Our Tree is Trimmed!!!


It would seem more appropriate to have a palm tree in the tropics, but we stick steadfastly to the evergreen Christmas tree tradition. We even got a spectacular fresh tree from Oregon at the local S&R, but after several weeks of care, I am afraid it is starting to dry up and I wouldn’t feel confident lighting it up with fairy lights and weighing it down with our ornaments. So we have the fresh tree to one side of the living room and it provides the most amazing fragrance to the room, but we had to take out our artificial tree last weekend and trim that instead. The Kid decided on the “theme” for this year’s tree, and she picked the glass, crystal, red and silver ornaments predominantly… though there are a few exceptions. Tree trimming is at LEAST a one, usually two day affair in our home. It is something Mrs. MM, The Kid and I, along with the entire crew, take seriously. One must step back from the tree often to discover a hole “butas” in the ornaments, such that the tree is filled, balanced, soothing, and well, hopefully BRILLIANT. I know some folks who leave in the morning, with instructions to their staff and when they return in the evening, everything is done… to each their own I guess, but we all love the tradition of personally trimming the Christmas tree every year… and I hope it is a tradition that will continue for decades to come. With a Christmas CD on our stereo, we take our respective “zones” of the tree (I get the top 30%) and hang the ornaments selected for that year… so here is Marketman & Family’s Christmas Tree, 2007.


Dozens and dozens of red crystal ornaments, red balls, clear icicles, balls and drops, along with several glass reindeer…


A few prized Radko ornaments that are incredibly colorful, hand-blown glass ornaments that always show up on our tree from year to year…


Of course, a chef ornament…


And finally, with The Kid in the house, a hidden mickey… a little further back from the Faberge type egg ornament. I hope you guys have managed to trim your trees, it sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas in our home…


33 Responses

  1. Absolutely breath-taking! Well worth the time and effort. Can you do my Christmas tree too, Mr MM?! :)

  2. it has also been a traditon in our family to hang the trimmings in our tree every year with the kids, with christmas songs in the background. Super fun!!! a tradition we hope to keep even when they are all grown up, I hope! Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  3. it is elegant. i don’t have a tree coz i live alone and having a xmas tree makes me look awkward, i think.i just help im my moms house xmas tree. hey mm what is the cd you are playing and what are your top 3 xmas cd?

  4. what a magical tree, great job MM! now i can’t wait to go home to roxas and spend the most wonderful time of the year with my family! :)

  5. That is a giant tree – it is almost up to your ceiling. It looks like a fresh tree to me! Nice collective efforts in coming up with a real festive tree. Where are the eggnog and hors d’oeuvre for your tree trimming party?

  6. Very nice tree, MM! Mine is a live one, but it’s only 18 inches tall. That’s what I have to make do with, living in a condo with an active, 80-pound indoor dog. :-)

  7. Awww, that’s a happy looking tree!!! We also hide something in our tree that’s turning into a fun family tradition. A silver walnut. After presents are opened and before we sit down for our Christmas lunch, there’s a scramble to find this walnut(only with your eyes, no hands allowed). The first one to find it wins a specially purchased pair of ornaments to hang on their tree the following year.

  8. What a great looking tree MM! My daughter would love to have the Mickey ornament hanging in our tree too! heheh

  9. We always had a real pine tree when I lived in the UK. Good piney smell but as you say short lived. The secret seemed to be to keep the roots or stump permanently in water and spay the branches daily with cold water(lights unplugged of course). Even so by Twelfth Night when we took it down the neddles dropped all over the carpeta and an hour of vacuuming was needed to clean up. Then you had to dispose of it?

    Miss it though.

  10. Wow! Glass and crystal ornaments! I love those but my cat will just have a ball picking them from the tree. So it’s plastic for now. But my favorite is the hidden mickey, hehe. Beautiful tree, MM and family!

  11. I love your trimmings: the pricey Radko and the silver mickey…it’s cute!!! I can just have a tree full of mickey trimmings in different shimmery colors!!! Really cool!

  12. Love your Christmas tree MM and I see that Santa came by too early with all the presents under your tree :0) Happy Holiday MM…

  13. Lovely tree. Chanced upon this article in the NY Times, could your tree be one of those in the photos ?www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2007/12/06/us/1207-TREES_3.html

  14. I love your tree MM :) I know what you mean about gathering the family together and dressing up the tree yourselves. I carried over this tradition with my 5-year old son. Last year, our tree decor was toy story…we put up all his stuffed toys and action figures on the tree and had shrek as the tree topping! :) It is also our tradition to listen to Christmas songs while wrapping gifts and drink hot chocolate to really get the holiday mood in gear. Advance Merry Christmas to you and your family, MM.

    PS. The bird turned out great by the way…but forgot to tie up the legs so she was kinda spread-eagled :)

  15. I’m definitely going to start this tradition with my family too — as soon as I find space for a bigger tree in our cramped condo!

  16. It’s a lovely, elegant tree with a personal touch — thanks to that hidden Mickey! It gives the tree much of its charm. :)

  17. finally our trees are up, yes for the first time we’re having a real tree
    as well, aside from the fake one, and because you so inspired me,for our real tree we have christmas cookies as ornaments, my son had so much fun painting the cookies and he says that the best part was he can eat it too ! :)….