We are presently about 36,000 feet above sea level, hurtling home at roughly 900 kilometers per hour squished into our airline seats like sardines in a can or bottle. We had a terrific holiday in Manhattan, Long Island and Boston despite Marketman being down half of the time with the most incredibly horrific case of hay fever… Posts on the trip should start by early this weekend. In the meantime, browse through the archives if you get bored…

25 Responses
MM is back. . . I’m veryeager to see your posts on your vacation :)
Welcome back and be well, MM! Can’t wait to hear about your adventures from the east coast ! :}
We’re all looking forward to your speedy recovery, MM! (and of course, your interesting posts. ^_^ )
Thanks for the update! Here’s looking forward to your postings again! And get well soon! I still have a lot to read on your past but very interesting entries. It’s really a library on its own.
Welcome back home and get well soon!
Sorry to hear you spent your US jaunt with the fever. Be well, MM! Looking forward to this weekend’s posts…
looking forward to your postings MM, although i’m sorry to hear that you got sick during your holiday but im sure that being sick didn’t stop you to enjoy the food! : )
Have a safe trip MM, and I eagerly await your “pasalubong” from the US Northeast. I lived there for several years myself, and I’d love to compare stories.
Oooo, i am hoping for posts on cheese, the new gelato store Groms, and all the lovely campuses around New England (MM does prep school hehehe).
We (me and my son) hope you feel better soon. We are looking forward to your new post.
I miss Manhattan. Got nostalgic one day and made myself a bagel and cream cheese with garlic and thyme…and of course, coffee. *sigh*
MM, the best medicine for allergies/hay fever is telfast. can’t get that, zyrtec. really effective. i suffer from it during season too.
MM, you came over and didn’t tell us? :( We could’ve had an eyeball here with your east coast readers!
I second – next time you are in the East Coast, we should get together!!
Oh, I’m excited for all the NY & MA food posts! But no pressure, MM — I know how exhausted one always is after returning from a trip, especially if one got sick!
Hey MM! Have a safe flight home. I’m excited to see your east coast vacation posts. Too bad we didn’t meet up. It would have been cool to eyeball with your readers in the area. I believe there’s quite a number from here. Anyway, I also have the seasonal allergy. I’m taking the over-the-counter Claritin and I have to take it everyday until the weather bureau announces that there’s no more pollen in the air or when I feel better, whichever comes first. It’s so tiring, sneezing and runny noise with itchy eyes as soon as I wake up in the mornings but I normally feel better by noon time til bedtime. It’s my first time to endure this allergy. Hope the allergy season is over so I can enjoy the morning air. Thanks again for the magazine. I enjoyed reading the write-up about you. More power and looking forward to your next post!
So you summered in the Hamptons?
Wohoo! Marketman is back! I’ve been checking out your blog everyday to see if you’ve new entry! Finally the long wait is done! :)
Welcome back! I’m looking forward to your new posts!
I too suffer from hayfever so i can sympathize with you.Every spring here my daughter and myself stock 180 mg Telfast in our cupboards.
I think the wattles here are the biggest culprit.
looking forward to your posts.We still have about 3 months before our spring.
Welcome back, MM!
Take time muna to rest and recover completely before wearing yourself out posting about your US trip. I’m sure you have a lot of interesting stuff for all of us, but no hurry. We’ll just be here.
Take your REAL vacation muna in Punta Fuego and recharge. :)
ooohhh, looks like MM and spring aren’t friends! allergies not withstanding, i am sure MM and family had a mighty good time. welcome back, MF (MarketFamily)! hay fever? nothing that a steaming bowl of good, sour sinigang can’t cure! waiting for the posts, MM…
Glad to know you enjoyed your East Coast holiday! I guess that means next time you’ll come armed with Flonase and Allegra (aka Telfast)! Hereabouts it looked like it was “snowing” cottonwood several days last week, so your nose and eyes probably wouldn’t have been too happy here in the west either…
Looking forward to your stories!
welcome back! so it seems you didn’t cast your vote, tsk tsk tsk. hehehe. oh well, the choices in the senatorial menu wasn’t that appetizing anyway. i seriously would’ve ticked the box next to ‘marketman’ if ever there’d been one. perhaps a party list??? anyways, am looking forward to reading your new posts! i hope to learn something new, as always.
oh man, i missed you in Manhattan! it would’ve been great to meet up with you! next time i guess…