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28 Responses

  1. what browser are you using MM why you can’t download the original image? I’m guessing it was a protected stream that is why right click – save image isn’t showing/working. Your way is clever though but I believe the quality suffers due to the screen resolution of the device you are using.

  2. Ohhhh wowwww!!! Congratulations to your daughter – and to the proud parents !!!…hahaha on Olivia Pope – am such a “scandal’ fan too…

  3. awesome! It doesn’t matter if you like the president or not, it’s always nice to see/meet them in person

  4. How many 4 yr olds did the Teen elbow to find the commemorative eggs ? LOL!!!
    Awesome pix!

  5. The lady in between Obama and Michelle looks related to Michelle. They have the same smile. Maybe it’s her mother?

  6. So proud of The Teen! I have to admit I looked for her in the sea of faces when CNN featured the Egg Hunt …

  7. Nice! Here’s a bigger image excavated from the bowels of Instagram. :D


  8. WOW – teen is in on the thick !! Congratulations – young lady !! And what a glorious grand beautiful spring day that was for the Easter Egg Roll. The Obamas look great !