Polmard, Paris

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One of the snazziest meat shops I have EVER come across. I thought Lobel’s on the Upper East Side in New York was pretty out there on the snazzy scale, but running across Polmard in Paris on our way to dinner at Semilla quickly changed that opinion (and another chance walk-by with a snazzy butcher in London a few days later really had me reeling…). If I hadn’t taken a closer look at the Christmas specials posted on their front door, and went around the corner to peer into the space, I wouldn’t have guessed this place sold meat!

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Éleveur-Boucher or literally “breeder and butcher” means they raise the cattle themselves, and sell the premium meat in this shop. The shop had just closed when we passed, so we didn’t actually step into the store, but you can pretty much see what’s on offer from outside.


It’s like the Cartier or De Beers of beef! Visit their website here and see what I mean. Wow!

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The prices for Christmas goodies seemed rather extreme, but I haven’t tasted their meat, so I wish I get to do that at least once on a future trip to Paris…


3 Responses

  1. Their price for certain cuts won’t cause any hesitation to someone used to Wagyu but will certainly present a carnivore on a normal budget some dilemma.