Marketman & Crew’s Gingerbread House(s) on Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho on Saturday, 18 December 2010 at 8pm


It took roughly 70+ man hours of work to complete this year’s gingerbread creation. And it is small compared with previous years houses. Every single member of Marketman & family’s household contributed something to this edition. Call it the bayanihan approach to gingerbread. An interesting mix of Western tradition with local design… And it will be on view a wider audience (for the first time ever) this Saturday night on the show “Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho” which is doing a Christmas special.


Rushing home from a business trip to Cebu, I got to our house 20 minutes after the GMA crew had arrived. This was a totally unrehearsed interview, at nearly 9 in the evening, after an extremely busy day that started at 4am in another city! I may cringe badly when it airs after all the atrocious answers I blathered on about. And they may just voice over all of my responses like they did with the lechon feature last year. :) Many thanks to the patient and professional crew from GMA. I am very uncomfortable in front of cameras but they made this about as bearable as it can get. My wish is that folks across the country and elsewhere focus on the gingerbread, the idea of family traditions, the wonder of making things with one’s own hands, and the memory triggering smells of spices and all things nice. NOT on Marketman. :)


38 Responses

  1. Hey MM! :) I can’t wait to see your gingerbread creation this year!

    May I ask, what made you and your family choose to have this tradition for Christmas every year? :) This comes a close second to (if not tied with) the yearly family reunions/parties you host, I bet.

  2. I will definitely watch it tomorrow night. Thanks for sharing your gingerbread house with the rest of the world. Happy holidays.

  3. I will search for it now on my cable, you see not only we have different schedules, some program are not on a regular slot. On my previous visit in Quezon Province, I brought with me a Gingerbread Kit, and my 2 nieces tried to do it while we were on the beach. It was a disaster, I wonder if it was because of the wind or the humidity of May.

  4. You are too humble MM. I am willing to bet anyone that your answers were not atrocious. I say this because your written communication is excellent. Thus, your oral communication cannot be too far behind even if you were in front of lights, camera, and a “celebrity”.

  5. this is great, MM! I will be on the lookout for this. I don’t have Filipino cable but I go to this website where they upload most if not all the shows for the three major stations.

  6. I really like that – having said; the wonder of making things with one’s own hands. It’s going to be a must watch episode of Jesica Soho later tonight… I also like the idea of starting traditions or adding new traditions to what is already practiced in the family. It just makes all of us look forward to the coming of the holiday season to build more lasting memories for young and old.

  7. I found out 4 days ago I also have GMA in my cable channels–YEY!!! i could watch your interview!!

  8. mm, please post your feature in Jessica Soho’s show here in your blog. I have a Christmas party to attend later and i might not see it. please pretty please!!

  9. hi MM your crew at BTC informed us earlier of your show tonight… I am waiting for the airing. BTW, lo and behold…everybody is correct that the taste of ZUBUCHON is really different and tastes really yummy…I love it…you won’t imagine that we ate a part of it in a resto at BTC, the remains of a kilo was able to travel with me and by boyfriend to Taoist Temple, Magellan’s Cross, Sto Nino Shrine, at Fuente where we buy some pasalubong for family back in Manila, at Ayala Mall then home…and when we open the package of our treasured ZUBUCHON…SKIN STILL CRISPY…WOWWWW! so now, it would be part of the dinner with some soy sauce, kalamansi, sili as “sawsawan” Yum yum!

  10. Geez, after 2 hours of filming, a rapid 30 second clip! :) Have to write a gingerbread post so you can see it in more detail… up next. :)

  11. MM, I just saw your awesome gingerbread house on Jessica Soho’s program. The native Filipino theme is so fitting. Well done.

  12. Congratulations MM! I had goose bumps while watching you on KMJS, medyo bitin lang po.
    But your bayanihan approach to your gingerbread house was really great. Excellent!

  13. MM,

    Visited your site for first time tonight. After watching Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho and after Mama wanted me to search for puto bumbong recipe in the net (also prompted by KMJS). Love your puto bumbong blog two years ago. I also love your gingerbread masterpiece featured in KMJS. It challenged me to begin a yearly family tradition by cooking at least one recipe for noche buena that my loved ones, especially my son, look forward to.

    Judging from your two blogs I’ve just read (on puto bumbong and the KMJS feature), I find you unassuming, friendly and very Pinoy at heart. Just added your site to my Favorites.

    Incidentally, your awesome gingerbread houses/community was featured in my most favorite Pinoy tv show, KMJS.

    God bless po.

  14. Salamat sa internet napanood ko ang Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho. Nung makita ko si Kris at si Marian sa preview, alam ko nang maiksi lang yung mga ibang features. :) As usual may kahalong mahabang chicka sa kanila.

  15. Sophie, the best sawsawan for Zubuchon would be native vinegar with crushed garlic, chili and a little salt. That’s the authentic Visayan dip.

  16. I just finished watching the whole episode of JSoho minutes ago, and .. wala ang portion mo, nor Kris and Marian (as mentioned above). Could it be that not only our skeds is different here, but also we are delayed by about a week’s episode? Naku, gabing-gabi pa naman yung airing ng program na ito, and I waited, kahit na nga sa preview I had my suspicion, but I kept on watching… and wala talaga. Maybe next Saturday our time? Bakit yung ibang program ng GMA naman, 1-day lang ang difference?

  17. @EbbaBlue, you may have a different schedules of GMA program compared the one here in Manila. Just check on the links send by Mrs. D.

    MM, when you mentioned it at your previous blog, i know right away that it will be at KMJS show..Congrats and thanks for sharing your family tradition. Merry Christmas to you and your family and the crew in Cebu. God bless.

  18. What a lovely gingerbread house you made MM! I saw it in JS christmas special, makes me want to start it as a family tradition. Merry christmas to you and your family!