I may not be Coke Zero, but Marketman has secured over a dozen tickets to the FIRST SHOWING of SKYFALL at the Greenbelt 3 theatres in Makati for 1225pm on Hallow’s Eve or 31 October 2012. I will be giving away FOUR tickets (two sets of two tickets) to readers of the marketmanila.com over the next day or two. Heeheehee. And I will personally throw in a small bag of freshly made Zubuchon chicharon to munch on while you watch the movie. You’ll have to buy your own drink of choice. :) I am treating Manila crew members and some of their children to the first show of Skyfall and we will be watching the movie at the same time. Notice from the photos that you will be on row J, for James. Hahaha. Baduy, no? At any rate, check back often over the next day for instructions on how to win the tickets. The tickets are worth PHP230 each, and the chicharon hand carried from Cebu? Almost priceless. :) Meanwhile, if you are inclined, please visit Zubuchon’s relatively new facebook page, HERE and peruse its contents as they may hold a clue to winning the movie tickets. My General Manager says I have to ask you to “like it” if you like it, sorry, I am a dinosaur and don’t have a facebook account, so I barely know what that means. :)

29 Responses
Nice one MM! Very cool. =)
Nice one MM. Hope to win ‘coz my husband is a big Bond fan!
that is the cure for my irritating cough and colds……… free movie and chicharon yummy!!! ; )
Very nice gesture for your crew, they are very lucky to be working with you. There are not too many bosses like you nowadays.
hope i win.
James Bond for the win!!!
OMG!! hope I win! me & hubby are JB fans too. that will definitely be a date for the both of us =))
Hope that Skyfall will be better than Quantum of Solace !
Noelle, all early indications are that it is better… Remember, Quantum of Solace was finished when scriptwriters were on strike, so a significant portion of it was done without a script! :) Bond trivia for you. Then MGM went into bankruptcy, hence the 3+ year wait for this film, thank goodness they came out of receivership in time to do Skyfall for the 50th anniversary of the 007 franchise.
More than the movie itself and the Zubu chicharon,it will be a great pleasure to finally meet you! I hope I win! :)
MM – thanks for sharing your generosity with your blog family and your crew. I just hope that the winners of the chicharon don’t bring vinegar with them when they see it in an air-conditioned movie house.. :)
Hi MM,
How about us here in Cebu? ^_^
I didn’t know tickets there are that cheap…230 pesos…compare here in Canada ranging from $13.00 General Admission, $15.99 ULTRAAVX 3D to $19.00 VIP 18+ (they serve you at your seat and you can have alcohol too!)
So if you go on a date with your significant other plus food and drink, it will cost us about $50.00 just to see a movie…oh well it’s James Bond and I can’t wait to see it.
MM…curious to know if movie theaters there still have the “balcony” section? ;-)
BEST LUCK, everybody!
Are you going to have them make a run for it too, MM? Heehee….
Ok, heading off to like your FB page now!
I deactivated my Facebook account last year. :( So much for a shot at winning those tickets!
Hi MM,
Me and Hubby are huge 007 fans, not to mention die hard chicharon eaters. It’s a private joke that we would go on movie dates munching chicharon with vinegar while other lovebirds are eating fries and pop corns.
I would really love to win. Imagine sitting beside my one and only love, facing Mr. Bond on the huge screen, and eating Zubu Chicharon. Not to mention getting to watch it with you MM. What more can one ask for? Heaven on earth!
Liked! LOL can’t join though, I have work on those dates. :) Good luck to the winners. Nice move getting an FB page for the Zubuchon. How about a contest just for a kg of chicharon? :D
I’m a dinosaur too (no fb account), and am unavailable on the 31st. What a bummer… =(
want that tickets for me and my husband who is a bond addict
My husband wants the tickets but I am more interested in the chicharon! hehehe
I am also not available on the 31st but I like your mystery games and would love to participate in it again. I bet this will be another fun adventure in finding the clues :) Bring it on agent double 0 7 :)
Err… is it bad how I’d only like to score the chicharon? hahaha!
Press like already on facebook!
Good luck to MM Followers in Manila!! Cool contest!!
“Liked” the Zubuchon FB page :) James Bond and Zubuchon chicharon? Good heavens! I really hope I win :)
This blog never fails to excite me! Thank you MM. Congrats in advance to the winners. I just have to buy mine at SM Cebu. :=)
ay kaya pala hindi ako maka-open ng site mo kaninang umaga dahil sa contest mo. haha..
ohh no.. i missed this one..