Oatmeal with Shredded Green Apple & Granola


I ate a bowl of this oatmeal five days in a row last week with a glass of low-sodium V8 juice. I worked out for two hours, three times during the week, and walked briskly for 45 minutes 3 days in-between workouts. I only ate white rice twice (brown rice at other times), felt like a rabbit from the voluminous lettuce intake, and dreamt of empty dark caves at night, probably due to a noticeable lack of caloric intake. And I weigh almost exactly the same this morning as I did last week. Let’s just say the new Marketman definition of a “plateau” is not a “flat elevated surface of land” but rather, “a flat, stubborn and cruel electronic scale that refuses to budge”. I have already changed the battery, coaxed it to cooperate and threatened to send it to the scale dump, but it refuses to shave a pound off to bouy my psyche. Even my fallback argument that I have converted jiggly fat into brilliant weighty muscle just isn’t making me feel good (and it probably isn’t true)… With just 8 pounds or so to go to my target of 170 by May 1, this is going to be harder than I thought. But since 15% of Marketmanila’s readers said I couldn’t do it, I am doubling my efforts in the weeks ahead to prove them wrong and to show the 85% that they did right to be so positive… heeheehee. :)

So what’s in the bowl? Joey of 80 breakfasts has suggested on several occasions that I include shredded green apple with my oatmeal hydrated with skim milk to make it more palatable. I finally tried this last week and was thrilled with the results. I made my oatmeal as usual, with just skim milk and hot water, no sugar, and added half a green granny smith apple, shredded. Then for crunch and added flavor, I added a tablespoon or so of my homemade granola so I got oatmeal on oatmeal… Gosh, if my intestines or colon isn’t happy with all of this fiber… it’s like taking a brillo pad and scraping the lining of my plumbing! But the taste? Really quite nice, if you ask me. The small amount of green apple really provides a nice pleasant sweet/tart hit to the oatmeal and I can down the whole bowl in no time. But I still hold my breath when I drink the V8! But after the darkness, there is light…after a week of this for breakfast, see what I had for breakfast this Saturday morning to reward myself…


11 Responses

  1. Marketman, you can do it. The first of May is still some months away! I love the brillo pad analogy. Makes me want to go to the kitchen this minute and stuff my face with granola. :-)

  2. You are heading directly towards your goal – no doubt about that. Nothing will stop you. With the oatmeal fad you started in various forms and substance you will be a billboard model by May 2007! The oatmeal fairies are watching you. I can’t wait to see what you will have for Saturday breakfast. My hunch would be something substantially delicious from Salcedo Market.

  3. Marketman, I wonder if you keep track of your calorie intake per meal?
    I’ve one time had that “plateau”, what I did was to take heaviest meals during breakfast and the lightest for dinner.I only sticked with a 1200-1500 calories per day and didn’t had too much exercise but it worked. It might work for you too. You’ll have your needed energy throughout the day and your metabolism will get better.
    I wonder if with your height and muscle mass 2,000 calories will work(or less)? I still believe you can make it this summer!

  4. you have to try steel cut oats. the same kind they serve in upscale restaurants and differ greatly from the usual Quaker Oats that become mushy/watery. if you can’t find organic steel cut oats where you’re at, try to find McCann’s Irish Oatmeal. you’ll wanna eat oatmeal more than just for breakfast.

  5. i have to second purple girl’s steelcut oats suggestion. i started using steelcut oats this week instead of my usual stuff and i don’t think i can go back :) (it just takes a heck of a lot of time to prepare though but i love it to bits!)

  6. Hi Marketman! So glad you enjoyed the apple in the oatmeal! :) I must admit though that it doesn’t take much for me to enjoy oatmeal because I love the stuff :) I have your granola recipe bookmarked…I just love these oaty/wheaty/cerealy things!

  7. Gosh, I am really intrigued by these “steel cuts.” And such a forceful name to boot. Will keep my eyes out for these…anyone know if they are sold in Manila? Joey, thanks for the suggestion, the oatmeal tasted great! Tulip, I think I would faint several times during the day if I only ate 2000 calories, I suspect I am closer to 4000 right now…heehee.

  8. Don’t be so down on yourself, MM, the last few pounds are always the hardest to lose! When I had just 5 pounds to go and the weight just wouldn’t budge, I had to bite the bullet and do SBD’s Phase 1 — strictly, absolutely no cheating. After a few weeks of that plus exercise, I lost the weight, got cut, but was also DYING to eat all the carbs I could! Needless to say, I couldn’t sustain the discipline and gained the weight back tout de suite. I recently tried to be that strict with myself again, but I got SO cranky and started dreaming about food! I think those of us who truly love food and aren’t blessed with naturally skinny physiques have to decide which is more important: how we look, or how we feel. Sometimes, those last few pounds just aren’t worth it.

  9. Hi MM. dont be discourage with your weight-loss program, maybe some of your “fats” turned into muscles, so your weight will be about same. Try measuring your waist, legs, etc.. you might see the improvement. Keep it up! :)

  10. Steel cut oats or irish oatmeal is available at times in Rustan’s or Market Market’s supermarket. I’ve also seen it (once) at the old Price club (maybe S&R has some?). They’re good old fashioned oatmeal that needs to be cooked. Very nutty, and great with a hint of salt.

    You can do it! I voted yes to your May challenge, so you know most of us are gunning for your success. Sometimes the best thing to do with a plateau is not to force the issue, take your mind off the weight challenge, eat a little bit more. Then the following week, change tactics a little. Eat more protein, add more muscle training, interval training, or try a new sport. Your body will be a bit shocked by the new activity, but it might be what it takes to get those few lbs off.