Pacquiao for President?

A quick post to say CONGRATULATIONS to Manny Pacquiao for a spectacular win over Hatton in today’s fight. This places Pacquiao in the history books as the only fighter to have won the belt in four different weight categories (is that right?). And for less than 20 minutes in the ring (though hundreds of grueling hours of preparation and practice), he takes home some $12million + other revenue, less tax. Bravo! But I can’t help but wonder what type of society we have all evolved into when two boxers (in an airconditioned arena in the middle of a gambling haven) slugging it out can earn some PHP1 billion plus for 20 minutes, when it would take a local college graduate in the Philippines earning say PHP200,000 a year 125 lifetimes to make the same amount of money. A bit warped are the sense of priorities, no? Not to take away from Pacquiao, who deserves every single accolade and dollar earned, but the reality is a bit disconcerting. And now, the next step? Manny for Congress in 2010 as he has indicated, then who knows, maybe President? Yikes. On the one hand he knows the value of hard work, perseverance and excellence. But on the other hand, um, you know? :) Then again, with the track record of sitting congressmen, can it get much worse?


58 Responses

  1. Yes, praises to Manny Pacquiao, and I am very proud of this fellow countryman’s achievements, but to put it bluntly, I don’t think he would know more about running a country than Joseph Estrada and the nincompoops in congress.

  2. Btw, about this t-shirt poll to the right, would you mail to the States? I guess, if I pay for shipping, right? … I’d love to buy a couple, but I don’t know if I’d be able to wear it where I live, as there are alot of vegetarians here. Might get lynched. He, he. Sorry for deviating from this article’s subject.

  3. Yeah, kudos to him.. but i totally agree with you.. a doctor after studying 10+ years and being on duty for 36 hour straight only earns a P18,000 a month minus the P2,000 income tax in the Phils. while manny equates to money.. earning Php 1 billion for his 20 minute-glory in the boxing arena.. what an unfair world…but please let’s not make him win in the Congress, let him have the title of being the best boxer ever lived but not Mr. Congressman..oh my..

  4. again, it was a noisy, rowdy crowd cheering for Manny tonight–we all had sore throats after..GREAT fight!

  5. @ fried-neurons: yep, that figure is accurate. and that is a bit on the high side even; residents earn less in private hospitals, i heard. and some fellows even make do without any sweldo. tsk tsk. and now they wonder why doctors are leaving in droves…

  6. Pacquiao should stick to what he does best -boxing and leave politics to other idiots. We have more than enough in our country. Solar tv keeps replaying the entire short game. The sponsors must be upset. :D

  7. I am not fond of seeing boxing as a sport. Pacquiao is a national icon, I have to admit, for showing the world that a Pinoy can “beat” the foreign fighters to a pulp in boxing parlance. But is that all we’re really known for? Pacquiao for politics (again)?!

    I have no words for it.

  8. I guess if manny will go to politics will not be a good idea, he has a very good reputation at the moment and if ever that he will step to politics,,hes going to ruin all his credentials,,,We certainly knows how bad our politics in the philippines,,,They turn white into black and black into white,,He can continue to be a hero in many diffirent ways but certainly not politics…its not really a place for him…

  9. He already ran and lost in Gen San some years ago, hasn’t he (and his backers) learnt from that debacle?

  10. I’m in favor of Manny keeping his Billions and always winning in the Boxing ring. The only place I will favor him losing is in the political arena.

    If he wants to help his kababayans, he can do so by directly funding feeding and educational programs.

  11. yup, fried-neuron.. that’s the sad reality of it..reality bites, huh? im not exaggerating.. that’s what im earning a year ago working as a Medical officer in the Phils. mas mataas pa ang sweldo ng call center agents.. if you happen to apply for work as a medical resident in private hospital, you would only earn P10,000+.. few of my colleagues are now not earning anything in government hospital working as ob-gyne residents.. wonder why? because the local government has no budget for health doctors.. no items for them.. this is the reason why a lot of doctors are either taking up nursing or leaving the country.. to feed their hungry stomach..

    Sori MM.. i know it’s out of the topic.. but thanks for the space in your blog..

  12. and of course you were referring to the congressmen and senators sitting among the audience in vegas, MM?

  13. You mean the 50+ lawmakers that somehow found the time, money and lack of delicadeza to fly themselves over at great expense, personal or otherwise, pay for pricey hotel rooms and tickets to the fight that lasted just a few minutes and a chance for a photo with the champ? Every one of them should seriously consider their real priorities, in my opinion. :(

  14. sanojmd, it may be out of topic but it is a very sad state of affairs indeed. When professionals are earning less than call center agents, as you say, there is something very wrong indeed. Not that I am putting down call center agents, I think they too are earning their living, but DOCTORS earning less than them? That’s upsetting.

  15. Pacquiao will be running for another district in Sarangani province. Take note how Mike Buffer introduced Pacquiao. Unlike how he does it in previous fights “… from General Santos City …” this time it was from “… from Sarangani Province …”

  16. Mike et al, I have actually briefly met Darlene Custodio, the young woman who I believe beat Manny Pacquiao the last time he ran for congress, and I must say, I thought she was quite brilliant and I was glad that she won despite his fame and fortune. She hand spunk, and if my instincts were correct, some back bone as well.

  17. so, Pacquiao is reallly running for Congress? is this for real? i hope he doesn’t win..

    Thanks MM.. for unselfishly welcoming the rant and rave of readers here in your blog.. kahit na out of topic..thanks

  18. Congratulations Pacman!! But,please don’t go into politics!! You’ll lose.

  19. Luca Turin’s “Strong Brand” syndrome. The CEO starts hearing voices: “Everyone out there just loves your antifouling paint, they’ll go nuts about your tinned mussels”. Left untreated, this condition can lead to Bugatti fragrance, Porsche Design “engineered” smoking pipes, Ferrari red sneakers, BMW jackets, Aston Martin carbon-fiber luggage as well as lesser flotsam like Victorinox watches, Virgin Cola, Harley Davidson lighters, in short shedloads of future landfill… former pugilist now President Paquiao?

  20. Mabuhay ka Manny! Congratulations. You have once again brought honor and happiness to our country.

    Yeah I agree. I prefer Pac to stay out of politics. It’s just too dirty. I’d rather him set up a foundation with no political strings attached and help people in his own way. But I wouldn’t have any problem with him endorsing a candidate that he truly truly thinks is honest and would make a difference in the political landscape.

    Hopefully, most people aren’t naive enough to vote Pac for Congressman much less President, even if he is well meaning.

    Hmm …. but then again I wouldn’t mind if he works his way up in politics. Start low on the ladder first so that he learns the ropes.

  21. Yup, Pacman has proven himself in the boxing arena and is the pride of Filipinos. But politics? Please lang.

  22. I completely agree with you, MM. I have long felt that it was unfair for athletes, entertainers, and the like to be making millions, when professionals earn so much less. Logically, I know the reason they’re paid that much; but in reality, don’t people like scientists, teachers, doctors and artists do at least as much, and arguably more, for humanity? When I hear about how much celebrities like Michael Jordan and Tom Cruise are paid, it bothers me. I don’t begrudge them their fame and fortune — they do work for it, and were blessed with talent — but the disparity between what they’re paid and what other professions are is simply unwarranted.

    Fried neurons, about five years ago, a first-year resident in a private hospital made only a few (less than five) thousand pesos a month, I kid you not. A fourth-year Chief Resident made about P10,000 or less. I doubt it’s improved much more now. It’s ridiculous. And it isn’t true, either, that once doctors start practicing, they’ll rake it in. In the Philippines, IF doctors get rich at all, it doesn’t usually happen till they’re middle-aged. And never as wildly wealthy as Pacquiao is now!

    Speaking of which, I hope you don’t mind too much, MM, if I post this here, since it’s the topic:

    Let’s try and change Manny Pacquiao’s mind about running for Congress again. (In his CNN interview yesterday, he said he would “definitely” enter politics.) It might not work, but it takes just a minute to sign the petition, so you don’t lose anything. Who knows? If we get enough signatures and if Manny somehow gets to read it, he might just decide politics isn’t for him.

  23. I totally understand MM.

    Pero …. Manny making the nation happy is … priceless. :)

  24. One thing that Pacquiao has to learn is to say “NO” when he has to. I pity the guy because he will be inundated with suggestions from self-serving individuals who will tell him to invest his money this way and that way, to fight against so and so, and to run for office. Then he will be approached by lots and lots of friends and relatives asking for money. Definitely he has to say no to politics.

  25. hey marketman! have been reading your blog on and off for a while. was wondering if you’ve seen this film: Chicken a la Carte by Ferdinand Dimadura, he’s a filipino film maker, and its an absolutely shocking short film. er, i guess its quite old so you might have seen it, but i just saw it and thought you might be interested.

    also, yes! yay pacquiao!! haha.

  26. Katrina, please ask the petitioner author to also translate the petition in pilipino and visayan so if it gets to Manny, he will understand completely what the petition is all about.

  27. Mabuhay si Chavit dahil tumaya at nanalo kay Pacman
    PacMan for President and Willie Revillame for Vice President
    * the only two that is still making money even with a recession
    then si Lito Camo ang treasurer. Really glad that Pacman won with all the problems in the world, economy, flu swine virus, he gives us all hope that there is a sunny day tomorrow.

  28. ahaha, basta kung sino ang manok ni Chavit sa pusta yan ang mananalo. 100% accuracy yan. :D

  29. How cool is that Manny beat Hatton! Manny Pacquiao is an epitome of pride and glory for the pinoys because of his boxing career.

    From what I noticed he loves to please his countrymen, he wants everyone to be happy and he likes to help the people. He can do all of this good intentions by keeping away from politics.

  30. Ariel, did Chavit really make money. I thought the odds were something like 2:1 in favor of Pacquiao, which would mean you actually lose money if you bet on him… or is that not right?

  31. Pacquiao for president? i don’t think so. even if he has billion pesos in his name…it takes more than money to run a third world country. it gives me creeps just to think of it…

  32. If Pacquiao really wants to take part in uplifting the lives of Filipinos, he should instead focus in stirring up the means to create future Filipino boxing champions. It would be a great deal to us Filipinos if he becomes part of getting our first olympic gold or in creating a long line of Filipno boxing champs at different weight categories. His experience and the money he earned during his career would definitely help this cause.

  33. pacman rocks for being who he is. a boxer. please please plase — i hope he doesn’t run for office!!!

  34. gee, please not another uneducated guy to run the country. he stays where he is as a boxer. he should help our poor kababayan like fund schools or build a realy nice library or clinic and shcools. hambogero pa naman si paquiao. i’m afraid for him one day in his fight he will lose too kasi hambogero and arte niya.

  35. thumbs up for aiden! the chicken a la carte film when i saw it i cried and i wish i could help. one day if i won the lottery i will donate my money to the poor build clinics and raise fund for free education. i \t would be a miracle if i can do this….

  36. MM, if the odd is 2:1, you bet $2 and get back $3 including your bet. So Chavit might have bet $1M an got back $1.5M not bad. I just wish that all his winnings goes back to the pinoy coffers, im just hoping, i can always pray can’t i?

    If he runs for politics and lose again, he just proves that no matter how much money he has, his kababayans are not idiots. If he wins, then….

  37. I hope and pray that he won’t run for President. But I’m glad that he is a good boxer, but that’s all, nothing more.

  38. Politics in the Philipppines is a corrupting process, and the ethos of mutual obligations perpetuates behaviour beyond acceptable boundaries. We need our heroes; let him remain a national icon!!

  39. I often lurk this blog but has not posted until now. An earlier post struck me since I am the product of wonderful parents, one of whom is uneducated. Much as I look into the training/education of a political candidate when voting, it is not the sole basis. I look at integrity, experience, etc. I do agree that Manny can best serve the nation in other areas than politics. I do not agree, however, with the line ‘gee, please not another uneducated guy to run the country.’ it was my uneducated parent who almost single-handedly worked to send five children through good universities. peace.

  40. Ted, maybe the odds were !:2, the other way around? :( anonee, I completely agree that an education per se is not required and that there are a lot of other qualities that come into play. As for congressmen, I am not even sure if there is a minimum educational attainment as a pre-requisite for running, as several I think, did not finish college. I don’t think the reader’s earlier comment was meant to be a blanket slight on all those who were “not educated.” In fact, if anything, it was a dig at former President Estrada, who I am not certain was big on education himself…

  41. so you too MM have noticed that line in the commercial with the “you know” part.

  42. i hope he sets up a foundation for upcoming boxers and old boxers who are not as lucky as he is. take for example Luisito Espinosa who I’ve heard is a busboy at a Mcdonald’s in San Francisco ( at least he has a job)

  43. I suggest that if Manny Paquiao wants to leave a legacy, a better way is to set up a sports foundation or academy that would train or give scholarships to promising Filipinos to become world class boxers, track and field athletes, volleyballers, etc etc those sports where our lack of body size is not a disadvantage. Kulelat na lang ang bansa parati sa Olympic games.

    Please those who are close to him, kindly counsel the guy to be wary of politicians or other people who stand to gain from his becoming a politician.

    Sadly off track, but another illustrative example is the career track I choose to follow. I am a doctor who topped my specialty exams here, with a master’s degree in my subspecialty, trained in the US (7+ years). I came back to teach at — College of Medicine, the country’s showcase. Because I hold a part-time appointment, I receive one-half the compensation of a full time associate professor. Take home pay amounts to Php 12,000 ++ a month. Not even enough to pay for my rented townhouse. Almost all of us in my college survive by working also part time in private hospitals here in Manila.

  44. well, I for one, am taking my residency at a government hospital here in Manila, and we don’t have any salary nor allowance, since the hospital doesn’t have ‘item’ ..I’m in my 30’s and I’m still asking allowance from my parents..embarrassing but true.. :-(

    I can’t help but laugh loudly after Hatton was seen lying flat on his back on 2nd round! :-)

  45. not really sure if Chavit made money; I wish I made a bet on the Kentucky Derby winner (50 to 1 odds). The trainer of that horse drove the horse almost cross country and with a broken foot. I hope Manny does enter politics. The Philippines needs somebody with grassroots in him. Pacman helps his constituents. He can have his birthday party anywhere else but he picks General Santos City. That’s the kind of exposure and drive somebody needs.

    How I look at it, the more educated a politician is, the more complicated to find the stolen money. The less educated like erap the easier to find the money.

  46. Odette, so how much does it cost to be a doctor of medicine in the Phils? Tuition, fees and books per year, avg?

    Also did anyone hear about the Historical Society of the Phils is about to sue Martin Nievera for changing the tune of “Lupang Hinirang”? Shouldn’t they just sue all the 50+ congressmen instead for their absences during the session.

  47. Manny is one of the greatest boxers ever lived but when he enters politics, his good name as a boxer will be tainted. Politicians are only using him, and I hope he will see it.

    He made us proud as a Filipino, and I think this is the ultimate service he can give to all of us and to our country.

  48. He’s on Time Magazine list of world most influential people in 2009.

  49. hi Ted..I graduated from one of the leading med schools here, I remember,I started with P56 thou in first year until P72 thou per semester..a book may range from 2thou-10,000, that is if you opt to buy the original books (there are “pirated books/photocopies)), endless hand-outs and other stuff, plus about average of P100-150 thousand/year…my parents can only complain…

    now, I’m doing my residency, aside from having no salaries, books are more expensive, may range from 5000-20,000 per set..and we need several for training purposes..and also that depends on what specialty you’re taking…

  50. Odette and ntgerald, thanks for bringing out your life experiences as an info. I’m considering sending my daughter home and study there if she ever decides to take up medicine, cause i think the teaching is comparable as here, depending of course on the school? What do you think?

  51. hello ted, our teachings in medicine in the phils is comparable naman to U.S. because it is based on American standards if your daughter would be going back to U.S to practice. but if she is going to practice in other side of the globe like Canada, UK,NZ, Aus, they are British-based. so, Phil study will be a hell lot different.. Like in my case, im reviewing here in Aus before i take their exam for me to be registered here. Nwei, your daughter also has to take exams in US (USMLE).. this is really a frustrating reality.. Healthcare in the Phils..not being financially regarding..