Marketmanila nominated for the Philippine Blog Awards!

Seems Marketmanila has been nominated for two awards in this year’s Philippine Blog Awards. The first award is the Blogger’s Choice Award, which I understand will be selected based on votes of bloggers from around the world. In other words, it’s a bit of a popularity contest a la American idol… So I presume the blog with the most readers that vote is the one that will win… If you have enjoyed this site over the past few months and think it deserves the Blogger’s Choice Award, please go to this link and cast your vote. It feels VERY awkward to ask my readers to vote for me… a little self-centered, no?

The second award that Marketmanila is up for is in the category: Home & Living where this site is listed as one of the 5 finalists, along with fellow bloggers Lori, Anton, Toni, and a site I have just visited for the first time today by Nancy called Finestkind Clinic…

dessert comes first
Finestkind Clinic and fish market
Our Awesome Planet
Wifely Steps

The winner of this category shall be selected by an esteemed panel of judges. And since I feel like I know 4 out of the 5 bloggers in this category, everyone should be considered a winner and any one of the finalists would be a great choice for the judges.

I am currently out of town, in a remote provincial location, which, believe it or not, has no internet connections, no electricity except for 6 hours in the evening and no reliable telephone connections. This is my adventure for the year, let’s see how I survive it. And just before I left Manila yesterday, I had serious computer problems so there is a shortage of stored posts. My apologies… In the meantine, if you are bored, check out my archives and read one of over 1,000 previous posts and I will be back to regular programming in a couple of days. Thanks again for your vote for the Philippine Blog Awards!


60 Responses

  1. Drat, drat and double drat!!! As Corrine said, only bloggers can vote!!!! Sorry, MM. But in our hearts…and tummies, you’re a winner!

  2. We, your loyal followers, would cast a million votes for you, Mr. MarketMan, but a lot of us are not bloggers.

    Maybe what we can do is ask other bloggers [who are not nominated but whose blogs we also visit], to vote for you.

    Unite, non-blogging MM loyalists, and start “campaigning”!

    Now na!!!

  3. You’re already a winner, MM. Everyday that I fire up my browser and visit your site first, you win. Every time I frown seeing no new posts, you win. The moment I click on the text box of your comment form to weigh in on the occasional rant/rave, only to discover you’ve already said it all, and a jillion times better at that, you win again.

    Besides, who needs awards? I hereby bestow upon you the title “Blogger for All Seasons”!

  4. I’m happier voting for you than voting in the upcoming elections.I’m predicting now – you will win!!!! Yehey!!!

  5. No need to feel a little off for requesting votes to your website. You deserve the accolade for the hard work done.

  6. I agree with the comments, for us you’re the winner. Unfortunately too, I’m no blogger. But wait let me start a blog hehe.

  7. I am no blogger but i tried using the URL number from my friendster account and i was able to vote!

  8. Vote is in…

    “It feels VERY awkward to ask my readers to vote for me… a little self-centered, no?”

    it’s the last we can do…

    my way of thanking you for continuously providing us with nourishment thru cyberspace!

    More Power Market Man!

  9. my long dormant blog now have some use, i was able to vote for you, unfortunately you can vote only once

  10. @ alilay…

    if you have several blogs, like me, hehehe, you can actually vote several times as well.. they would only count your blog for one vote but if you have several then you can use the others to vote again.. goodluck to you MM!! i know you can win it.. nice blog here!! so helpful!!

  11. yeah i think it would be better if anybody can vote. . . even if you are just a blog fan. . . but Market Manila truly deserve to be nominated. . .

  12. Ley, thanks for the friendster blog account tip. I used my blog account (even though I dont blog) and actually got to vote. Good luck MM!

  13. bugger, i’m no blogger!!! although you know very well you are the market manila legion’s ‘blogger of the …like, forever’ (ü), i really hope you win this one. good luck!!!

  14. MM,

    Good thing I did that food blog for eGullet and was able to vote for you.



    It appears you don’t need to have a blog of your own to vote (as noted by some people above who used others’ blog URLs). In fact, you can type anything into the Voter’s Blog URL field!

    So in the absence of any verification/confirmation/cookie setting, you can vote, blog or no blog, and vote as many times as you want. Just make sure you vote for this site.

    Go people!

  16. Marketman and truly deserves this award. All of us regular readers (or lurkers) of this site should cast our votes for MM.
    And like what TOPING just wrote, you don’t need to be a blogger to be able to cast your vote. You may use any URL, and I mean any URL. Which also means that you can vote as many times as you want. And don’t worry, no one will brand you a flying voter.


    Thank you so much for your votes! I am still travelling but will be back by Wednesday afternoon with a treasure load of at least 12-15 posts from my relatively remote location on the Philippines islands at the moment… I just realized that the Blog Awards have limited votes to bloggers only…bummer, but it seems some of you have found ways to vote anyways… thank you for all the support! Stay tuned for some really interesting finds and tips for a great summer destination a bit out of the ordinary…

  18. I am glad I am able repay you on all the good/new things I have learned from you.

    my votes are cast.

  19. Where did my comment go? Could’ve sworn it went through…

    Anyway, you’re a winner Market Man! Thanks for continuously ‘nourishing’ us through this rockin’ blog of yours…

    Voting for you is my lil’ way of saying thanks.

    More power!

  20. my vote is in as well, courtesy of my friend’s sibling’s friendster account….hehehehehehe….

  21. anyone can vote just put “0000” when they ask for your URL… just a tip. voted before i saw this blog … and of course voted for MM :-)

  22. thanks for the tip toping!!! i was able to vote. NOW C’MON LURKERS OF THIS SITE FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!!! let’s show the market man some love and respect….

  23. I got to vote!!! I am not a blogger but thanks to the tip of the rest of the guys, I just placed the URL of my yahoogroup and it was accepted. Yehey!!!

    MM, no matter what the results, you will always be the winner in my book! =)

  24. Check out the Filipinas Magazine March 2007 issue. You are mentioned in the article entitled “Behold, the Blogsphere” by Yvette Tan. Very nice write-up about your opinion regarding using blog for advertising.

  25. clett, thanks for that. Ms. Tan has already promised to mail me a copy of the magazine because I can’t seem to find one in the Philippines. I did the “email interview” with her a few months back…I am excited to see the article…