Marketmanila’s Lechon Eyeball on November 15, 2008!!!


The Lechon Eyeball in Cebu is on!!! Please sign up below if you intend to attend. I hope to keep the final confirmed guest list to 40 people or so. I wrote about the possibility of this eyeball a few weeks ago, in this post, and now it is confirmed.


November 15, 2008
11:30 a.m. to roughly 2 p.m.


Cebu City
A few minutes from the Provincial Capitol at the corner of Escario and Osmena Boulevards
Exact address to be forwarded to confirmed guests by email/text before the event.
Lunch served outdoors, weather permitting.
This is a “no-frills” location. Cowboy and cowgirl style. But there are clean functioning washrooms.
Totally casual attire.

On The Menu

At least 3-4 different lechons, 2 of which will be cooked on the premises of the eyeball, weather permitting.
A selection of several other dishes to be announced before the event. Pork is the star attraction. Some likely dishes might include Lechon Sisig a la Marketman, Lechon Sinigang, Lechon Paksiw, etc.
Some grilled seafood will be on offer. Vegetables will have a supporting role. A purely vegan meal would be a bit difficult to eke out of this event. But vegans are of course most welcome!
Dessert might include some fruit, frozen silvanas and other sweets.


PHP1,000 minimum donation per guest. Guests who choose to give more will in effect be donating directly to the Cebu Marketmanila feeding program at a public elementary school. Any excess funds from the lunch will also be donated to the feeding programs. The cost is a bit steep, but I can assure you will leave this lunch completely stuffed.


If you are on any cholesterol, hypertension, or other medication you are eating this lunch completely at your own risk. :)

For out of town guests, there are three lodging options, please contact the first two options directly to make your reservations, they have no idea who Marketman is…

1. Mayflower Inn
Capitol Site, Cebu City
Economically priced hotel/pensionne, a stone’s throw from the Capitol building, and with the added bonus of being steps away from Marjo’s, the hole in the wall pucherohan I wrote about here. Approximately 10 minute WALK to the lunch site.
Singles from PHP896 per night
Doubles from PHP1,232 per night
Triples from PHP1,568 per night
Breakfast is PHP85 per person, without drinks.

Contact Ms. Annabelle Guitierez
(032) 255-2800
(032) 255-2700

2. Casa Escano
A converted family home of the Escano’s, now Bed & Breakfast type set-up in the heart of the city. Although located on a residential street, it is quite busy around those parts. Approximately 8-10 minutes to the lunch site by taxi or car.
Singles from PHP1,590 per night with breakfast
Doubles from PHP1,890 per night with breakfast
Triples from PHP2,390 per night with breakfast

Contact Ms. Melanie Estrera
(032) 253-5564

3. The Marco Polo Plaza Cebu
A five-star property in Lahug, approximately 15+ minutes away from the venue by car/taxi. Marketman’s corporate rates would be used.
Singles from PHP3,700 per night with breakfast
Doubles from PHP4,200 per night with breakfast
I would have to make your reservations directly using our corporate rate, so email me directly if you would prefer to stay in this hotel. You will have to give me your full names and a contact number, preferably a cellphone for the hotel to make the reservation.

Let the reservations begin! :)


57 Responses

  1. I would like to attend please. My cholesterol will be nice and low by the time I get to Cebu (by hook or by lipitor croook).

  2. Hi MM. Please count us in. My husband and I would like to attend this and its definitely confirmed for us as we’re currently based cebu. Should we leave our numbers or is email enough to get the confirmation. Cant wait to try the food and finally meet you in person!! ! :))

  3. Haha! November 15 is my birthday, MM!
    How I wish I could go there!!!!
    It will be a different kind of celebration for me, if ever.
    (sana… sana…)

  4. amina and mila and others who confirm, I will send out a private email when reservations are all taken… so no need to leave personal details in the comments. Thanks!

  5. Leeborzonovitch XVIII and wife Majelainazizzima of the seventh lake will attend the eyeball and would wish to stay at the mayflower near marjo’s…

    oooops those were personal details.

  6. I miss Cebu, my cousin has just sent me otap, baked polvoron and dried mangoes. I hope I’m not miles away the next time you hold an EB. I’ll stay tuned from afar. =)

  7. Please reserve two slots for Felipe and me. Here’s hoping Cebu Pacific has another promo soon! :-)

  8. I’m arriving in on the Silk Air flight to Cebu 15 Nov from Australia via Singapore. As much as I would like to be there, my flight doesn’t arrive until 1.45pm and I guess a roughly 2pm finish means that even if i went straight from the Airport it will be all over.

    Anyway all the best to those lucky enough to be there and make a contribution to your feeding program.


  9. Excuse me while I wipe my drool off of the keyboard… may the weather be perfect and your cholesterol levels too!

    lee, didn’t know you were nobility. Or should i say His Royal Highnesses, hehe

  10. full of envy here! my wish before my end come, is to attend a MarketManila EB. have a grand lechon EB time everyone!

  11. another reason why i regret coming to australia this year to study :( i wish i could attend the next eb. enjoy everyone

  12. Ouch! Am scheduled to be in Cebu on Nov 28 pa . . . sigh . . Cebu Pac has a promo though, I just checked their website. Nakakainggit, MM! :(

  13. To His Royal High Bloodness Lee, is there any chance of sending a stray knighthood to me so I can get better seats in our local eatery “the piecart”? hahahahaha:)

  14. i’m in, i’m in! may have one or two lechon lovers with me. will finalize as soon as possible. yeeeeheeey!

  15. Your ROyal Highness Leebornozovitch XV111…Do you think you can pull some strings so I can get a seat on Your Royal Airline? I tried to book a flight using hubby’s points but can’t get any seat to date!!!!

  16. MarketFan: I have heard about this kind of news before, somewhere in Los Angeles, and did not have much to say about it. But now, it makes me think that how come in North Carolina, they barbecue more than 2 whole hogs for community gathering (and sometimes they sell it too), cooked in their backyard or town parks community building. And I know they did not have to get a permit. Its really some neighbors or who complained about it that matters. Speaking of lechon, how I wish I was in Pinas.. but its ok.. I am coming in May for my annual ministry mission trip in Quezon.. and I have asked my cousin to take care of a pig for me so that we can lechon it Marketman’s way.

  17. KAKAINGGIT!!!!!! I also love budbud kabog and always buy at Salcedo market when I’m there even if a tad pricey. Haaaaay!
    MM, you MUST have a post on that with lots of pictures of both the food and the folks. Especially of the visiting royalty!

  18. mm, i hope this will be an annual thing so that we can get to go the next time around. And may i suggest that it be on the same dates every year so that for us who are outside pinas, we can schedule our pinas trip around the “lechon annual convention”. he he I’m so jealous. I’m praying for its success mm.

  19. i don’t arrive in manila till 11/29. maybe MM if there’s tira, you can plan a “consolation” paksiw na lechon EB in manila!

  20. Thanks for reminding me MM! I almost missed this and to think I’ve been so looking forward to this. Please count me and my husband in. anticipating meeting new foodie friends too!(specially his royal high bloodness! :)

  21. For all the drooling online, it’s about time the lechons land on our taste buds! Got slots for 2 more? Am a Cebu resident. Lemme know what I can do to help :)