Marketmanila Lechon Eyeball Guest List at 46 and CLOSED for now…


There are a total of 46 guests (latest count with comments) signed up for lunch at the Lechon Eyeball in Cebu scheduled for 15 November, 2008, Saturday.

Here are the list of names that have indicated their desire to indulge in lechon:

1. Mila
2. Amina 1
3. Amina 2
4. Lee 1
5. Lee 2
6. Katrina
7. Felipe
8. Feyoh
9. Moni
10. Ging
11. Fabian M.
12. Millet 1
13. Millet 2?
14. Millet 3?
15. Toping 1
16. Toping 2
17. Siegrez
18. Mary Joan 1
19. Mary Joan 2
20. Marichu Tayag 1
21. Marichu Tayag 2
22. Joey 1
24. RM 1
25. RM 2
26. Guest 1
27. Guest 2
28. Artisan Chocclatier 1
29. Artisan Chocolatier 2
30. Socky 1
31. Socky 2
32. Edik
33. Ivy 1
34. Ivy 2
35. Mel
36. Nina
37. Marghi 1
38. Marghi 2
39. Marketman
40. Mrs. Marketman
41. The Kid
42. Myra P (?)
43. Mrs. a 1
44. Mrs. a 2
45. Legal 1
46. Legal 2


Forty to forty-five is a terrific number for lunch. So far, we have “imported guests” from Manila, Bacolod, Dumaguete, Leyte and Davao jetting or ferrying into Cebu to join readers who are based there! Hotel options and other details are located in the original post announcing the Eyeball, here.


47 Responses

  1. MM I never lose my desire to indulge in lechon, but unfortunately I won’t be back to Cebu until the new year. Hope everyone who attends has a great time! It will be fun to read all about it.

  2. Hi MM! please include my husband in the list. Thanks and we’re really looking forward to it! By the way, do we move to another location just in case the rain gods are jealous of our feast, and send rain to spoil it?

  3. Mary Joan, no problem, will include your husband on list. If it rains, we end up in a covered garage on the same premises… It’s closer to the lechonan, actually… :)

  4. As a MarketManila eyeball ‘regular’ (if there is such a thing after only 2 eyeballs, hehe) I feel really bad I won’t make it to the grandest one yet. But I’m happy for those who will be attending, I see familiar names on the list… I’m sure you’ll all have a great time!

  5. wow joey of 80 breakfasts!

    i’m a fan of your food pics. very dramatic closeups of food with narrow depth of field… what camera and lens do you use?

  6. MM please count me in. Sorry for this delayed reply. I was out somewhere where there is no internet connection. I have reserved 15 Nov for this occasion. Thanks.

  7. wow nakakainggit! enjoy guys! hoe we have an eb here in manila as well. was in the gourdo’s eb and it was such a blast.

  8. Lee! Wow, thank you!!! :) I use a Fuji Finepix S1Pro with a Nikon lens (28-70mm) — a much appreciated hand me down from my dad :) And a tripod! I’m so flattered…hihihi :)

  9. The pig seem’s to be sticking it’s tongue at me as if saying “behlat you can’t come!”=(

    But I wish all those that will go to the EB this November good weather and all the enjoyment they could get…

    Come to think of it, who wouldn’t enjoy getting cholesterol through their system! hehehe=) Those of us in Manila will just have to hope for a repeat here.

    Post us some pics of the food=)

  10. MM, I would love to go, but I am still unable to confirm my schedule around that time!
    :( What’s my rsvp deadline?

  11. Yes! It’s gonna be our first Christmas in our own house so I’m quite excited in getting those Christmasy stuff! :)

    Speaking of Christmas, part of the reason I want to go to the eb is because it’s for your feeding program, like the Mamou event. Can I make a donation even without going? Or you have a fund raising event in December?

  12. Hi MM, sorry it took me a while to respond bec i was trying to fix my schedule. Unfortunately, the 15th is in between my trips to cebu :(( im scheduled to go home for all souls, and the 23rd for my Lola’s bday. I was really really looking forward to it though! I’m sure it’s gonna be a GREAT Lechon EB! You guys have fun!!! :-)

  13. The Steak Lady, no problem at all… sounds like you are on a fairly hectic commute to Cebu! There will be another time, I am sure. Tricia, I haven’t figured out this year’s charitable effort yet, will post something if it makes sense, but thanks for asking!

  14. If you still have slots open, my husband and I would like to come. We’re looking for an excuse to go back to Cebu (aside from all the places that I said we should eat in).

  15. Hello MM! I will be out of the country 1st week to the 3rd week of November for work. Nakakainis!!! I’ve already set aside mine and Uyab’s contribution to the EB so I’ll just send it anyway. The children in school need food more than I do, that’s for sure! Hehe. I left my email address up there, in case you’d accept the donation from Little Miss No-Show (aka ME!).

    Have fun! I’ll drool over the photos and all the blog entries but what the hey! There’s always next time!

  16. Great! We’re looking forward to it. Just in case our 5-year old son would like to come along (especially if he finds out that we’ll be staying at the Marco Polo), would it be okay to bring him to lunch?

  17. Apicio: Might venture the day after the eyeball to nearby Marjo’s for bulalo…

    WARNING! Do not order Vienna sausage soup in Spain. The main ingredients depend on who wins the bullfight.

  18. MM, a friend from Manila has expressed interest in meeting up with me in Cebu around the time of the eyeball. I would love to have him come along and experience all that lechon. I have two seats reserved, but would it be possible to add one more? I only ask that you hold it for me at least 2-3 weeks before the event, so I can confirm if my friend can indeed make it (his line of work involves irregular hours, you see).

  19. We are confirmed!!! To be honest, we weren’t sure we’d be able to go, and were hoping Cebu Pacific would have a promo. And lo and behold, last Friday, Felipe just happened to hear on the radio that CP was giving away domestic tickets absolutely free! He immediately called me, and I booked online as soon as I could. I also texted our friends about it, but apparently the free tickets for that weekend were gone in a flash. It’s as if we were fated to eat our fill of lechon! I’m so excited to taste the result of your experimentation, and very much looking forward to meeting even more MM fans! :-D

  20. Hi Everyone, RESERVATIONS ARE CLOSED. Due to a couple of emails I received yesterday, We have more than 45 reserved seats and I can’t take any more at this point in time. Doy, unfortunately, I can’t fit two more right now, but your name is at the top of the “waitlist” and I will inform you 1 month before the event if others drop out, THANKS!

  21. Oh, sorry Marketman kindly take me out of the list. I might not be able to make it after all. Next time!! Thanks!

  22. Hi MM,
    I am turning green . . . I sure am looking forward to a Manila EB and I wouldn’t miss it for anything . . .