No Email / Technical Glitches

Hello everyone. Hope you had a good Easter Holiday and long break. Just a quick note to say that my laptop has figuratively BLOWN UP and is in the shop for repairs. Because of the holidays, nothing will be done for a few more days, I suspect. And if my suspicions are correct, the logic board (whatever that really is, I have no clue) will have to be replaced. Thankfully, it seems my laptop has a serial number that is part of a recall for defective logic boards and maybe, just maybe, if I am lucky this won’t cost me anything. But it’s another reason to grouse at a previous repair attempt if that darned PowerMac Service Center didn’t even bother to check if my machine was part of a lemon/recall group! At any rate, this means I have no email access and have not had any email access for the past 5 days or so. Even a temporary set-up on my desk top has now inexplicably failed, so suffice it to say I probably have thousands of messages (mostly junk) in my inboxes by now. So if you have sent me an urgent email, sorry, I have not gotten to it and won’t get to it for at least another week. Also, perhaps more importantly, I seem to have temporarily (I hope) lost about 4 months worth of photos (several thousand), including the recent trip to Palawan, hence the palawanus interruptus with respect to posts from that trip. I will continue with those posts when all has returned to normal. Meanwhile, say a little computer prayer on behalf of my laptop, or my uncharacteristically zen-like mode right now may just end rather abruptly. :(


12 Responses

  1. You actually invested in an Apple product? Hoping you’d get after-sales service in the PHILIPPINES? Hahahahahahahahhahaha.

    Sorry … I guess that’s misplaced humour … but after the authorised Apple rep at Greenhills told me there’s no way they could replace my iPod battery sorry but he’d be happy to take me to someone who might do it unoffically for 1000 pesos … well then you understand my mirth.

    Buy Apple, who want to have a monopoly over both the hardware AND the software but can’t service their products? Never ever again, and I hope the Chinese fake iPads sell like hotcakes.

  2. oh, that’s terrible, MM! i’d feel as if I lost an arm if I’m without my PC.. hope you fix it, or get a new one, soon..

    fake iPads??? already?? but i’m not really surprised..

  3. Gawd, MM! I don’t know what to say, except wish you a comforting Easter. Hugs!

  4. I hate when that happens. I broke about 3 laptops and I learned not to save anything on my computer because of that.

  5. I’m so sorry MM :( I hope your computer gets repaired soon! I also hope all files can be retrieved. Btw, Happy Easter!

  6. So sorry to hear about your lost files. You might want to look into using Apple’s Time Machine feature.

  7. Hi MM! Happy Easter to you and your family. I hope everything will be well with the laptop soon. God bless!

  8. Happy Easter MM. Sorry to hear about your Mac’s demise. Hope you get a new one soon. Meanwhile, May I borrow your Zubuchon lechon/Chicharon carcar pics for a story I’m doing? I’ve misplaced your personal email address, so if you could email me when you get this, I will explain more.


  9. Hi MM,

    Why is the entry level Macbook Pro more expensive than the Macbook, yet its specs don’t seem as good? What Mac do you think is best value for money?
