More Clues… :)


Perhaps the clues in the previous post were a bit too easy… :) By the time you read this, we will have started our long journey back home. But here is another city we visited on the trip. A bit of water…


…which should have been a nice foil for the sweltering heat atypical for this time of year. With beautiful clear blue skies every day for the rest of our trip, we were roasted by the 30+C temperatures but pleasantly surprised by the fragrant bushes of jasmine in full bloom.


As in many cities on this continent, cobblestones are a challenge for the feet but more than looking down to avoid doggie doodoo, one has to simultaneously keep an eye up above, to avoid being target practice for a pigeon or two with nothing better to do.


The homes here are wonderfully multi-colored and the light brings out the best for artists who sit for hours painting them…


…while hotels have for centuries understood the meaning of “glitz”.


I was more intrigued by the locals’ ability to pull off the most colorful pants I have seen in a while. It takes a certain sense of panache and confidence to pull off canary yellow…


…or friends with guts larger than mine in green and tangerine…


…an older gentleman in blood orange, while his apparent spouse has opted for cooler, neutral tones…


…and lastly, a local gym rat in green. I own a pair of green pants, but I don’t look anything like this when I wear them! :)


Oh, and a final clue. This dude is buried a stone’s throw from our hotel.


68 Responses

  1. By the time you read this, you’d probably be back…WELCOME HOME SWEET HOME PO to you and your “girls”!!!

  2. The only place I feel comfortable wearing them colored pants is in the golf course!!! hehehe

  3. Venice… well, wherever you guys at, have fun. Not a lot of people as lucky as you guys. More power Mr.MM

  4. i join the consensus and say “venice”. i thought at first that was you in yellow MM :-)

  5. Were you here on Sunday?It would have been so fitting as it was the Feast of the Assumption.

  6. bit of water…might not be venice as it has a lot of water…Probably still a city somewhere in France.

  7. Viva Italia!! It’s summer so people go wild with their colors…then when winter sets in blacks,greys and earth colors set in..I like their adventurism with colors…and only in summer!!
    Am sure you had a lot of fun!! Welcome home Marketman!! BTW I found pirurutong rice in Marketmarket and made your suman…yum!!! They had wonderful pandan rice and turmeric rice as well.

  8. in the southern part of italy, almost everyone is wearing the color of the year. i was there last apr/may (while the snows are melting :p). its sickening. but it also amaze me how gents can pull off a purple jeans and purple shoes

  9. Venice. Your hotel was near the Frari church.

    Did you go by Eurail? Venice to Austria then night train to Paris via Munich? That is one very scenic route on the rail!

  10. But of course, Venice! Besides the colorful pants, did you notice their hair color? I’m amazed at older people’s hair color…only Italians can pull off with hues of orange, red, etc. Even older people’s eye glasses frame come in metallic blue, green, etc. They look fashionably elegant!

  11. The pigeons of Piazza San Marco, the multicoloured houses (but could also be alluded to the island of Burano, Venezia), the Murano chandelier Veneziano-style, Italian dressers, and of course Titan – where else could but in Venezia, Italia… :)

  12. As soon as I saw the colored jeans I know you’re in Italy because my italian officemates wear the same colored jeans here in the caribbean.

  13. How did you like Venice MM? I thought I wasn’t going to like it but I was wrong. There is something magical about it especially at the end of the day when the day tourists are gone. I hope you took the secret itineraries of Doges palace tour, quite interesting. We spent three days there last summer and was hooked along with the other Italian cities we visited. I told my husband I wanted to retire in Italy. :o)

  14. btw… the photo you have of those colourful houses.. I have this on my file… Bella Italia, we will be there for the whole month of July,, of course Naples. Capri and the Eolian Islands this round Sicily… did you buy those lovely hand blown vases?

  15. On it’s way to you in a BBB are very similar pairs of pants in bright yellow, lime green, pink and even Nantucket red. I hope the examples pictured will give you the courage to wear them and extend your Venice holiday feeling.

  16. i have known italians, one for a boss in the office and the others as young interns. italians are really fashionable!