Nearly 100 Gerberas…

I am in the middle of a crazy schedule of television and magazine interviews that were both planned and unplanned. Last night an “ambush” request for filming at Zubuchon Mango for Richard Gutierrez’s show “Pinoy Adventure” meant spending a bit of time there and doing a very very quick interview. This episode scheduled for Sunday at 8:30 pm. Then this morning a segment on Boneless Zubuchon for Jessica Soho’s program to air this Saturday at 8:00pm or so. Then next up, a magazine interview and shoot for FOOD Magazine… :) So early this morning, we did a quick detour to the flower market in Cebu for some simple arrangements as a backdrop for the photoshoots…

To all the folks out there who think that men can’t be taught how to arrange flowers, you are wrong. Our in-house “florist” is also our ex-Messenger and now head purchasing agent as well. He had never arranged a bunch of flowers before and now does several arrangements per week for the restaurants. He started off cautious, but now has a very conservative but appealing style. He is cognizant of a modest budget, but we almost always manage to have fresh flowers in each of our stores. This beautiful simple arrangement of nearly 100 gerberas up top was done by my “Chief of Stuff”, who from previous job descriptions could do anything from wring your neck, literally, to drive evasively, find some difficult to locate spare part in Quiapo and fix the broken electric gadget, build a cabinet and or cook a paella well. And he did it in just a few minutes as the film crew was setting up. Ah, you say, how hard is it to put a bunch of flowers in a glass vase with water? Not hard at all, but to get it to look this way, you need to do more than just plonk them in the vase. :)

For the stunning price of PHP240 for 100 gerberas, this was a real bargain… Hopefully, they will end up visible in one or two of the still shots that will be taken in the next few hours…


37 Responses

  1. SImple but stunning arrangements as always.and what a steal!—P240 for 100 gerberas???
    Will be watching both shows this weekend.Congratulations! —betchay

  2. Always in awe with the beauty of your work! Looking for vietnamese pomelo salad, just in case you have a post on it here! Thank you!

  3. “Chief Of Stuff” = great term for someone who can do a whole lot of things…

  4. Food celebrity na talaga!

    What a simple and elegant arrangement. The wood carving in the background looks interesting too.

  5. Ex-messenger should have a longer title then…how about Chief of Stuff and Executive (for literally wringing necks) Jack (of all trades).

  6. Wowie all those interviews! You are truly an “unreachable star”, MM…You might be surprised to know that most florists are males …Have 2 males in the flower shop…a straight one and the other not so :-)…Your “chief of stuff’s” arrangements are great! 100 pcs gerberas at P240 is a steal! …In Dangwa you would have gotten only 24 pieces for that price…

  7. ALL my Sister’s arrangers (in her flower shop) are male (and straight… :-) ) All 6 of them..

  8. wow, the flowers look great! good luck MM! I’ll be sure to catch Pinoy Adventures and Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho :)

  9. Oh Gerberas….I better have my eyes check. I read Ginebras the first time! LOL

    Hmmmm…..Jessica’s feature on Boneless Zubuchon is going to rub salt on COLB’s claim. Hahaha….can’t wait for this weekend. Any updates on your lawsuit?

  10. Scott, it’s near or on the fringes of the Carbon market. Near the Bionic Hardware store. I think it’s commonly referred to as “Freedom Park”. If you are going for the first time, try going on a Thursday or Friday mid-morning, that’s when I find they have the most flowers in stock…

  11. chief of stuff….gave me a good laugh..i should work to be one and maybe get myself one too!:)
    elegant flowers btw

  12. Cat, yes it seems amusing, but it’s real. When Senator John Kerry ran for President, the NY Times no less ran an article on his COS or “Chief of Stuff” here. It’s worth a read. :) A good COS is the modern day equivalent of a butler/valet/majordomo/ household manager/personal assistant… I highly recommend it. Far more essential than fancy sportscars, speedboats, etc.

  13. MM – I can now stop calling myself Jill of all Trades and maybe even include the title Chief of Stuff to my rèsumè…

  14. What a happy arrangement! And very good value for money too.

    Good article, thanks. A COS is like having a personal concierge

    Is your Chief of Stuff the person I met?

  15. P240. for 100 Gerberas is fantastic no matter what/where Carbon it comes from. Will check out the place next time I am in Cebu.
    Congrats to your Chief of Stuff. The arrangement is simple but stunning.

  16. Thanks MM! I love it so much – looks so much like Benjarong’s. I have a 10 ft (or so) tall makrut tree here at home, i can send you its fruits and leaves, if youd like, as my way of saying thank you for the joy of your blog hehe :)

  17. Pink Carnations, thanks for the generous offer… lucklily, we have some makrut trees in the yard as well, but rarely get fruit… :)

  18. Hahaha MM, my hubby calls me the Chief of the Chief of Mission (he claims that I act as if I am his boss…). I think he will be thrilled if I tell him that he can now refer to me as his Chief of Stuff… because that’s what I am to him and the family!

    How I wish I can find someone reliable that I can mold to be our family’s CoS..

    I don’t particularly like Richard Guttierez but for you and Zubuchon I will endure his emotionless delivery of lines hahaha….

  19. The reason why MM seems to be adorable (at least to us his blog followers, because as we know – there are some who hate him to the marrow…. heeeheee) is that he is unpretentiously and naturally brilliant in everything he does. Yes, he has the occasional rants but not without a reason. I knew all of these things would come his way and much more. I wish you and your endeavors continued success!

    You are blessed for getting the right people to work for you. How i wish i could clone your Chief of Stuff. MM is almost a jack of all trades din naman, wag mo lang paglutuin ng putong puti. :)

    By the way, I have been missing ms. bettyq.

  20. “Chief of stuff”. Witty!
    When I read that the Chief of Stuff “could do anything from wring your neck, literally” I couldn’t believe that you had an assassin in your employ. Hehe!

    Yah, been missing bettyq’s and footloose’s posts of late.

  21. Simply beautiful and elegant at a bargain! Your “Chief of Stuff”is artistic.Congratulations!
    on a fantastic food blog….Very engaging and informative.I can’t wait to experience
    Zabuchon on our next trip home .Thanks marketman !

  22. ”a segment on Boneless Zubuchon for Jessica Soho’s program to air this Saturday at 8:00pm” == >>>the envy of the libel case post–the saga of the boneless lechon claim.

  23. Wow… and he does flower arrangements too. :)

    You’re most welcome, I was happy to help.