we cook the lechons. They did invite us to do the lechon in Memphis this May (their special feature is the Philippines), but between getting the crew U.S. visas (I wanted to bring 3-4 lechoneros/staff, and the cost of flying and housing our team estimated at PHP400,000+ in expenses, we declined. Happy to see Marco Polo sent a team… I hope they win. :) And Claude will do the country proud, I am certain. We have been invited to something even snazzier and more up my alley in Europe, too, and are working out logistics, but it isn’t easy if we want to spit roast several lechons in any European location… and the cost… yipes! So that isn’t likely either. Hotels have bigger PR/Marketing budgets, Zubuchon has a PR/marketing budget less than some folks monthly electric bills… otherwise, we would have to increase prices to participate in these things once or twice a year. :)
I have been told that my grandfather brought pomelo (buungon) saplings from china to our land in oroquieta, misamis occ. from our tree, cuttings were given to friends and propagated to what are now in Pastrano Farms in Misamis. we used to get sacks of sweet buungon that were treasured by the family.
We’re going to the Virginia Pork Festival (https://www.vaporkfestival.com/) in Emporia, VA on June 13. I’m sure if you were there with your lechoneros, you’d give these ‘kanos a run for their money.
Oh, a girl can dream. :)
My husband loves them so much that he can an entire pomelo if I let him, inaasar ko talaga siya pag di nya ako binibigyan ;-)
Wow! I could literally pick the segments off the plate. My favorite snack, but I also get disappointed many times when picking them from the grocery or market unless I get the ones labelled China or sourced from Davao.
They have been growing them ( the Chinese variety I believe) in Puerto Princesa and my favorite source oddly is a small spare parts/ automotive supply house way uptown where they stack the pomelos on top of the glass display case counters. I chanced upon them while searching for an auto part but left the store with an armful load of pomelos instead.
i’d love to grow one once i get a house of my own…:)
Just by the color, one can tell that this one is *it.* To say that a pomelo is from Davao doesn’t cut it; you really have to peel it to make sure, and at roughly P75 a kilo, a pricey proposition. But if it turns out to be like the one you got here, I say grab the whole lot! Excellent peeling technique. Looking forward to the post on that one.
Grapefruits are contraindicated to statins.
I have tried really good pomelos from Davao. But so far, the best was the one I bought from one of the fruit stands at the Seaside / Seafood (palutuan) along Macapagal Blvd. According to the sales person, they were imported from Thailand. It was very expensive though.
EKO, that’s a real bummer if it applies to pomelo too. If I understand correctly, grapefruit can interfere with your statins, like lipitor, and have adverse reactions. I love pomelos and eat tons of them. But I do have a 5mg dosage of statins every other day as well… hmmm, have to ask my doctor about this… :(
Wow! I love it. I’m craving.
If only I have the extra resources, I would gladly sponsor you and your crew to go to Memphis!! But then again, a flight to Cebu to get a taste of Zubuchon is next to impossible as of this time, so I just have to keep on dreaming and working…. :) betting on lotto… teehhheee…
OMG want those pomelos!!!!….It has been quite a long time since I have seen Nenita’s brand of pomelos here in our supermarkets…I tried Dole pomelos and so far it has been good too – but not readily available either….They say you have to wait until the suha is all kulubot and it gets juicier :-)….Cibo’s pomelo drink is one of my favorites….
Sadly, EKO is correct. I’ve researched at length and while it appears nobody has actually tested pomelos, they are so similar chemically to grapefruit that they should not be eaten by people taking statins. It’s a case of a small risk of a very serious, perhaps fatal, reaction. Not worth it IMHO, and I say that as someone who loves pomelo.
Hi MM! Try Sto. Cristo St. in Binondo where most of the fruits wholesalers are. :) The last time I ate really sweet pomelos was sometime Dec last yr or Jan this year. We were buying by the box (approx 20pcs inside) every week. But lately they are a bit tasteless and some pieces were even dry. We used to buy “Nenita”, but recently we bought pomelos with “Golden” printed on the sticker.
Those pomelos look electric! They just pop out. The taste must be fantastic.
On citrus and statins:
Better-than-life depiction of a lovely fruit. Truly sad that we are now reduced to a stark choice between a life-giving natural fruit and a synthetic chemical that just might prolong the end of our lives. Perhaps it’s an apt consolation too that one of its feared side-effects is cognitive impairment. That way we won’t be acutely aware of what hazy little we can apprehend sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
I you have a suki that will tell you outright that if the fruits they are selling is not up to par, HE is a KEEPER! I have one (his name is K and he owns a produce store in Victoria Dr. ) and he only gives me a call if what he has to sell are fruits that his own family would eat! That is his motto which is why he has a very loyal customers!
love love pomelos last month an armenian grocery near my place were selling them for $1 for 2 lbs been hoarding them , very sweet but now they’re gone.
i’d also love to hear where good pomelos can be purchased here in manila. hope someone from your amazing number of readers knows a good vendor…
It’s always a minimum of a whole pomelo per person for us. Tricky to peel … so much care in peeling off the hide and the pith. Some believe that the skin of the segments shouldn’t be punctured or lacerated, because the fruit becomes bitter. Don’t know about that, but others are very particular.
The pomelos look stunning! I know the best pomelos are from Davao, that’s where I grew up. They are seedless, and juicy and very sweet. This type of pomelos started from Dizon Farms, they cross bred oranges and pomelos and looks like this is the variety they have now in the market.
I understand that grapefruit also is also contraindicated in my maintenance medicine (Telmisartan HCT). But once in a while, I splurge in pomelo sprinkled with balsamic or apple cider vinegar, just to satisfy my cravings for yummy pomelos here in Laos, which is sold for about $1/kilo during peak harvest season.
Footloose: A refreshing insight( # 23) and probably a good reason why theatre owners offer free movies for people possessing “special cards” in Makati, he, he, he.
For lurker_no_more: take heart that except for tangelos, a hybrid of grapefruit and tangerine, which may also interfere with the biotransformation of drugs( tho not to the same degree as GFJ), most other citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, citrons, naturally sweet oranges and tangerines are considered safe (includes pomelos too).
Sometimes substitution in the same drug class may be needed so you can indulge in your pleasure. But of course, always check with your doctor.
Hello from Nebraska! I just want to let you know that I’ve been following your blog for about a couple of years now. I get excited each day that I open your blog to see if there is a new posting. it’s like opening a present – you never know what you’ll get, but you know you’re going to appreciate it, no matter what.
Thank you for taking me to places I can only dream about, the beautiful pictures and the yummy recipes!!
God bless…
One of the things I miss living in Bangkok: sweet fruits already peeled, sliced, ready to eat sold at low prices – and this is at the grocery!
a doctor-friend told me there have been studies confirming that pomelo reduces blood cholesterol levels. must be why it’s not supposed to be used in tandem with statins..may reduce blood cholesterol drastically? (if there is ever such a thing?)
On the long term effects of statin drugs, I have to quote Zhou En Lai on the French Revolution, “It’s too early to say.” Just remember that what doctors call side-effects are mainly what the patients feel. There is no reason (but money, the other potent drug) why they should be aggressively pushing it specially when the benefits of physical activity has a much longer history.
this post reminds me of my childhood. my lola grows some pomelo trees in her garden. these were smaller and less pink than the davao varieties. a fruit is ripe when it turns light yellow green in color, and readily falls after a firm nudge with a bamboo pole. i’d slowly eat a section, one pulp at a time. oh, childhood memories,
my friend also suggested between two pomelos that look exactly the same, opt for the heavier one. it’s bound to be juicier.
I salivated upon seeing these perfectly (meticulously?) peeled pomelo segments. Mmmmmm…
Greetings from Davao City, come visit us here so you can taste our Davao Punch. It is a non-alcoholic drink made from pomelo juice, honey, calamansi and guava juice with of course pomelo pulp bits. We offered it to all visitors at the Davao international airport last year’s Kadayawan festival (every 3rd week of August). Great reviews. If they have the singapore sling, then let us have the davao punch!
Just the sight of the very tempting pomelos make me yearn to be in Manila – no matter how scorching the heat is during these months. Thank you for posting.
Davao’s pomelo is still the best for me and this is how I rate the farm- producing pomelos from Davao in terms of sweetness..
1. Davao Golden Pomelo, Inc.
2. Nenita Farm
3. Dizon Farm
4. other farms
We are distributing wholesale golden pomelo from davao to manila, you can e-mail me at ely1706@yahoo.com for more info, thanks
It’s the season for supplying pomeloes.We are specialized in this field for several years, with good quality and pretty competitive price.
Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me. Welcome to visit our own factory.
hi there, im a research technician form a Davao pomelo producer and i can guarantee you the best pomelo in the philippines (NENITA’s pomelo)…. why? because we take care of our pomelos like we care for our lives… hehehe…
hey there is much nice in nineta farm…it is a small farm here in amas kidapawan city but his pomelos are top notch in taste….jejeje…
we have a fruit stall in davao and we sell different brand and kinds of sweet pomelo..,
if interested you can email me at mikel_o8@yahoo.com or can text me 09186623140 for more info.. thanks..
we ship fresh pomelos from davao to manila.. just contact me at 09186623140..
I love nenita pomelo,san kaya ako makakabili na grocery here in manila ng nenita pomelo?
Hi, to all interested buyers of Sweet Red Pomelo. We have a farm of sweet red pomelo in davao region this will be harvested this coming first week of december 2013. so if any of you are interested to buy this sweet red pomelo. please send me an email before harvesting. so that we can arrange your visit and discuss the business. we are wholesaler, if anyone is interested email me with this contact dennisceniza@hotmail.com
we also produce the sweet and juicy pomelo, we have a bodega at asuncion , tondo manila , f you are interested to buy call 09088814256, thanks
I supply CLASS A pomelo straight from the farm in davao. Let me know if you need some as I can give you really good prices. 09174936342 Thank you