Our Lechonan on the Big Screen! :)


If you are into teenage kilig movies where the pre- and pubescent audience actually squeals and screams throughout the film, in this case, the debut movie of current underaged team Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, then head to the theaters to catch a glimpse of them, but more amusingly, of our Zubuchon lechonan that was made to look grungier than it actually is. Chief of Stuff (COS) and one of our lechoneros have their big screen debut, and they are tickled pink, as they appear on screen for a few seconds each, though no speaking parts made it into the final cut. I took 25 staff from the office to see the movie in Cebu a couple of days ago and they were amazed to see their everyday work areas on screen! Frankly, I found it a bit bizarre that at NO POINT in the movie “Must Be Love” do the stars ever KISS, seriously?! Considering what is on popular media or cable these days for teenagers, think GLEE et al, this movie was bizarrely “G” rated. :)

Enjoy this one and only glimpse of Zubuchon on film, as I am pretty sure that is the first and last time we will ever host a movie film crew on our premises. Here is a link to the movie’s official trailer, and bits of the lechonan appear there as well. :)


Daniel Padilla with his biggest Zubuchon fan, one of our accounting staff members, who couldn’t sleep for DAYS before his arrival. She will probably sleep with this photo. :)


Our resident star stalker, who has had her photos taken with at least two dozen “artistas” who have visited or dined with us. She manages to squeeze the oxygen out of most of the poor folks, and she has the ability to show up at branches faster than Superman if she hears there is a star visiting. :)


How do they do that hair? I saw it from start to finish. And you DON’T want to know. :)


This actress was much prettier in person than she appeared on screen…


Our lechonan was turned upside down and inside out for nearly two days!


19 Responses

  1. Was chuckling throughout this post. Have no idea who those “artistas” are, but the lady in the second pic’s grin is priceless :)

  2. hehe, I think I have an idea now on how it was Mr. MM when you said that that will be the first and last time you’ll ever allow your “lechonan” to be used for the same reason.. I guess the putting-things-back to where they should be was the tedious one.. hehehe.. I hope they paid you good…

  3. hahahaha….i’ve always wondered about that hair! is it the fashion these days to look as if you just got up from bed with a major hangover? ;-) ” She manages to squeeze the oxygen out of most of the poor folks” —–hahahaha! i can imagine her pictures must be up on her facebook wall a minute after they’re taken! what i can’t imagine is how you managed to go on with lechon production, with all the “kasamukan” there.

  4. FOR FREE?!?!? These producers make millions and I can’t believe you let them get away with it.

    Am sure a number of your employees love you for it.

  5. 1st and last? hahaha! we never agreed to anything like this because we knew even then that it’ll make everybody crazy … alter the geography of your home, zero privacy, long hours … never-ending use of facilities … they were willing to pay and it was all sweet talk just to gain access. sorry, guys …..

  6. Don’t know any of those stars! The last love team I was aware of was that of Bea and John Lloyd. I recently learned that Angelica Panganiban and John Lloyd are now together for real. At least you can now say that “been there, done that” dialogue to the next one to offer for your lechonan as movie venue. I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to see the movie, but I will try to get it on dvd just to catch a glimpse of COS.

  7. where’s the teen? Although I don’t think she’s into it. Do they at least show zubuchon logo in the film?

    Sorry OT! Hi Mimi, thanks for dropping by and for a very yummy cookies! Here’s my email jun.balangue@gmail. Pls do drop me an email! Thanks

  8. Junb, they acknowledge Zubuchon in the credits. So glad Mimi dropped by your place… it’s always nice to hear readers from the same cities getting together after “meeting” on the blog… :)

  9. They better give you credit considering you didn’t charge the production outfit. Shootings are a real mess. We had that in our subdivision and I don’t think we should allow it again. Our neighboring subdivision charges P20,000 to P50,000 per day or 8 -10 hours?

  10. Thanks for posting this at least I will know where did they shoot that lechonan when I have a chance to watch the movie probably in VCD. But really, did they used your area for free?

  11. haha naka libre sila. haay! I agree with natie, send them the bill and donate to your favorite charity.